IckesTheSane Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 Ok, I've just got a few questions for LionTamer, or whoever else has a good answer... I was thinking of making a few avatars from some old old IBM PC Jr. games (like a Commadore, but different). In particular, Jumpman and Kings Quest... So three questions. I know the picture has to be 32x32, but can it be smaller? one picture I have is 31x12, would it work to 'turn it in' like that? Also, being that old, if the references are to obscure, would they still become avatars? And finally, anything from a system that old is going to look grainy unless it was totally redone (which I think looses some of its character).. would they be rejected because they're grainy/pixelated? Thanks in advance! LT: 1. Pictures can be smaller. I'd prefer they were generally square/rectangular, even if smaller than 32x32, but I'd have to see the image you're thinking of just to be sure. 2. Obscurity isn't too much of a factor as long as the image looks appealing and it's from a game. If it's not from a game, obscurity hurts the chances. 3. Well, it really all depends on how the images look. If they're not appealing, I'm just not gonna take 'em. There were some old icons of Windows games like Solitare and whatever that I rejected for that reason. You might not have seen me mention way back, but I was asking for someone to get an image of Munch-Munch from Number Munchers for the Apple IIe. If that's not simple, I dunno what is. So, repeating myself, it's all in how the image looks. Post what you have and I'll give you my honest opinion. Edit: Awesome, thanks! I'll hopefully be able to get something up before too long, though I'm hardly a Photoshop / Gimp expert so it might not be too soon. and Still need to crop them down, and make the background transparent, but those are the images I was going to get them from. Transparency test: LT: First one could be a go, if you actually get the transparency working on it. The second one looks like nothing; it's too abstract! EDIT: Now that you have the transparency working though, the image seems no good unfortunately. The skin color is so light that it blends too much with the background, making the image hard to see.
leomania Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 ok heres one of link that i would like to have added if possible. LT: Looks like a fan-made sprite. If not, it's still pretty ugly. Sorry, but pass.
SoloGamer Posted April 21, 2006 Posted April 21, 2006 And some Waku Waku 7: LT: Too pixelated; looks like a poorly done resize. If those can be smoothed out a little more or resized with a better program, those would be good, except for the 3rd one. Thanks for your effort here. More like a poorly done crop. Those are the images from the character select screen, cropped since they were bigger than 32 x 32, but no resizing. Since I recently reformated my hd, and haven't gotten around to installing any software on it, I can't fix those up for ya, but maybe someone else can do it. I'll see if I can get the screenshot I used.
Evilhead Posted April 21, 2006 Posted April 21, 2006 And some Waku Waku 7: LT: Too pixelated; looks like a poorly done resize. If those can be smoothed out a little more or resized with a better program, those would be good, except for the 3rd one. Thanks for your effort here. More like a poorly done crop. Those are the images from the character select screen, cropped since they were bigger than 32 x 32, but no resizing. Since I recently reformated my hd, and haven't gotten around to installing any software on it, I can't fix those up for ya, but maybe someone else can do it. I'll see if I can get the screenshot I used. For pixel by pixel work Paint works just fine, you know!
Phoenix Down Posted April 21, 2006 Posted April 21, 2006 Bah,I wish I had known about the 32x32 format sooner, thought it was 40x40 so I have to redo several of the avatars I had made. Oh well, not necessarily a bad thing, just tiring because I made so many. Here are the ones I made -AFTER- I discovered the proper format and what not. These are avatars all from different Castlevania's. Note: I will probably edit this later to add my additional avatars. I'd consider it double-posting on my part if I posted again more of my Castlevania avatars when I could just include them here when I am completely done with them...again. LT: Only 4 and 6 look good so far. The rest don't look detailed enough. 1) Sonia Belmont - Castlevania Legends for the Gameboy and she was also meant to be the starring Belmont in Castlevania: Resurrection along with Victor, whom I like to call the 'Reluctant Belmont'. 2) Richter Belmont - Castlevania Symphony of the Night (Also in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood) This is his evil look. His more peaceful: 3) Mathias Cronqvist - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence This one is a bit blurry, but I tried to make it as clear as possibly without looking to ugly and sharp. (I plan on remaking the other one I had of him) 4) Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night This one also isn't my best, but I tried to make it fairly clear and not so sharp and ugly just like Mathias. 5) Walter Bernard - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, supposedly the main villian of LOI. 6) Soma Cruz - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Dawn of Sorrow) This is the more traditional Ayami Kojima style and not the anime style (which I am working on) as they did for Dawn of Sorrow. 7) Sarah - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Maxim Kishine - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissidence 9) Mathias Cronqvist - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (I personally think this is the better looking one of the two I've made.) 10) Leon Belmont - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (This was a render of the character) 11) Joachim Armster - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (This one is decent to me and decent is not like 'awesome' to me but rather in between.)
Nineko Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 in one of my older posts I was asked to redo Donald Duck using a sprite from a game. here we go: LT: If the feet on the Donalds didn't cut off, I'd maybe take one, but the face also looks weird. Rest of the pixely faces don't look good. Slider (oldschool +1): LT: Doesn't really look like anything. Also, do we need pokémon? LT: Nah, we don't. But seriously, these all look like amateur fan sprites, transparency or not. If they were actually from games, then they were poorly made games. There are clearly better Pokemon sprites out there. You should have put these in a ZIP though, to save yourself the time of doing all these URLs. I know that all of these (the pokémon ones) lack transparency, they are a batch conversion from a different archive. I'm going to fix only the ones that Larry is going to approve, since I already know he won't take all of these (they are about 250).
genghisdani Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 sweet mother of pokemon. That's what I was thinking. Besides, the Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald sprites look way better.
Evilhead Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Yeah, honestly a lot of those look fanmade/cruddy.
Liontamer Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Do we have any other submissions? I've read through every post again just to make sure I had no other revisions I've missed, and double checked that I've gotten everything I've wanted so far. Provided the djp doesn't axe a bunch of them for being redundant, we're up to approximately 700 avatars total. I've reorganized the sorting for the avatars to go by company for some of the areas where we have a lot of images, plus I've renamed most of the existing ones so they're more easily identifiable. So when everything gets implemented, it's highly likely you'll have to reselect your avatars. I'm still taking in new images, so please keep them coming, and thanks to everyone who has helped so far.
Doulifée Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Ace Combat 5: (if there are any issue with light -too dark too light- tell me because i have a screen who is anyways too light so it's hard to build a proper contrast) LT: Forget the last two. The 2nd image of the girl is the best, but probably needs the contrast up, plus the image may need more smoothing as well. I'd probably forget about them all, honestly.
ILLiterate Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 We needs Dan Hibiki, the best would be a sprite of him taunting, but as long as we have Dan http://www.angelfire.com/games4/shingotink/Gallery/CvsS2/Capcom/Dan.jpg ^ big pic of him
Evilhead Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Did you say more avatars? You got it! Also, I included a taunting Dan Hibiki avatar without even reading the above request! I'm a mind reader! Anyway, I included bordered and non-bordered versions for some of these, so choose whatever one you think looks best, obviously. Castlevania: Death LT: Don't like it, but I figure why the hell not. Final Fantasy X: Lulu LT: I guess some emo girl would use it. Guilty Gear: Baiken LT: Those are just bad sprites, I guess. Too bad. GG is a good series. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Iggy LT: More like Fugly. Pass. King of Fighters: Kyo Shiki LT: Just the Kyo chibi with the bordering. Nice. What game is that from? Metal Slug: LT: Took the one with the border. Very nice way to make it passable. Thanks. Ninja Gaiden: I know we've got one of these, but I think this one looks a little better. Here's the original for comparison: LT: Your new one looks cooler but his foot cuts off. Fix? Samurai Pizza Cats: Speedy Cerviche LT: Ugly sprite, sorry. Street Fighter: Ibuki (tried messing with these SF3 sprites, but they are all 1:1 rips) Poison Violent Ken Dan Hibiki LT: Taking the ones with borders. What game is the Cammy one from? Give Poison one and he's in (know the canon!). Forget Violent Ken & Dan. Sprite are uglies, I guess both being from SvC Chaos. Tetris: LT: Coo. Last two don't have the same type of reflection effect on them. Oh well.
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Earthbound Umihara Kawase Sutte Hakkun Meh, I'll try and fix some up later. LT: The resolution or cropping on the rest are bleh, but the EB robot is gold. Thanks.
100_PERCENT ROEMER Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Unreal Tournament 2004: LT: You posted these already. I took all but the off-center Asian chick.
Jam Stunna Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 I've got a ton of Fire Emblem sprites, but they're all too big. Would anyone want to try resizing them? The biggest one is 96 by 80 pixels.
The Coop Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 I made another one, just because I was playing it a couple days ago... LT: I can't even tell what it is, per se, but sure. Probably just because I've never played it. Some alien holding a...jar. Let's assume of olive oil. Is this even a ripped sprite in the first place?
Evilhead Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 I've got a ton of Fire Emblem sprites, but they're all too big. Would anyone want to try resizing them? The biggest one is 96 by 80 pixels. Why don't you give it a shot? About 80% of making avatars is cropping/resizing, so you're pretty much asking someone to do all the work for you.
Jam Stunna Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 I've got a ton of Fire Emblem sprites, but they're all too big. Would anyone want to try resizing them? The biggest one is 96 by 80 pixels. Why don't you give it a shot? About 80% of making avatars is cropping/resizing, so you're pretty much asking someone to do all the work for you. Because I will ruin them. Image editing is something I have no aptitude for. I'm more than willing to do the work, but it does no one any good if they're unuseable.
zircon Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 WoW avatars? I'm all over that. Dunno what the HELL Larry is talking about though, none of them looked blurry at all. Learn 2 Use Eyes. LT: Yeah, they do. Fix your eyes, then fix your ears and judge some submissions.
Red Shadow Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 I made another one, just because I was playing it a couple days ago... Oh man, I hope this one makes it in. We love you, coop.
Dhsu Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 LT: Too small. Don't wanna squint at it just to try and figure out what it is. I guess that might be from a pause menu or lil' icon in a corner, but go for something bigger.
WesPip Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Samurai Pizza Cats: Speedy Cerviche Not that it matters, but I'm pretty sure it's spelled "Service", intended as a horrid, horrid pun.
Evilhead Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Samurai Pizza Cats: Speedy Cerviche Not that it matters, but I'm pretty sure it's spelled "Service", intended as a horrid, horrid pun. Heheheh, that's actually remotely funny. Good ol' SPC.
suzumebachi Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 WoW Stuff LT: Very very nice stuff. I'm sure these will be used a lot, since this game is pretty hot right now. Ok, what didn't I take: Gnome is rather ugly. Well, it is a gnome. Res still looks kind of dull (I know you're trying, so don't take it wrong), so if you can sharpen it more withot going overboard, I'll take it. Still an ugly bastard. Human, sharpen him up a bit more. Tauren could be shifted to the right a little bit, to better center him. Undead, same as Tauren, plus a little sharper. Everything else looks good. Hopefully we can add everything, but it's up to djp. Res? which one is Res? anyways, not a whole lot I can do about the gnome's ugliness also not a whole lot i can do about the cropping on the tauren or the undead. that's the way blizzard cropped them for the menus and that's all i have to work with (outside of taking ingame screenshots which would look like complete ass). i'll see what i can do about sharpening up the ones you mentioned though (still dunno what you mean by Res). LT: Sorry about that. "The resolution still looks kind of dull." Try sharperning the gnome and human a bit more. If the cropping on the rest is simply how you got them, then that's fine; I'll look at them again. I just wouldn't have wanted something where we took it when it was a bad crop job. Thanks yo.
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