Broadcast Bowsette Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 Broken said: Lol, I lost our little mini conversation in the 3+ pages of discussion (or lulz) that occured since I last posted. I'm not a Zelda player, but I don't suggest using her exclusively (as in not using Sheik too, even though I hate both of them thoroughly.) Peach has way better recovery options than zelda. Zelda's up B is usually used as a last resort and it has no attack capabilities at all, so that's part of the reason I don't use her. The sweet spot for her f-air is at a weird place on her frame, too. Peach is my best character. Much love for Blue Peach. Anyway, Ganon is a real badass, especially after his latest game. Definitely needs to bust out his blade and show us the moves. ...And not more Falcon moves. ._.
friendlyHunter Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Here's a fun little story that's almost completely off topic: [Warning, contains minor Twilight Princess spoilers] So I was playing TP, I was in the Temple of Time, and I get to a room where all paths are blocked off by gates. I'm thinking "Hmm, there's a lot of gates in this dungeon... there's probably an item that lets you get past them." I turn around, and there's a shiny green diamond - could it be: Farore's Wind??! WOW now I'll be able to warp past all the gates - it probably looks exactly like Zelda's teleportation in Smash Bros.! Wow, now I completely understand what Zelda's moves are... are they including past Smash Bros. moves in future games now?! These items can't get much better! So, I try to get it, expecting the triumphant DA DA DA DAAAA!!! ummm, oh.... it's a switch to open the gates Luckily the item in that dungeon turned out to be even better than teleportation. =)
ILLiterate Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I played the best Captain Falcon I've ever played in my life today. Comboed with that and my friend's Ganondorf, this one kid walked out punching walls and cursing because he couldn't win
wormguy Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 KWarp said: Saw some competitive Smash Melee gaming at Anime Expo today. There was one guy playing as Princess Peach (nickname NPPL) and consecutively won every fight. He must have been going for hours... Funny, I was probably in the same room as you for a few hours and didn't even notice...oops. You planning on going next year? Anyway, even though assist trophies are pretty much a poke ball for non-Pokemon, it's still a cool idea.
Cerrax Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 friendlyHunter said: Here's a fun little story that's almost completely off topic:[Warning, contains minor Twilight Princess spoilers] So I was playing TP, I was in the Temple of Time, and I get to a room where all paths are blocked off by gates. I'm thinking "Hmm, there's a lot of gates in this dungeon... there's probably an item that lets you get past them." I turn around, and there's a shiny green diamond - could it be: Farore's Wind??! WOW now I'll be able to warp past all the gates - it probably looks exactly like Zelda's teleportation in Smash Bros.! Wow, now I completely understand what Zelda's moves are... are they including past Smash Bros. moves in future games now?! These items can't get much better! So, I try to get it, expecting the triumphant DA DA DA DAAAA!!! ummm, oh.... it's a switch to open the gates Luckily the item in that dungeon turned out to be even better than teleportation. =) Actually, all of Zelda's magic moves are from Ocarina of Time.
friendlyHunter Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Yep, I know that now of course - it's just that Zelda's B up move = Farore's Wind didn't quite click for me until that moment =)
StarZander Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 What is that flag there in the background? I don't recognize it.
Strike911 Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 StarZander said: What is that flag there in the background? I don't recognize it. I thought the general consensus was that that was a Fire Emblem related insignia? Bowser looks cool. Although, not really excited by this update. Never played as Bowser. I think the more important piece of information is when Sakurai mentions : "If you think [the characters are] all going to be the same as they have been, it’ll be rough for you." I think that's pretty much a confirmation that any "tiers" or theoretical systems of balance (or imbalance) that were in existance from Melee, will drastically be altered. I'm willing to bet we'll see some major balancing going on that will change a lot of dynamics regarding what characters will get played the most. Could this mean the erradication of tiers by balancing, or merely the shifting of tiers where we see characters like "Fox" and "Marth" replaced by characters that were originally thought poor choices (IE "Pichu" etc.). I'm not saying any of these examples specifically, again, they're merely examples. I mean, very few people used Bowser that I knew of, and everyone else I talked to seem to agree that they didn't play (or know people) that played well with Bowser in Melee. So do you think they'll be balancing him out to be a contender with more popular character choices? It'll be interesting to see who gets dumbed down and who gets a little better. I know a perfect balance isn't possible, but a little more balance will never hurt. Especially with characters that few people played with!!! All in all this news makes me happy.
Rambo Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 friendlyHunter said: are they including past Smash Bros. moves in future games now?! They actually did!! Ganondorf used his side smash (elbow) in the final battle!! Strike911 said: I mean, very few people used Bowser that I knew of, and everyone else I talked to seem to agree that they didn't play (or know people) that played well with Bowser in Melee. So do you think they'll be balancing him out to be a contender with more popular character choices? I find bowser (bad or not) really fun to play as in melee. All of his aerial attacks are pretty sweet, so long as you're good at L-canceling. It's always a close battle 1v1 when I'm playing as bowser. Albeit all my friends are pretty average at the game, so I can appreciate that he wouldn't be much of a contender in competitive play. Anyway, I interpreted the same as you did concerning that bolded comment. I'd love to see bowser as a legitimate threat in the future! And he looks pretty sweet. EDIT: Oh, and I'd love to see more villains in this game. Metaknight was a good start. Wario..... suuure but not what I'm thinking.
MahBoiiii Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Meh an average update. Best thing about this one was Bowser's new appearance. Pretty sweet. O well, they cant all be great.
Dunther Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I don't like the new Bowser! He seem to have a puppet face with seams!!!
eternal Zero Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 The best part about this update is the talking about balance. I've wanted to see a solid and large character play well for a long time, but it's not the easiest thing because they're such a big target that's easy to combo into. I really hope they upped his speed.
dsx100 Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I personally think Bowser looks awsome. I thought it was going tough for them to top his melee look but I think they did a great job. I also agree that the last sentence in the update seems to be a good indicator that they are working on the balancing issues of the game.
Drack Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I'm pretty good with bowser in melee. I beat a peach expert 1v1 5stock with bowser on final destination. I wonder how his moves will change for Brawl. I hope some of the melee moves (down b, forward b, up smash, to name a few) stay, but a lot of his aerial stuff could use a change.
Sir_NutS Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Bowser is back, and looks better than ever! I personaly like this badass look, kinda takes away from my mind the image of the stupid (but funny) bowser that nintendo has been handling lately (Super Paper Mario). I mean, Bowser was someone to fear in smb bac kwhen we started playing, now he's just a joke. Anyways, rants aside, I liked this update.
Ray Falling Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I'm very pleased to see Bowser back, and he seriously does look fantastic! I'd say he's the best looking character model we've seen yet, very refined and polished. I was thinking how it would be possible for each character to have up to 4 more moves if they used the C-stick on the Cube controller. Kind of like Tales of Symphonia, only I guess that would mean abandoning the camera zoom function (which wasn't all too usefull to begin with). Unfortunatly so many moves would probably not be possible for other controller types since they have less buttons. ;_; I also like the sound of the whole "they (some of the characters) play different this time around" thing. I'm very curious how much change we're talking about and I can't wait to try out Bowser. He was one of the first I tried to get good with on Melee.
eternal Zero Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Unfortunately, the C-Stick idea won't be taken so well because a vast majority of players like to use it for their smashing purposes. For those who can't be bothered with learning how to time the combination properly or those who just aren't as quick pressing two buttons at once in a very specific manner like the ease of a quick flick on a single stick. I do find myself using it for certain characters I'm not so good with when I'm spamming a specific smash. You don't get the control of charging/timing it, but it has the potential to be faster on a more consistent basis. Edit: zoom? Okay, you lost me. Explain yourself.
Ray Falling Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 eternal Zero said: Unfortunately, the C-Stick idea won't be taken so well because a vast majority of players like to use it for their smashing purposes. For those who can't be bothered with learning how to time the combination properly or those who just aren't as quick pressing two buttons at once in a very specific manner like the ease of a quick flick on a single stick. I do find myself using it for certain characters I'm not so good with when I'm spamming a specific smash. You don't get the control of charging/timing it, but it has the potential to be faster on a more consistent basis.Edit: zoom? Okay, you lost me. Explain yourself. Well, it only works as quick smash in multiplayer. In single player it functions as a camera zoom function. I guess a lot of people would use the quick smashes hmm. I just liked the idea of having a few more signature moves the C-stick could offer that, but of course there are a ton of reasons not to do it too.
eternal Zero Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Oh, I see what you mean. Sorry, I haven't done smash single player way back when I first was able to complete it without using a continue on the hardest difficulty. Never gave it much thought after that. Didn't know the quick smashes weren't present as I don't use them much.
Neo Samus Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I think it's mainly used in adventure mode. Offtopic EZ: Who is that in your sig? She looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it? Is she from FF8? Edit: Bowser looks bad ass. I've never really liked him but I would play him on occation just to say I have. I wonder what they are going to do to balance the characters?
The Author Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Neo Samus said: I think it's mainly used in adventure mode. Offtopic EZ: Who is that in your sig? She looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it? Is she from FF8? Wrong, then...
eternal Zero Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Bzzt. Sorry, RD, but it's Carian from the Magna Carta series. On topic: I never liked having quick smashes...made some people play better than they should have. I can whip out smashes consistently faster and more precise than anyone I know can with that C-Stick and they shouldn't be able to even get a single stock on my with their crappy C-Sticks...which they don't, but that's not the point. It makes it more accessible, sure, but it really limits you when you want to be able to charge and time your smashes to mix up your game and get into their heads. I find that's the hardest part for people when I see them "taking the next step" so to speak.
Global-Trance Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 C-Stick is best used for aerials without killing your momentum. Doesn't kill your second jump if going for u-air, no fast fall (or slowdown) if you're going for d-air, etc. That's about it. Mixing it up with the A + Stick is definitely good for tournament play...
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