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Yesterday my brothers and my friend decided to do the black hole glitch. That thing is pretty fun to play with.

Doesn't it get loud as all all because of the veggies?

Yeah, I was scared my GC was gonna die or something.

Well my roommate informed me that we have a DVD recorder out in the living room hooked up to the TV and all. I could record some video of my playing style with my characters... but I don't know how fun it would be for you guys to watch.

Just do it, I'd watch it. I watch stuff when I'm bored, and I'm bored most of the time.

my buddy and i tried recording ourselves with a dvd recorder and it caused some lag for awhile. it made it a lot harder to play for awhile, but it eventually synched up after like 45 minutes or so. I made a sample music vid from the footage if you're interested.

creds to trenthian for the wip i used of hers btw...

we're not pros, but we've won a few tournaments in our area.


People from OCR going to California tournaments? You guys should have gone to OC2! It was a huge Melee tournament hosted by Ken. I came all the way from Alaska, so I probably won't be coming back down again until next summer.


Hey, at least S2 made it out of the first pool. I got eliminated in the first pool, but my john is that it had Mew2King in it. That, and I couldn't concentrate because I was all nervous. But at least I won two matches, against a Samus named Smooth Criminal. Ah, who am I kidding. The other guys would have won anyway. But I was really dissapointed with my matches with this Ice Climber guy, I counter picked him with Marth and still lost. I was too scared to try anything because I didn't want to lose another match, and I ended up using horrible tactics that I know don't work. It was a terrible feeling.

Haha, holy crap was S2 screwed in pool 2. Chu Dat, vwins, Cho, Kei and Rob Money? I would have crapped my pants. Those are all really good players. BTW, my friend Lunaris and I were housed with that vwins guy, I had a lot of fun playing him. I think I only won once against that guy the whole time, heh. And we played a lot of matches.

Well here's some of the practice games... Now that I think about it, I'm slower than usual in these videos than I normally play.

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 1 (Items).wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 2.wmv

G-T(IC) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 3.wmv

G-T(JPuff) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 4.wmv

Edit: Fixed links. I might put up one more or something. I gotta see how much I recorded.

Hah, noob. I mean, wow so fast. But for real, awesome, now teach me!

Well here's some of the practice games... Now that I think about it, I'm slower than usual in these videos than I normally play.

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 1 (Items).wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 2.wmv

G-T(IC) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 3.wmv

G-T(JPuff) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 4.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 5.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 6.wmv

Edit: Fixed links. Those are all for now.

Awesome. I just watched the one where you use the Ice Climbers. Pretty awesome. I don't really know how to use them, but grabing people with IC is pretty easy. I was messing around with them this weekend against my friend and he couldn't beat me when I was using them.

Well here's some of the practice games... Now that I think about it, I'm slower than usual in these videos than I normally play.

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 1 (Items).wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 2.wmv

G-T(IC) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 3.wmv

G-T(JPuff) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 4.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 5.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 6.wmv

Edit: Fixed links. Those are all for now.

Awesome. I just watched the one where you use the Ice Climbers. Pretty awesome. I don't really know how to use them, but grabing people with IC is pretty easy. I was messing around with them this weekend against my friend and he couldn't beat me when I was using them.

That's actually one of my weaker Ice Climbers moments... but thanks! :)

Well here's some of the practice games... Now that I think about it, I'm slower than usual in these videos than I normally play.

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 1 (Items).wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 2.wmv

G-T(IC) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 3.wmv

G-T(JPuff) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 4.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 5.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 6.wmv

Edit: Fixed links. Those are all for now.

Only got a chance to look at your 1st and last vids. First of all, excellent quality on the visuals. I don't know what kind of camera/ video encoder you have, but it looks nice!

It was interesting watching your play style. Not as frantic as a lot of Falco's, but you seem to have most of the technical quirks down pat. I always love to see the down spike- reflector action going on. I do that a lot myself when I'm falco.

Well here's some of the practice games... Now that I think about it, I'm slower than usual in these videos than I normally play.

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 1 (Items).wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 2.wmv

G-T(IC) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 3.wmv

G-T(JPuff) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 4.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 5.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 6.wmv

Edit: Fixed links. Those are all for now.

Only got a chance to look at your 1st and last vids. First of all, excellent quality on the visuals. I don't know what kind of camera/ video encoder you have, but it looks nice!

It was interesting watching your play style. Not as frantic as a lot of Falco's, but you seem to have most of the technical quirks down pat. I always love to see the down spike- reflector action going on. I do that a lot myself when I'm falco.

Hey many thanks, Broken. If you were wondering how I recorded it, I used my roommate's DVD Recorder out in the living room. One of those VCR things but DVDs instead of VHS. I recorded it on DVDs, then ripped them to wmv in Windows Movie Maker since my Adobe Premiere crashes whenever I try to open it (*uninstalls it*).

As for Falco, I try to be a mix of fast, precise, and tricky. The whole precision thing makes me not be as frantic. My policy is that extra movements will just get me hit more often. :)

Well here's some of the practice games... Now that I think about it, I'm slower than usual in these videos than I normally play.

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 1 (Items).wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 2.wmv

G-T(IC) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 3.wmv

G-T(JPuff) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 4.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 5.wmv

G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 6.wmv

Edit: Fixed links. Those are all for now.

Only got a chance to look at your 1st and last vids. First of all, excellent quality on the visuals. I don't know what kind of camera/ video encoder you have, but it looks nice!

It was interesting watching your play style. Not as frantic as a lot of Falco's, but you seem to have most of the technical quirks down pat. I always love to see the down spike- reflector action going on. I do that a lot myself when I'm falco.

Hey many thanks, Broken. If you were wondering how I recorded it, I used my roommate's DVD Recorder out in the living room. One of those VCR things but DVDs instead of VHS. I recorded it on DVDs, then ripped them to wmv in Windows Movie Maker since my Adobe Premiere crashes whenever I try to open it (*uninstalls it*).

As for Falco, I try to be a mix of fast, precise, and tricky. The whole precision thing makes me not be as frantic. My policy is that extra movements will just get me hit more often. :)

Your Falco is pretty good, although you didn't edgehog or b-air as much as I would. Q isn't that good of a doc player though.

TCP and I recorded some matches today, I'll be able to upload them when I can borrow my friend's tv tuner. (Usually we just record onto VHS and then rip it from there.)

I didn't edgehog as much because I knew I didn't need to. :wink:

Q is okay at Doc, but he plays super defensively and tries to go for cheap kills if possible. He totally thinks he's good. :?


You know, G-T, I could actually see a lot of things Q could have done differently while fighting against you.

Damnit now I'm wondering how my playstyle would match up against a tournament player.

At least you have somebody who isn't afraid to actually play the game with you though. I haven't done so in so long because of this.


See it's one thing to watch a video and say "I would do this if I fought you." but that's not always how it works. If he played differently, that is... if he actually was good, I would have turned up the heat and played differently.

Even when I turn up the heat though, I still don't even consider myself tournament calibur. :P

When I use the word tournament, I mean a serious one and not some make-shift college tournament or whatever.


Man, I wish I could meet up with you guys. Maybe next summer.

Red Shadow, keep watching Smashboards for tournaments in your area, it will definetely be worth your time, they are very very fun. Well, as long as it's a good tournament.

Also, I know you said you don't want to reply to my posts on this subject anymore because you said Cerrax's post hit the nail on the head or whatever, but if you've never played against a professional, and I'm assuming that means you've never met one, how can you know that Cerrax's post, which says that the majority of professional Smashers are elitists, is true? Not only that, but you're saying it's so true that my reply doesn't matter. If you havn't read my last post regarding this subject, I suggest you do because it has my reply to Cerrax's post and everything. It's the third post on page 78.


I wish I had some better people in the area. Really it's just me against my little brother, and although he occasionally beats me, I only have one playing style to fight against... That, and the only other person I can fight against won't because apparently my controller is better than his somehow. Yeah. Ouch.

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