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But even without this mode, given the proliferation of the Internet these days, the existence of hidden characters is going to get exposed anyway.

So, this time I’m moving in the direction of not being too hung up on hidden characters.

Yeah, I'm just a bit worried about this now. Assuming all the hidden characters don't get revealed on the site, does anyone know where one would be able to locate information stating methods to unlock things, but not what GETS unlocked? To me, a large part of the value of such a game lies in the surprise of findinging new things. Admittedly, I'm going to try to stay away from certain websites when these things start leaking, but like I asked, does anyone know of a "safe" site or something? Or if there is someone, somewhere, who would compile such information and post it, without revealing what gets unlocked?


On the Penny-Arcade forums, they're planning to make just such a list, so that people can find all the methods of unlocking without finding out WHO they're unlocking. Just a heads up.

--Jack Kieser


So I was just lying down to go to sleep when something popped into my head. Read this line again:

"You can cast one vote for the stage you want to play. A stage is chosen by lottery from among those voted on by the players."

Okay, so you cast your vote for the stage you want and of the four people playing, it randomly chooses one of those stages. Sounds fair enough. But what was really interesting was the line that immediately follows:

"Also, the items that are turned off in the item switch are also determined by lottery."

At first I read this as, "Items will be picked randomly by the computer," however, when taken into context with the phrase just before it, it seems we may be able to vote for which items we want in the match, and the computer will pick from everyone's preferred selections.

Maybe I'm just lagging behind and everyone's already come to this conclusion, but I thought I should say something lest there be others like me that were a little slow on the uptake with this. If it does play out in this manner it would mean, if all players involved enjoyed playing with no items on, the chances of no items appearing during the match would be 100%. If this is the case, I'll actually be a little bit more content about this mode (though I'm still not terribly impressed). It'll be interesting to see what kinds of item combinations this will result in.


I think it's interesting how we all played Melee and loved it, even though it had no online play.

Now we're all angry because we don't like the way Nintendo is going to handle the online mode of what will be an otherwise amazing game? Come on, guys, I love Nintendo, but online gaming is not their forte. I honestly think they've come a long way in even implementing the features they have. Sure, I'd like a ranking system as much as the next guy, but it's not as though I really expected it from Nintendo. I would buy Brawl and probably love it just as much if it had no online capability at all.

Anyway, I'm not trying to start any heated discussion. Just sayin'.


Does it look to anyone else like there are very... few characters and stages to choose from? I'm hoping he's taking screenshots of the beta version they had playable last month just to keep from revealing anything...

EDIT: Yeah, theory proven. There are only 14 playable characters onscreen in that screenshot, but there have been 23 revealed. Let's hope the stage select is a similar case (which it has to be, Hyrule Temple isn't in that screenshot).


WOW this is so fucking gay. 4 player matches only? Time only? YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL WHEN SOMEONE DROPS?

Fucking Nintendo.

Here's an idea:


You don't have to, no one's making you play online, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I don't want to play against you online, because you seem like a jerk.


Yeah from what it looks like, this online mode will be teh uber sux. Sure it will let you play online, against people who will look pretty much like they're cpu anyways. No leaderboards or rankings, so you might end up playing against a bunch of noobs instead of people of your own level, or viceversa.

Nintendo needs to understand that we want OPTIONS and we want a complete online package, not a gimped piece of crap. If you want people to play anonimously like this, allow them, but also allow the players who want to, to see each other, interact etc, and allow for rankings. Sure, rankings can be haxored by sneaky players but it will give you a good idea overall about who you want to play against.

And RD, I guess that in your eyes we can't ask for a better product and services from nintendo without being a jerk? when everyone is offering a much better online experience you will want to have the same from all companies, they're way behind the bar, and "ZOMG DON'T PLAY ONLINE GTFO PLZKTHNX NINTENDO FTW ROFL!1!11!" won't justify that.


I dunno, lets see how long I can request stuff here by saying:


WOW this is so fucking gay. No new Zeal remix? FF7 only? YOU CAN'T EVEN FIND ANYTHING BUT TECHNO?

Fucking djp."

And not be decried as an idiot?

Seriously, the online mode is lacking, but at least its there. You can point out the weakness, and frankly, I think there should be a third online mode with rankings and everything. In fact, we might even still get it. But to claim that Nintendo sucks for doing something more (and in fact, the CPU picking up for droppers is genius) is kinda annoying, especially with the way it was said.

Fucking Sir_NutS


Don't forget that this particular mode is meant for "quick and simple matches". Of course there's not going to be any options. They have that in the other modes right?

Think of it as playing a quick match on Pokemon Stadium 64 where you just get random Pokemon and start playing right away.

SIMPLE is what they want with this

in fact, I'm pretty sure I don't want to play against you online, because you seem like a jerk.

But that's why Nintendo is so far ahead in the online curve! You wouldn't know you're playing against a jerk and you wouldn't even know if he quit!

Nintendo is brilliant!

In other news, the Japanese have no clue what the internet is


Atma, you act like you own this thread. All you do is fucking bitch bitch bitch like a little pussy. So what if it's "NOT AS GOOD AS XBOX LIVE" Oh nos. No one cares.

I'd ask you to STFU but I doubt you'd listen because being a whiny little bitch is all you seem to be good at.

Why don't you let people enjoy it instead of putting down every damn little thing and nitpicking everything?


Online schmonline. Meh. I don't care. 80% of the time I play this will probably be with a room full of people and a case of cheap beer. This game will be awesome. Nintendo will eventually get better with their online stuff, until then, I'm happy anyway.


Online schmonline. Meh. I don't care. 80% of the time I play this will probably be with a room full of people and a case of cheap beer. This game will be awesome. Nintendo will eventually get better with their online stuff, until then, I'm happy anyway.


You know if they include Megaman it'll be that Battle Network or Star Force crap, right?


Yeah that would suck. I wouldn't care then. I'm sad for Mega Man. I don't understand why you would take heroes who save the earth (Mega Man and X), then turn them into little navis on the internet or little kids with force metals or whatever.

Poor Mega Man, slowly drifting into the deepest sea of irrelevance.

Yeah that would suck. I wouldn't care then. I'm sad for Mega Man. I don't understand why you would take heroes who save the earth (Mega Man and X), then turn them into little navis on the internet or little kids with force metals or whatever.

Poor Mega Man, slowly drifting into the deepest sea of irrelevance.

Except that Megaman ZX was actually good...


What's up with this? Last night's post was considerably better than almost the whole week, unless you like Dedede.

It would probably be too much to ask everyone to stop whining. I like sarcasm and cynicism as much as the next guy, but these complaints are just amounting to "OH NO! NINTENDO DOESN"T DO ONLINE THE WAY I LIKE IT."

We can't even play the game yet, except for a few people who saw the demo version @ E4ALL, which wasn't finished by Sakurai's admission. They're still working on the freaking game. Go judge it when it's released.

Swapping out players w/ CPUs is a pretty good idea. Of course, we could have the game end abruptly... or the winner drop out and 3 N00bs win, but that's expected, right? I was surprised they came out with a new feature after so many crappy updates. You have to give them some credit for thinking out of the box. The developers ARE Japanese; it's not like they have some American expectation of gaming to live up to.

Now I'm the guy whining...

Seriously this thread is turning into "SMSH ONLINE IS XUCKSZZZZ!!!!! XD"

We can discuss the merits of the game, but whining about one feature when, prior to it's announcement everyone was dying for the game is freaking stupid. Don't play online. There. Problem solved...


Depends on if they keep track of losses or wins.

I think records might be kept the same as they were in Melee -- that is, character-based (total damage done, total KOs, SDs, Falls, damage recovered, etc etc etc). As I recall, losses and wins weren't exactly part of those records.


They were under custom names. You could see how many games QWST won compared to HIJK. Or even better, the guys who think it's cool to use hiragana and katakana to replace alphabetical letters... Anyway, but yeah, in melee you could see wins, losses, blah blah blah almost everything.

Online schmonline. Meh. I don't care. 80% of the time I play this will probably be with a room full of people and a case of cheap beer. This game will be awesome. Nintendo will eventually get better with their online stuff, until then, I'm happy anyway.


People laughed at me when I suggested Jack from the Harvest Moon series and Brian from Quest 64, so for my unjust revenge, I'll laugh at you... But offline, so you don't get the smug satisfaction of quoting the laughter and calling it nerdy.


Here is the point in which I defend my stance, because nobody thinks I'm making a serious suggestion when, really, it can be a very good one.


Actually, Jack has major potential...

His forward smash could be much like Peach in SSBM, but rather than sports equipment, he'll use his main tools

[{Least Damage} Watering can, Hoe, Scythe, Ax, Hammer {Most Damage}]

His charged attack could be (this is the only part I haven't found a good suggestion for), maybe the fishing pole could release bigger and bigger fish? Meh, I know, but I tried.

and for his smash attack, they could use one of two things:

1] He opens an umbrella, which dramatically summons a gigantic thunder storm which hits everyone, besides Jack, within distance to take huge damage (Reference to HM:GBC, where the umbrella waters all plants nigh-instantaneously).

2] He pulls out one of his main tools, but this time, he prepares for a gigantic swing, and eventually is surrounded by a powerful aura, before finally letting loose an amazing attack (Reference to HM:FoMT, where, if you follow the right criteria, you will get cursed tools, bless them [in various ways] to make blessed tools, and [though another set of arduous criteria] upgrade them into Mythic tools [All three of these types of tools, when you charge them to these levels, surround your character in an aura, and releasing the power of the tool often has a dramatic affect on things around you, such as the Hammer releasing a blinding white light before destroying every stone, boulder, and rock in the area and the Hoe pretty much tilling an entire screen worth of soil when released, which is a lot]) so yeah... The effects this could have would be numerous and all would be effing awesome [Even the watering can could probably release hundreds of small drops which do 1 damage each].



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