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Not really. The new stage wasn't a bad update. The only real new information in this update is that Lucas has a bat smash, Link is paired with Yoshi, and Metaknight is paired with the Ice Climbers. Yawn.


updates really dont matter much anymore though

i mean think about it

in a month we are going to know EVERYTHING about this game so there isnt really any sense in them going crazy to get info out


It's always nice to see it in action, even if half of it was stuff we've already seen and 19/20ths of the rest was what we were already expecting, and out of all of it, only a small portion is gameplay footage rather than pre-rendered video.


This video brings my "psyched for this game" level back up to 100%.

What guns were Bowser and Wario using? And was Samus shooting a SUPER missile!?


So Metaknight -is- acting as a foil to Pit...this only leads me to further believe that nobody really wanted Pit to be added, but they needed some sort of angelic character to balance out the black wings of kirby-like destruction.

This video brings my "psyched for this game" level back up to 100%.

What guns were Bowser and Wario using? And was Samus shooting a SUPER missile!?

There's a video on gametrailers somewhere of the intro to SSE, in which that cutscene with Wario is shown in full. The gun turns you into a trophy if you get hit, and Wario hits Zelda and runs off with her. I'm assuming that's what Bowser had in mind, too.

EDIT: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26687.html

Yeah, it's the same thing.

So Metaknight -is- acting as a foil to Pit...this only leads me to further believe that nobody really wanted Pit to be added, but they needed some sort of angelic character to balance out the black wings of kirby-like destruction.

I wanted Pit to be added.


If you're basing the foil thing off the fact that the Halberd approaches Pit in his intro, I wouldn't count on it. It looks like the Halberd has been hijacked by the Subspace Army, so I imagine MetaKnight will be after it too.

That or Nintendo have gone all the way and made him into a villain : /

There's a video on gametrailers somewhere of the intro to SSE, in which that cutscene with Wario is shown in full. The gun turns you into a trophy if you get hit, and Wario hits Zelda and runs off with her. I'm assuming that's what Bowser had in mind, too.

EDIT: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26687.html

Yeah, it's the same thing.

Perfect! Thanks for that, I hadn't seen that trailer. I like how evil Wario was made out to be in it. Brawl needs more villains. :)

Perfect! Thanks for that, I hadn't seen that trailer. I like how evil Wario was made out to be in it. Brawl needs more villains. :)

No problem.

Yeah, I agree with you. I'm liking how Melee and Brawl have added counterparts for several of the protagonists in the game, like Link getting Ganondorf, and Kirby getting DeDeDe. That's one of the main reasons I'm hoping Ganondorf's back in, regardless of moveset.

I'll probably play as Wario first. He has fart attacks. You can't get any cooler than that.
Admittedly, probably the only reason I'll be avoiding Wario. I don't object to his being in Brawl, though. It was long overdue.

EDIT: Speaking of which, I am for some reason ridiculously hyped about playing as DeDeDe. I'm not a fan of hard-hitters (I mained Marth on Melee for the speed), so I really don't see myself playing him competetively, but he just seems so unlike any other character.

Which is ridiculous, because from the looks of things, he's got alot of Kirby's moves.

Maybe I'm just hot for that epic hammer.


I really like how the most beautiful part of the song shows the stadium blowing up. And that part when there's a crap load of those doll things getting beat up by a beam sword, who is that fighting, I can't see him/her/it?


Watching that clip again made me remember the part with Fox, Diddy and Rayquaza and realize how totally awesome the blending of game series is being handled.

It seems like some of the more "bad" guys are using the weapons that turn people into trophies, like discussed earlier. I wonder how that fits into the plot and what needs to be done to "cleanse" them of their evil ways.

Everything looks so great and hilarious at the same time :) Hopefully we'll be playing this game very soon.


Why Belmont?

There's nowhere near enough of a connection, in my opinion.

Bomberman would be a better call, but I think he'd be too limited moveset-wise.

Due to the role of villains this time around, I'm thinking it's possible that last spot could be one, but I really can't think of anyone suitable, looking at the roster. K. Rool seems ruled out through the explanation of DK's involvement being Bowser, the Mario universe already has 3(+?) characters, as does Kirby's now. With Ganondorf returning, so would Link/Zelda's, and the only villain suitable I can think of to add to Fox's universe I see being a Fox clone (Wolf).

The third-parties seem stand-alone, if you ask me, since they are essentially guests, and Pit's role as an onlooker in the SSE intro makes me doubt that his nemesis(es?) will feature, though I know -nothing- about Kid Icarus. As far as I'm aware, the Ice Climbers don't have a counterpart, so if this newcomer is going to be related to anybody, it's going to be Lucas, Ike or Samus as far as I can tell.

Did Samus have a single, set enemy? For such a popular series, Metroid seems under-represented...


So I was in a Gamestop today, and I overheard two employees talking about a Brawl demo that is supposedly coming out with the latest issue of Nintendo Power. I asked them if they were gonna be selling the issue, but they said the demo only goes to subscribers. Nintendo doesn't often release demos though, so this seems a little wierd. Were they just trying to fuck with me or something? Anyone hear about this?

As far as I'm aware, the Ice Climbers don't have a counterpart, so if this newcomer is going to be related to anybody, it's going to be Lucas, Ike or Samus as far as I can tell.

Did Samus have a single, set enemy? For such a popular series, Metroid seems under-represented...

Lucas' nemesis = Porky

Ike's nemesis = Dark Knight or something like that

Samus' nemesis = Ridley or Dark Samus

Personally, I think it'd be cool to see Dark Samus as a playable. She's have Samus' weight and size, but her jumps and entire moveset would be different.

For starters, she floats a lot like Mewtwo. Secondly, in the first battle against her in Prime 2, she showcases about 3 or so moves that could be specials: A scatter laser shot, an invulnerability aura (could be a bit like Nayru's Love), and a move where she turns into a ball of phazon and launches into the ground (could be her 3rd jump). I personally believe she has much potential in that regard.

Space pirates. Kinda. They would make a cool AT, at the very least.

Right, yeah, I looked that up and remembered Ridley. He was a trophy in Melee and appeared in the intro, and he flew around in the original Smash Bros. Samus level. Still, an AT sounds most likely.

So I was in a Gamestop today, and I overheard two employees talking about a Brawl demo that is supposedly coming out with the latest issue of Nintendo Power. I asked them if they were gonna be selling the issue, but they said the demo only goes to subscribers. Nintendo doesn't often release demos though, so this seems a little wierd. Were they just trying to fuck with me or something? Anyone hear about this?

Also, Cynical:


I imagine this is one of those equivocation problems, where people just hear what they want to.

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