MasterSenshi Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 LAMETH I SAY, LAMETH!!!! It would be so nice to have them tell us things that are new, not these lame updates that are admitting to showing NOTHING NEW. But then again, this is Nintendo... I'm going to have to skip out for a while now. This is beyond lame its.... LAMEMASTERY! I should probably be writing this dumb paper now anywayz.. peace out!
MasterSenshi Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Yeah, snorlax is back! Oh and Bellossom (sp?) /end sarcasm /OK snorlax is cool but... /end post
Gerbah Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Man, I remember back when the Dojo started it's weekday updates, people were complaining "Please! Give us just ONE more newcomer! Then I won't complain about the updates anymore!". I suppose I don't need to elaborate? Not really annoyed or whatever by this, it's human nature to "bargain", I suppose, but I guess since we've been "spoiled" so much these updates are letting people down after we've been given so much? Yes I end most sentences with a question mark? Anyway, cool to see that Mew/Celebi give us something more than me pushing start and doing my best to get Mew in focus and going "Mew!".
I-n-j-i-n Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 geez, they really don't care about how ugly the pokemon look, do they Some looked worse than they did in SSBM. Yay. I actually really like Lugia being in there, but then they put in Togepi..
Strike911 Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Hmm... nothing unexpected, but a little info is better than no info. Some of the models do look crappy... but meh, no worries. I can deal with it. I just wonder if we'll see any old N64 Pokemon thrown back in. I kind of miss Onix and Bee Drill. EDIT: Now that I look at the Pokemon pictures again, I think the minimalist lack of polygons really make the Pokemon pop out from the stage and look more like cartoons or stylistic or... something... they just pop more. Just look. Maybe it's just that they contrast so harshly with the lush backgrounds. *shrugs* No worries. At least you don't have to look at them closely in game.
cobaltstarfire Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Really, it's kind of hard to add much to the existing Pokemon designs short of scales/fur/feather details, and I think too much of that would be a bit obnoxious. I still want to see hitmonlee return, it's just too amusing for him to pop up and fly across the screen yelling stuff.
Ray Falling Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I'm kind of getting the feeling that everything is starting to wrap up nicely. These "less interesting" updates are unavoidable, and would have to be done at one point or another. They probably won't reveal EVERYTHING on the site, and seeing how the game WAS going to be released this week originally, I can imagine all that is left for them to do is finish up on their online stuff and whatnot (assuming that was the reason of the delay). There's still a chance of more interesting secrets to be revealed soon, but these "Smash for dummies" updates will still be there too. One a side note: Stage builder + crazy physics + Super Wario on bike = at least 2 minutes worth of giggles
Dhsu Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Really, it's kind of hard to add much to the existing Pokemon designs short of scales/fur/feather details, and I think too much of that would be a bit obnoxious.I still want to see hitmonlee return, it's just too amusing for him to pop up and fly across the screen yelling stuff. Say say say! Edit: my pokeymanslet me show you them
Xbob42 Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I'm kind of glad there's no voice chat. If I had to hear Atma bitch like that, I might have to kill myself. Just kidding Atma, we all you. <3
Cerrax Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Some looked worse than they did in SSBM. Yay. Yeah. Some of the assist trophies (and now the pokemon) look like N64 models wrapped in Gamecube textures. Personnaly I would appreciate quality over quanitity in this respect.
Geoffrey Taucer Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I'm kind of glad there's no voice chat. If I had to hear Atma bitch like that, I might have to kill myself. AgreedJust kidding Atma Disagreed
Imagist Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Wait, does it look to anyone else like Snorlax can break destructable platforms and such? It looks to me like Snorlax can break destructible platforms and such.
SenPi Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 hmm.. well at least celebi and mew have some sort of purpose now. Also, I hate wabuffet!! A week or so ago, me and my friends did that black hole thing in melee, and the game froze when wabuffet got thrown in to the mix . Since the game couldnt possibly calculate the next frame, due to wabuffets movements being calculated by what side hit it. ahh.. good times.
atmuh Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I'm kind of glad there's no voice chat. If I had to hear Atma bitch like that, I might have to kill myself. Just kidding Atma, we all you. <3 MUTE BUTTON
Airwalker Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Some looked worse than they did in SSBM. Yay. Well, considering the screen will not likely be zoomed in on them like they are in the screenshots, I consider them to be decent. I actually really like Lugia being in there, but then they put in Togepi.. What do you have against Togepi? Togepi is one bad-ass dude.
Drack Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Online voice chat? I don't think that's even a GOOD IDEA over random games. Just take a look at xbox live. Friend matches? Sure it's nice, but I don't think we're gonna see a USB mic for Wii. Though it would be interesting to see the GC mic work, I don't think that's going to happen. It's handheld instead of headset, and doesn't seem to be very good quality.
Devyn Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Online voice chat? I don't think that's even a GOOD IDEA over random games. Just take a look at xbox live.Friend matches? Sure it's nice, but I don't think we're gonna see a USB mic for Wii. Though it would be interesting to see the GC mic work, I don't think that's going to happen. It's handheld instead of headset, and doesn't seem to be very good quality. All you would ever hear would be "pwned!" "noob!" "total ownage!" and stuff like that.
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