HideousBeing Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 you crazy? oh em gee. a Ds SSB game would be a amazing. hell, im not talking about some kind of Port or whatever. what i have envisioned is something of amazingness.A 2D/ pseudo 3D game. smash bros in its simplest is 2D, so why not have the characters be in 2D also? what im seeing is completely unique animations and sprites. same moves... a - attack b - special attack x - jump y - jump R - Bubble L - Taunt R+A - Grab/throw items can be the same. it would be the same mechanics but just smooshed into a pixelated 2D enviroment. as for the 2 screens. it could show you how much each player has in hit percentage and also show you what weapons are being held and maybe what the score tally is. it would work out perfectly. wifi connections and Online? beautiful!!! Yes, I imagined a 2D game as well. I figured, "why not? SSB is played on a 2D plane anyway." They could just make characters and backgrounds rendered sprites of the model files like they do in the new super mario bros. The second screen for the percentage is a good idea. I find it very annoying when the percentages and stock block the vision of lower level combat. Oh, and of course, they could make it an online game.
The Mutericator Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 I'm in complete agreement. If they did, it'd likely end as a port of the first SSB, or an even worse spin off, similar to Mortal Kombat. Support your hypothesis. Personally, I think it would be much better than the original, thanks to the DS cartridge ability to store more info than the N64 cart could - so at worst, it could end up having the same graphical quality, but with more characters (not Melee's level, I expect) and stages. I'm all for it, but I think Sakurai has been asked about it before, and he replied, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
Katsurugi Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Isn't there already two brawler type games for the DS? Jump Superstars and Jump Ultimate Stars or something. So yes, they could make a SSB type game for DS. It would probably be a bit like the N64 version. The Jump series has a ridiculous amount of characters but you can only play as a fraction of them. The others come in the form of helper characters with assists like in MvC1. I hope they don't though, because that will hurt the reputation of SSB overall. Since it's a console game, you don't have to worry about lag which would severely hinder the overall gaming experience.
Drack Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 SSB kinda needs an analog stick. It would be awkward on DS.
FuriousFure Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 SSB kinda needs an analog stick. It would be awkward on DS. you know, i don't agree. i think it could work well with a directional pad. its all about how they go about doing it, or about the sensitivity of the pad, being able to distinguish between a smash attack and an attack in a certain direction. as for the lag, which i'm presume that you're talking about slowdown because the game might be too big to run smoothly the whole time. although im all for the New super mario bros Look with actual 3D characters, you could actually have the graphical style be more like Mario Party Advance. (thats what i envisioned originally when i thought of SSB on the gameboy) so complete 2D but improve the image clarity and smoosh the possibilty of slowdown. but i think the DS cart could handle Pseudo 3D or just 2D, but have it be the original 12 but maybe polished up. balance it up again, so it wouldn't be just a port but it would be a game rebuilt.
Hellcom Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 The DS already has a SSB type game, Jump Super/Ultimate Stars. It hosts much of the same gameplay of SSB, but instead of Nintendo characters its Jump Manga characters such as Naurto, Bleach, DBZ, Death Note, Eyeshield 21, etc... Not just that, its pretty import friendly, which I can testify to as I own Ultimate. Also, a new interview is out that reveals there should around 40 characters and mentions new additions and removals: He confirmed that the following characters will appear in the new Smash Bros.Bowser Jr. Ridley, the famous enemy of Samus. Wind Waker Link. And certain characters will disappear: Ice Climbers Mr. Game & Watch Young Link. ... [sakurai] finally affirmed that the total number of characters should approach forty, leaving place for about fifteen new ones and one or two 3rd party characters. http://nexgenwars.com/gaming_news/166/SSBB-roster-update.Edit: I fell for a prank, nevermind.
dsx100 Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 What is wrong with a SSB for DS. There is nothing wrong with porting a game series traditonal being on consoles to handhelds. It has been done tons of times with Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Mario Kart, and Metroid series and they have produced great games (New Super Mario Bros., Metroid Zero Mission anyone). Even a port of the N64 version would even be fine with me because I personally find the original still very fun (can't wait till it comes to virtual console). I would prefer a new game though. 3d or 2d doesn't matter to me though 2d would probably have alot more characters. The DS has enough buttons, the graphic capabilities, and fan base for a SSB game so why not. If it turns out bad (which I doubt) just don't buy it. They don't even need to add touch screen features just like Mario Kart DS. PS: This thing that SSB needs an analog stick is BS. It would probably be alot easier to do smash attacks with a D-pad.
The Mutericator Posted April 18, 2007 Posted April 18, 2007 The DS already has a SSB type game, Jump Super/Ultimate Stars. It hosts much of the same gameplay of SSB, but instead of Nintendo characters its Jump Manga characters such as Naurto, Bleach, DBZ, Death Note, Eyeshield 21, etc... Not just that, its pretty import friendly, which I can testify to as I own Ultimate.Also, a new interview is out that reveals there should around 40 characters and mentions new additions and removals: http://nexgenwars.com/gaming_news/166/SSBB-roster-update. Edit: I fell for a prank, nevermind. An ancient prank, at that. This is from like June of last year.
HideousBeing Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 I always thought it would be cool if one of the Nintendo executive directors was included as a secret character or maybe trophy in Brawl. They could put in Masahiro Sakurai himself, Satoru Iwata, Nobuo Uematsu, or my personal favorite, Shigeru Miyamoto. I have no idea what the move set of any of these would be like, but it would be a cool thing to add I thought.
atmuh Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 uhhhhhhhhhhhhh why one earth would i wanna be some japanese human dude i mean thanks for makin the game but STAY OUT
Brushfire Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 Ol' Shiggy was in a Mega 64 Skit recently. It was pretty funny.
Theory of N Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 I wonder where the team is in development of this game right about now...
Brushfire Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 Prolly just about finishing that 12th character model.
The Mutericator Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 Prolly just about finishing that 12th character model. Gotta make sure Samus' cleavage looks juuuuuust right.
chrono26 Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 i'd like to think that the game has been finished for sometime and now they're just putting a crap-load of finishing touches and doing a whole lot of polishing so it looks BAD-ASS.
Neo Samus Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 I just want so info. I'm freaking dying over here!!
Theory of N Posted April 19, 2007 Posted April 19, 2007 I just want so info. I'm freaking dying over here!! You're not the only one...
HideousBeing Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 It just occurred to me today as I was playing Melee, Luigi can actually constructively damage someone with his Fighter Stance by wavedashing and performing it. He can easily finish the move before he stops sliding. I tried it, it's awesome. Anyone ever use this? It would be quite humiliating to be knocked over like that.
Mikey Lenetia Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 Hope you guys don't mind me dropping in a few times. I like to keep updated, after all.
Neo Samus Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 If Sonic does become a playable character, what do you think his move list might consist of? I had an idea for a grab, if you push down+A, he does a Spin dash for Massive damage (pun intended)
Broken Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 It just occurred to me today as I was playing Melee, Luigi can actually constructively damage someone with his Fighter Stance by wavedashing and performing it. He can easily finish the move before he stops sliding. I tried it, it's awesome. Anyone ever use this? It would be quite humiliating to be knocked over like that. Luigi's taunt is one of the more difficult and more humiliating spikes in the game. Just kick someone as they return to the stage. taun spike
RealFolkBlues Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 His specials probably wouldn't be all that hard to figure out. I'm thinking up+b is the homing strike and has good horizontal return possibilities, his forward+b is a quick dash like Fox, his neutral b is a charge up like Yoshi, and the down b is less certain. Maybe that should be his homing strike and the up b something else? Hmm. Other than that, I imagine his Hyper would be something akin to Chipp's Destroy move in GGXX (super fast strikes from all directions culminating with some kind of pose.)
chrono26 Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 Luigi's taunt is one of the more difficult and more humiliating spikes in the game. Just kick someone as they return to the stage. taun spike hahahahaha "ROFL". nice
dsx100 Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 What if Sonic's super samsh special (hyper, or whatever everyone else calls it) would be him turning to Super Sonic for a short period of time. I think that would be pretty cool but thats just me. PS: If anyone knows of some good gaming merchandise websites please post them in my thread titled "Good Gaming Merchandise sites" in the Help and Newbies section.
bouncerboy15 Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 Luigi's taunt is one of the more difficult and more humiliating spikes in the game. Just kick someone as they return to the stage. taun spike Haha, nice. I should try that out in a match someday.
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