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I can't believe you disrespectful little shits are complaining about Smash Bros. online capabilities. Don't you realize it's COMPLETELY FREE?! Just the fact that it IS online is a god-send!

another fanboy trying to justify


Myself, I'm happy to hear Atma's rants, even if I don't agree with many of them. I'm as big a Nintendo fanboy as the next (I don't even own an XBOX or PS system), but I've got to say he's right. Too much anonymity is going to blur the difference between playing strangers on the 'Net and playing high-leveled computers. Why go online in the first place if it feels like you're playing nameless, soulless machines who are better than you? Please Nintendo, quit removing the humanity from multiplayer.

That said, Atma, drink less coffee. Or more. Whatever gets you to swear less :<

I can't believe you disrespectful little shits are complaining about Smash Bros. online capabilities. Don't you realize it's COMPLETELY FREE?! Just the fact that it IS online is a god-send!

I don't think you're helping your case much by responding like that...

Atma is for the most part pretty fairly critiquing the online capabilities (at least of what we know, who knows maybe there is something great in there). Although he could probably take a chill pill, I do agree with the points he's making; even if strong online play is not anything of great importance to me.

If it *was* important to me though, I might be a little frustrated to watch other people so resigned to the fact that the online looks to be on the weak side, much like Atma seems to be (frustrated at the weak online capabilities).

But meh, nintendo always seems to be a little behind on these sorts of things, they'll catch up eventually...I hope.


Wow so this is what happnes with out updates... dang... oh well at 11 it will be good.

oh and Nintendo should really look at the competitors online system and learn what works and try to implement it in there own system... There is no reason not to.


I honestly couldn't care if Brawl has online or not. Ok, that's not entirely true, but I'm not looking forward this game for the sole purpose of playing online. When I get Brawl, I'm going to be playing with my 6 other friends that have been eagerly waiting for this game too. I don't want to have to wait for a match up, play, wait again, and play, etc. This usually takes a few minutes per match with my experience in wi-fi games. I'd rather just have guaranteed matches whenever I want when we're at someone's house.

Having online play is just a bonus to me.

Xbox Live is amazing, but everyone knows Nintendo's online service will never be like this on the Wii. I love how people still complain about it like it's just being acknowledged as to what Nintendo's online service is. We're always going to have friend codes. It's not like someday Nintendo is going to announce "OK everyone, if you have a mynintendo account, that will now be your Wii online name! People can just add your name to your friend's list and it'll keep track of all of your games/online activity!".

Maybe some day Nintendo will get their feet wet in this online gaming world. I wish the next time when some game blog or whatever has an interview with someone big at Nintendo that they'll ask when or if they'll ever produce an online service that is on par with Xbox Live.


Both sides have their points in this debate. Personally, I think anonmyinty online is a blessing in some ways. As Geoffrey Taucer pointed out, it's good in that you don't have to deal with as much constant swearing, bragging, and just general douche-baggery. In some ways, this makes internet play more accessible to people who don't frequently play online to begin with.

However, by contrast, yes, it does cause issues with seasoned online players, which are a significant portion of the game's audience. I think Nintendo's opting to go the "safe" route for several reasons, most of which have already been discussed. While I do agree that I wish I could have an online handle, I care little about anything else. So, I personally don't have much issue with the current way Nintendo's doing the online play. *Shrugs*


Hmm, big iceberg, not bad. I was hoping for a volt-tackle kind of move where they morph into a giant killer eggplant, but it doesnt matter, this looks alright and its gonna cause hell for other players, specially on tight levels.

Ice Climbers used to be my secondary characters in Melee behind the Doc, but I'm guessing they dont get much love here, do they? :<


I'm pretty sure the reason why people jump to conclusions on the online features is because their track record hasn't exactly been good or quite as advanced as its competition (POLLS on the Wii? ZOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG).

Also, their ardent shooting-down of any and all hard drive, voice and other features just leads people to think it won't have the extended online features the other consoles do. It's simple empirical logic as far as online play is concerned.

I agree with Bigfoot though. Even with something like Virtua Fighter 5, the online feature is NICE, but it's definitely not necessary. It's just a bonus and not really something that will make or break SSBB.

"As Geoffrey Taucer pointed out, it's good in that you don't have to deal with as much constant swearing, bragging, and just general douche-baggery. In some ways, this makes internet play more accessible to people who don't frequently play online to begin with."

I have to disagree with that one. Because some games really are a haven for douchebags like in MMORPGs or slower FPS games where people can actually have more fun messing around and being jackasses than not. But SSBB and other fighting games really don't lend themselves to being very chatty games as far as online games are concerned. I still think it's more of a security issue with Nintendo since they're probably concerned more about litigation issues such as when people swear in game and online solicitations.


I've always had this theory, it's kind of silly, but it's a theory. The Wii is basically making Nintendo a ton of money, right? It's casual. It's successful, but for how long? Nintendo has made it clear that they are attracting the more casual crowd for this console, and it's obvious the little machine isn't "next-gen" graphics.

Now, what if, say in 2-4 years, Nintendo announces a console for the "hardcore". It's the powerhouse that everyone has wanted from Nintendo. Gaming in 1080p with noticeably better graphics than the 360/PS3 , multi-media center, and online gaming service that is like XBL. Didn't Nintendo say they didn't go the HD road because HDTVs aren't that common in households? That % is quickly getting bigger every day, so they'd have more reason now. They would then have control of both markets: the casual, and hardcore gamer. I guess this seems more like a fantasy, but anyway. Sorry about derailing the thread :P

Go giant frozen Snorlax-like final smash :P

I've always had this theory, it's kind of silly, but it's a theory. The Wii is basically making Nintendo a ton of money, right? It's casual. It's successful, but for how long? Nintendo has made it clear that they are attracting the more casual crowd for this console, and it's obvious the little machine isn't "next-gen" graphics.

Now, what if, say in 2-4 years, Nintendo announces a console for the "hardcore". It's the powerhouse that everyone has wanted from Nintendo. Gaming in 1080p with noticeably better graphics than the 360/PS3 , multi-media center, and online gaming service that is like XBL. Didn't Nintendo say they didn't go the HD road because HDTVs aren't that common in households? That % is quickly getting bigger every day, so they'd have more reason now. They would then have control of both markets: the casual, and hardcore gamer. I guess this seems more like a fantasy, but anyway. Sorry about derailing the thread :P

Go giant frozen Snorlax-like final smash :P

Don't make me wish for something like that. Its too good to ever happen. I would be so happy if that happened.

Don't make me wish for something like that. Its too good to ever happen. I would be so happy if that happened.

Yeah but i probably wouldn't buy it right off the bat. but it would be super awesome. Nintendo would never do that because it would be out of the casual price range though i'm sure it'd be quite a bit less expensive than ps3 was at launch. It should at least have enough power to emulate wii games, amirite? ^_^

I've always had this theory, it's kind of silly, but it's a theory. The Wii is basically making Nintendo a ton of money, right? It's casual. It's successful, but for how long? Nintendo has made it clear that they are attracting the more casual crowd for this console, and it's obvious the little machine isn't "next-gen" graphics.

Now, what if, say in 2-4 years, Nintendo announces a console for the "hardcore". It's the powerhouse that everyone has wanted from Nintendo. Gaming in 1080p with noticeably better graphics than the 360/PS3 , multi-media center, and online gaming service that is like XBL. Didn't Nintendo say they didn't go the HD road because HDTVs aren't that common in households? That % is quickly getting bigger every day, so they'd have more reason now. They would then have control of both markets: the casual, and hardcore gamer. I guess this seems more like a fantasy, but anyway. Sorry about derailing the thread :P

Go giant frozen Snorlax-like final smash :P

You're a pretty silly dude. Nintendo doesn't want to create more competition for itself... even if it's with itself. More people buying "W II" (see what I did there?) will cause a dip in Wii hardware & software sales. Even though Nintendo continues to rake in mountains of cash, their third parties once again will jump ship.

Also... this is about as cool of a final smash as you can hope for with the Ice Climbers.



I like the Snorlax pokeball... this actually seems pretty cool too me, and more effective than Yoshi or Diddy Kong's final smash... I may use them now. Drop a big piece of ice on everyone, no aiming required. :P

I like the Snorlax pokeball... this actually seems pretty cool too me, and more effective than Yoshi or Diddy Kong's final smash... I may use them now. Drop a big piece of ice on everyone, no aiming required. :P

I may be mistaken here, which is alright with me, but when I read the description, I thought that the Iceburg would come up from the bottom, not the top!

Which explains why the characters on on top of it, slipping and sliding on the steep slopes.

You seem to be under the assumption that the reason we're all so excited about brawl is that we "don't get it," or "don't see it."

We get it. It's not xbox live. We can't use it to question the sexuality of random people while we play them.

We still think it's gonna be an awesome game. Do you understand this, or is it completely beyond your comprehension that there's more to gaming than being able to question the sexuality of random nobodies while they massacre and/or teabag you?

oh so without voice chat what about team battles

if youre playing a 2 on 2 match how do you talk to your partner

since without that its retarded

oh so without voice chat what about team battles

if youre playing a 2 on 2 match how do you talk to your partner

since without that its retarded

Since when do people in Team Smash matches talk to their partner about strategy or what to do? megadave said it perfectly.

Since when do people in Team Smash matches talk to their partner about strategy or what to do?

All the damn time?

Are you guys mute or something?


Team games are silent as far as strategic communications go. I mean, if you turn to your partner and say "Hey, let's beat up Fox together," then you've let the cat outta the bag anyway. Unless you make up code words for various maneuvers, like "Delta V Triangle Hyperforce Monkey Technique, GO!"

And let's face it, that's gay.


I think people are forgetting a very important fact about voice chat.

You can mute people. Don't want to listen to them, mute them. Or if you don't want to talk to anyone you can just not use a headset. No serious problems can come from voice chat.

Also the fact that Wi-Fi is free doesn't excuse Nintendo from providing what I consider to be less than the bare minimum. It's not like Xbox Live costs much anyway ($50 per year = less than $5 per month).

Since when do people in Team Smash matches talk to their partner about strategy or what to do? megadave said it perfectly.
Haha, ever been to a tournament?

Actually, they don't talk to each other much, but only because talking would betray their intentions to the opposing team. You can be sure they'd do it during the whole game if the other team couldn't hear.

Usually, all you hear is, "I got him." like calling it in volleyball, or "Sorry" when they KO their teammate. Other times, it'll be like, "Up" or "Back" when one Green Team guy has grabbed a Red Team guy, and the other Green Team guy tells him which direction to throw the Red Team guy for the combo. Again though, I'll say that they would surely be talking the whole match if they could only hear each other.

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