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I'll let you know if it's any good when I get it. Should be arriving sometime this week.

Holyshitomg it's good. I just recorded a light, fingerpicked arrangement while construction guys were drilling holes in my walls, and the recording still came out rich and pristine, and with zero background noise.

I think it's a safe bet that it will be replacing my Yamaha as the acoustic I'll be using in all my mixes.

Great to hear you like. Actually, out of all the people I've ever talked to that have gotten an Acoustic Variax, I haven't heard a single complaint.

I'll let you know if it's any good when I get it. Should be arriving sometime this week.

Holyshitomg it's good. I just recorded a light, fingerpicked arrangement while construction guys were drilling holes in my walls, and the recording still came out rich and pristine, and with zero background noise.

I think it's a safe bet that it will be replacing my Yamaha as the acoustic I'll be using in all my mixes.


Did you record it direct? That would be a major selling point for me. I don't have a good setup for micing, and it's a pain in the ass anyway.

  • 3 weeks later...
Properly setting up a guitar isn't something to "get around to" Taucer! How do you expect to compete with assholes like me if your gear isn't even in proper working order! (nice score by the way, I've been interested in those things for a while)

Guitar battle !



FL Studio 6 - Producer's Edition

Sound Forge 8

Favored Plugins:




Muon Tau 2



Superwave P8


Roland SH-32

Korg Electribe EA-1

E-MU XK-6 Keyboard

I try to stick to the quicker bread-and-butter instrument plugins most of the time. I have a pretty large arsenal, but I find it much more enriching to create a fairly simple synth sound and then see what I can do to it during post-processing. The results that I can get out of FX plugins tend to be a lot more creative, unique, and useable than what I could squeeze out of a seven operator FM synth with a 32x32 modulation matrix. Do you have any idea how badass an upright bass can sound after you process it with the right kind of distortion, some heavy compression, and a light touch of reverb? And truth-be-told, I hardly ever even touch my hardware.


I think I posted in this topic once but meh, my collection's grown:


Cakewalk Sonar 5 Producer Edition (Just got it yesterday, she's a beaut)

Image-Line FLStudio 6.0 (Very handy for making quick little loops)

Reason 3.0 (Perfect for on-the-go producing)


Absynth (Freaking Amazing, I ALWAYS use it for pads)

B4 II (Perfect for Drawbar organ sounds)

Battery 2 (I love this for Drum programming, too bad it doesn't like Sonar)

Elektrik Piano (I'm using this a lot more than I thought I would, despite it being an underpowered Kontakt)

Kontakt (Resampling on this thing makes me happy, so easy to get some killer sounds)

Pentagon I (So much fun to play with, nothing outstand but you can get some wicked stuff by applying effects afterwards)

Reaktor (A pain to learn but oh-so-rewarding)

Reason (I'm listing it twice because I mainly use it as a plug-in)

Spektral Delay (A very fun plug-in to get some amazing sounds)

Z3ta+ (Very versatile synth, I love it)

Favorite Free Plug-ins:

BiFilter (A wicked filter)

Crystal (A poor man's Absynth)

Rez (Those guys at U-Go have done it again)

sfz (duh)

String Theory (Not the most versatile thing in the world but oh so easy to beef up)

Triangle II (A poor man's Pentagon I, nothing outstanding but still a nice little synth)


M-Audio Oxygen 49 MIDI Controller (I love this thing to death)

Mackie 1202 12-Channel Mixer (Snagged it used for $110)

*SOON TO COME* Shure SM58 (With a Mixer I need a Mic)

*SOON TO COME* Rode N1TA (With a SM58 I need a nicer mic)

*SOON TO COME* Monitors (Not too picky about which ones, I'm thinking about 4 or 5 different pairs, basically whichever one gets really cheap the quickest)


AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Dual-Core Processor

M-Audio Audiophile 2496

2GB of RAM

I'll take the hardware off yer hands!

Dibs on the XK-6 keyboard.

Anyways, here are some things on my wishlist:

- M-Audio 2496 or E-MU 0404 (looking to get a deal with software packages)

- Ableton Live 5

- Korg Electribe ESX

- Some kind of cold, digital sounding synth to complement my Alesis Micron. Like a roland JP-8080 or Virus TI (I wish)




  • *
KRK Systems V8 Series 2 Nearfield Studio Monitors
* Yamaha KX-88 weighted masterkeyboard
* Custom retrofit 32-note AGO organ pedalboard
* 3.4GHz DualCore and 2.8GHz P4 each with 3GB RAM and 2 x 74GB 10000rpm drives in RAID for samples
* Tascam FW-1804 rack audio interface
* M-Audio FireWire Audiophile
* Furman PL-8 power conditioning rack
* Rode NT2-A
* Shure SM58
* 2 x 17" LCD and a 22" LCD
* APC 1400VA UPS redundant power supply


  • * Steinberg Cubase SX 3
    * Adobe Audition

Main Sample Libraries

  • *
East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold Pro XP (EWQLSO)
* ProjectSAM Brass
* Stormdrum
* Trilogy
* EWQL Symphonic Choir

Waves Renaissance bundle handles my digital dynamics and processing needs. I have other plugins that I use once in a while but considering I do tracks mainly orchestral in nature, I'm not using a lot of effects.

  • 3 months later...

Finally, I found the thread I was looking for.

It hasn't been updated since August so I'm hoping the discussion didn't jump somewhere else.

Here's what's at my disposal:


Adobe Audition


Takamine G Series Acoustic guitar

Johnson Electric Bass

Brownsville Electric Guitar

I'll be adding to this so I can start producing the good stuff. Of course I'm still trying to decide exactly what I need. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting FL 6.



Fl Studio 7

Reason 3.0

Live 6


Native Instruments Komplete 3

reFX Vanguard

Contralogic Feldspar

Izotope Ozone


Quantum Leap Rare Instruments

Sonic Reality Ethnic Instruments Refill


Korg K49 Midi Keyboard

Sennheiser 280HD Monitor Headphones

M-Audio Audiophile 192 Soundcard


AMD Athlon64 4000

2gb dual channel 400mhz RAM

Socket 939 Mobo with 2ghz front side bus



- FL Studio 5


- all the soundfonts I can get.


- mouse

- keyboard

- airport headphones (I'm serious)

Ermm, yeah I feel like shit now, lmao. I'm so poor. :( I need a hug...


this again? alright.


Logic Express

Linplug RMIV

iDrum machine


24" iMac 2g

PreSonus FireBox

Korg padKontrol


Moog Little Phatty

Steinberger Spirit Guitar

Steinberger Spirit Bass


Sherman Filterbank 2

Metasonix TM-1

Z.Vex Fuzz Factory


Grado RS-2 headphones

Mackie HR624 monitors

modest setup nowadays.


hmm not much has changed since the last time i did this, but i'll oblige. here's all our studio/band gear:


CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+

Memory: 2GB PC3200 DDR RAM

Drives: 250GB SATA HDD

- 100GB ATA-133 HDD

- 52x CD-RW

- 16x DVD+-RW

Sound: E-MU 1820M

Video: ATI Radeon X850 XT PE




Tons of other crap

A million free VSTs and samples


16 Channel Mixer Circa 1975 (huge liek x-box)

Behringer Eurorack 8 channel mixer

Rode NT1-A Microphone

2xShure SM57 Microphones

Shure Beta 57 Microphone

Shure SM58 Microphone

a Shure drum mic kit (bass mic, a few nifty little miniature overhead condensors)

Various mediocre microphones (Nady and whatnot)

Johnson J-Station Multieffects Processor

Digitech GSP-5 Multieffects Processor

Behringer 100w 2x12 digital guitar amp

Ibanez 100w 2x12 solid state guitar amp

Fender Frontman 25R guitar practice amp

Crate 120w solid state bass amp head

Crate 2x15 vertical bass cabinet

Fender Bassman 150w 1x12 bass amp

Roland 1x15 keyboard amp

A small assortment (4 or 5) of other generic guitar/bass amps

2 Peavy 1x15 PA Speakers


PDP 5-piece drum set

Slingerland 5-piece drum set

Unknown Console piano

Hammond B-3 Organ

Concertmate 990 keyboard

Korg Triton keyboard/workstation

Ibanez S470 electric guitar

Ibanez Ergodyne electric bass

Ibanez Artwood acoustic/electric guitar

G&L Legacy electric guitar

Fender (American) Stratocaster electric guitar

Fender (Mexican) Stratocaster electric guitar

Squier Affinity Strat electric guitar

Epiphone Les Paul Studio electric guitar

Epiphone Les Paul Special II electric guitar

Epiphone Acoustic/electric guitar

Schecter C-1 electric guitar

Hamer HSH electric guitar (signed by L.A. Guns rofl, we use it anyways)

Memphis LP Clone electric guitar

Hammer Dulcimer

Various percussion instruments and crud

Stuff we don't actually gots but have access to, cuz it belongs to friends or the SAC, which we use when playing live

An amazingly nice drum set, with like 2,000 toms and a billion cymbals and chimes and a cowbell. I should make cowbell samples. Hmm.

A handful of practice/studio guitar amps.

A farfisa organ.

An extremely out of tune upright piano (in the SAC).

About 50 various mics. (SAC)

A set of 4 JBL 1x15 PA monitors. (SAC)

A small handfull of Crown mixers, amps (dear god they are heavy), crossovers, compressors, and various other goodies. (SAC)

10,000 miles of cables. (SAC)

Fog machines, lights, light triggers. (SAC)

and the coup de gras...

2 4x15, and 4 4x12 Speaker cabinets (SAC). These things are so amazingly huge, we can only fit like 2 in the truck at a time. But they can reach the masses, so it's all good.

Probably a few things I forgot. So basically, we have this ridiculous amount of shit, but as of currently, nowhere to set it up (we got kicked out of our last place). So it's pretty much scattered between 3 houses (mine being one).

E-peen +1


My setup is very modest really:


AMD Athlon XP 2000+


1 IDE 80 GB Hard Dsik

1 SATA 80 GB Hard Dsik

Cheap ass integrated soundcard

ATI Radeon 9600 Pro


Reason 3

Recycle 2.1

Fruityloops 5(for midi sequencing)

A huge load of one-shot drum samples, and a few instruments soundfonts(around 20-40 gb)

My ever growing collection of self-made synth presets.


Sennheiser HD-280 Closed headphones

Logitech X-530 5.1 Sound system.

Old ass non-midi Yamaha Keyboard.

That's pretty much it. I will be upgrading my PC this month(Athlon 64 3800+, 2gb DDR RAM, ATI Radeon x850 XT) because frankly I'm quite limited with this computer setup.

Old ass non-midi Yamaha Keyboard.

Heh, I used to have a Yamaha PSR-6. I almost wish I didn't sell it. With presets like "Dog Piano" you can't go wrong!

I still have mine. I'd take duck, comet, and baby doll over dog pianist any day. Ooh, and how can I forget ghost? Great stuff. I should make an OLR with it.


Just purchased a new computer and guitar :)


-[socket AM2] Athlon 64 Dual-Core 4200+

-1 GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800 RAM

-160 GB and 250 GB HD

-Echo MiaMIDI soundcard

-Coolermaster liquid cooling

-GeForce 7600 GS 256 MB GPU


-Alvarez AJ60SC

-Gremlin G60 (bleh)


-Radium 61 MIDI controller

-MXL 990/991 mics

-Audio Technica ATH-M30 cans

-Behringer UB802 mixer


-Quantum Leap Brass

-East West The Ultimate Strings

-East West The Ultimate Piano Collection

-Bob Clearmountain Prosamples Vol.2: Percussion and Bass

Add to that demos and trials of various DAWs (trying to find the perfect fit with my new setup), and that's where i'm at.



Athlon 64 3500+

1GB Ram

60GB Harddrive

SoundBlaster 16..?


Squier Affinty Strat

Epiphone Les Paul Black Beauty

Yamaha F-335 Acoustic

Schecter Gryphon


Marshall MG100 Half Stack

Vox Valvetronix 30watt

Fender Frontman G 10watt


Boss md-2 Mega Distortion

Boss V wah

Boss TU-2 Tuner


Yamaha DGX 202

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