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I really enjoyed this one. I'm afraid I don't have much meaningful input for it, though. :)

Did anyone else notice the hint of Chrono Trigger at about 2:35, or am I insane? Sounded a bit like the 600 AD overworld music. I must be losing my mind.


Nice and light, very enjoyable. I especially love the ...'beat'(?) that comes in at 1:05; gives the song a great texture and contrasts nicely to the other instruments. The improvisation of certain instruments (ie, the electric piano at 1:05) seems regid when compared to the backbeat, as does that asian-y instrument at 2:10. I prefer the minimalistic style of the piano improvisation (like from 1:28 - 1:40). The transition to the different speed (is it a time sig change) at 1:42 seems a bit abrupt, but easy enough to adapt to.

I like how the peice builds without moving. It has a feel good vibe, great coffeehouse music. Definatly somthing I'd CD for home use


Yeah, there's totally some Wind Scene from Chrono Trigger thrown in later. It's a bit weird, but it fits. Funny that I say that; this song's all kinds of all over the place. Not that that's a bad thing. It's these sort of ReMixes that keep me from losing interest in the video game mixing genre. Sweet stuff.


Some remixers you hear and there's an improvement over time... you hear some WIPs and you figure they'll get better or will improve with pointers, collabs, or help. Some artists are here a while and learn how to kick ass at what they do. Some artists have the odd good track and/or get by on innovation and creativity...

But then every once in a while a guy just has his shit together right off the bat. RTF is one of those guys.

Amazing interpretation, quality is to par, great arrangement skill, very very enjoyable take.

I expect nothing less than a 9/10 for all RTF tracks.


Nice work RTF, I did, still, and will always enjoy this mix. I don't understand the judges problem with what they call "aimless improvization." Sometimes improvization IS aimless. Just because this is an electronic recreation of something and for that reason can be made "perfect" doesn't mean that you'll want to sculpt improv'd sections until they're overdone. First time through and go, you know? That's how every live gig happens. And believe me, this sounds a lot better than a bunch of live improv gigs I've heard before.

That cadence at 3:38-9 where everything meets together is easily the favorite moment in the piece.


Yes I agree with bladiator. While it is true that this remix is aimless, it fits the relaxed jazzy genre to a "t". It is very cool and calm, and its improvisation keeps the listener guessing. I can see where the judges wouldn't like it, as it's not a genre that you hear in remixes very often (or in all music, unless you're into the genre), but needless to say, it's very well done.


Haha, this is the second time you spliced in a little thing from Chrono Trigger RTF! I think it was the Schala theme last time. Chilled out and lay back. I can say this was a tasty meal for my ears. :D Keep them coming!

a slowed down version of Shnabubula?


Yeah, right. I wish...

I myself was surprised the style you've accomplished here. Compared to Aquatic Pressure, this is in a completely different direction. analoq did the same thing with his first few submissions. I'm looking forward to what you come up with in the future. :)

a slowed down version of Shnabubula?


Yeah, right. I wish...

I myself was surprised the style you've accomplished here. Compared to Aquatic Pressure, this is in a completely different direction. analoq did the same thing with his first few submissions. I'm looking forward to what you come up with in the future. :)

Hahaha me too! Tough I must say that I intentionatlly wont be submitting anything for next few months. Since I decided that I will take the time to improve my skills a little bit more.

I mean, I don't wanna keep giving Larry headaches, right?


I like it, but the main melody seemed a little off to me in the middle. It could use a little more "jazz" on the main melody to match it up with the beat. I hope you know what I mean.. :) Good overall.


Pretty cool, but what's with the panning? Are you left handed?

Either way, I say take the extreme panning down a bit next time. This isn't the seventies.

Holy cow! I didn't even notice at first! Yeah, everything is panned left! What the heck's up with that?

Um, it's still cool though.

Pretty cool, but what's with the panning? Are you left handed?

Either way, I say take the extreme panning down a bit next time. This isn't the seventies.

I won't get into the "aimless" comments for now. Hope someone doesn't provoke me...

No, actually I am right handed. OMG Freak +1!


Ooo... Nice and smoothies... It's weird how the remix led me into humming the Chrono Trigger part almost naturally. Only a short while later when it gets back to Brinstar melody that I thought, "HEY! 8O "

Really nice work according to my ears :)

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