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So, I'm at the local Wal-Mart, and there's this guy with a new, unopened black DS Lite. I said "damn, they had black ones here?" and he hears this. He then informs me that his was the last one in stock. He then asks me if there are any games for it.

I guess he just heard how popular they were or something.

Any way, he asks me if there are any good games for it. I spout off a list of games that have gotten pretty good reviews, and when i mention Advance Wars being sort of like Risk, he then lights up and says "you mean like Age of Empires?!" And the instant I say that there is n Age of Empires for it, he turns around and heads back to the electronic section without even saying thanks or goodbye. Personally, I wonder if he was sober. He seemed a little out of it.

Weird day.


Don't worry. It's for the love of the game. Even though it may blind us, or make us act irrationally, know that there was good intentions in his heart despite the fact that he abruptly ended the conversation. Also realize that he will be indebted to you and will most likely regret the fact that he did not have a proper conversation with you, for you are the one who led him to the path of enlightenment.

I liked DKR almost as much if not more than Mario Kart, It just felt like there was much more to do. As stated in the post before this one.

Will DKR DS be WiFi enabled?

Oh God yes, DKR was just so much better then Mario Kart 64. More courses, 3 vehicles, better multiplayer maps and power ups and much solider (and fucking tough) singleplayer.


I was just watching a video where a guy demos Opera for the DS...honestly, I'm not super impressed. I mean it works, but I don't foresee myself going out and spending $40+ for the thing, but it got me thinking...What kind of similar "software" would I be willing to buy? I don't really think that the DS is very suitable for web browsing, per se, but something that would allow me to interface with a variety of messaging services would be great. Something like Trillion Messenger that would allow one to communicate via MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, and AIM...maybe even IRC, and also allow you to check and answer your email. Now that's something I'd be interested in.

Something like Trillion Messenger that would allow one to communicate via MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, and AIM...maybe even IRC, and also allow you to check and answer your email. Now that's something I'd be interested in.

I like my DS to do just one thing: play games. If I want to check my e-mail and whatnot away from home/work, well, that's why I have a laptop too ;).

FuriousFure: If you can't find WarioWare: Touched! now I'm guessing because it's no longer produced. Awesome game, though. Good luck.

I was just watching a video where a guy demos Opera for the DS...honestly, I'm not super impressed. I mean it works, but I don't foresee myself going out and spending $40+ for the thing, but it got me thinking...What kind of similar "software" would I be willing to buy? I don't really think that the DS is very suitable for web browsing, per se, but something that would allow me to interface with a variety of messaging services would be great. Something like Trillion Messenger that would allow one to communicate via MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, and AIM...maybe even IRC, and also allow you to check and answer your email. Now that's something I'd be interested in.

online pictochat would be neat, but Nintendo doesn't want little kids cybering on the DS, or whatever the fuck reason they never have text chat in online games.


I know it has probably already been talked about, but I don't have time to read this whole thread. Does anyone know anything about the DS shortage and when Nintendo will start meeting the demand? This is especially frustrating me because I got a DS for Christmas (a white one) that had a dead pixel. Grrr stupid green dead pixel. At the time I had no idea how hot of an item the DS was/is, so I decided to exchange it as soon as possible.

While I was getting a haircut, my mom returned my DS to Target before checking to see if any were available. Of course there were none, and the grouchy old return lady sent us on a hunt to a different Target store claiming they had 5 in stock. Wrong. This happened the week after Christmas. To make a long and agonizing story short, I'm out of a DS, have started Final Fantasy III and Yoshi's Island DS and cannot play them, and I can't play any of my siblings games either.

Oh and I have to get one from Target because that's where my dad works and I get a discount. So my options are further limited.


Thinking about it makes me want to punch someone.

I know it has probably already been talked about, but I don't have time to read this whole thread. Does anyone know anything about the DS shortage and when Nintendo will start meeting the demand? This is especially frustrating me because I got a DS for Christmas (a white one) that had a dead pixel. Grrr stupid green dead pixel. At the time I had no idea how hot of an item the DS was/is, so I decided to exchange it as soon as possible.

While I was getting a haircut, my mom returned my DS to Target before checking to see if any were available. Of course there were none, and the grouchy old return lady sent us on a hunt to a different Target store claiming they had 5 in stock. Wrong. This happened the week after Christmas. To make a long and agonizing story short, I'm out of a DS, have started Final Fantasy III and Yoshi's Island DS and cannot play them, and I can't play any of my siblings games either.

Oh and I have to get one from Target because that's where my dad works and I get a discount. So my options are further limited.


Thinking about it makes me want to punch someone.

Want to buy mine? with some games?

I know it has probably already been talked about, but I don't have time to read this whole thread. Does anyone know anything about the DS shortage and when Nintendo will start meeting the demand? This is especially frustrating me because I got a DS for Christmas (a white one) that had a dead pixel. Grrr stupid green dead pixel. At the time I had no idea how hot of an item the DS was/is, so I decided to exchange it as soon as possible.

While I was getting a haircut, my mom returned my DS to Target before checking to see if any were available. Of course there were none, and the grouchy old return lady sent us on a hunt to a different Target store claiming they had 5 in stock. Wrong. This happened the week after Christmas. To make a long and agonizing story short, I'm out of a DS, have started Final Fantasy III and Yoshi's Island DS and cannot play them, and I can't play any of my siblings games either.

Oh and I have to get one from Target because that's where my dad works and I get a discount. So my options are further limited.


Thinking about it makes me want to punch someone.

I had the same problem when I decided to buy my DS after Christmas. It took me three weeks of stopping at stores and calling around till I finally stumbled on a few at Circuit City.

I'm afriad that you're probably just going to have to have to keep looking, or try eBay.

I know it has probably already been talked about, but I don't have time to read this whole thread. Does anyone know anything about the DS shortage and when Nintendo will start meeting the demand? This is especially frustrating me because I got a DS for Christmas (a white one) that had a dead pixel. Grrr stupid green dead pixel. At the time I had no idea how hot of an item the DS was/is, so I decided to exchange it as soon as possible.

While I was getting a haircut, my mom returned my DS to Target before checking to see if any were available. Of course there were none, and the grouchy old return lady sent us on a hunt to a different Target store claiming they had 5 in stock. Wrong. This happened the week after Christmas. To make a long and agonizing story short, I'm out of a DS, have started Final Fantasy III and Yoshi's Island DS and cannot play them, and I can't play any of my siblings games either.

Oh and I have to get one from Target because that's where my dad works and I get a discount. So my options are further limited.


Thinking about it makes me want to punch someone.

Does Nintendo not replace them if they come with a dead pixel? I dunno if you've tried contacting their customer support or not yet, but that's what I'd have done (especially if it doesn't look like the store I got it from is going to be carrying replacement units anytime soon).

Does Nintendo not replace them if they come with a dead pixel? I dunno if you've tried contacting their customer support or not yet, but that's what I'd have done (especially if it doesn't look like the store I got it from is going to be carrying replacement units anytime soon).

From the narrative I gather that he no longer has the dead-pixel DS. His mom returned it without ensuring a replacement beforehand.

From the narrative I gather that he no longer has the dead-pixel DS. His mom returned it without ensuring a replacement beforehand.

lol, oops. My mistake, I had misread that statement about returning it as a misnomer for attempting to exchange. Anyway, that's too bad.


So anyone playing Phoenix Wright Attorney at Law: Justice for All?

I'm in the middle of the first case. I'm hoping the music will grow on me, because so far it seems like the only thing that's changed, and I'm not impressed thus far.

Wow, sucks for you guys. We have a boatload here in Sacramento. Every store I go to has at least 10 available on display, and even more in back.

Then what's wrong with Minnesota? and Target?


Anyone else excited about Hotel Dusk: Room 215? No one's reviewed it yet, granted, but it's a film noir action game. I mean, really. How many of these do we get? Not enough, for me.

If all goes well it'll probably be the only DS game I will have bought since New Mario came out (if you don't count me importing Pokemon Pearl in October).

Oh God yes, DKR was just so much better then Mario Kart 64. More courses, 3 vehicles, better multiplayer maps and power ups and much solider (and fucking tough) singleplayer.

plus it is 8 players!


So are there any other exciting pre-order goodies that we can get our hands on? This stylus that came with PW is niftier than it first looked. Tried putting some money down on Hotel Dusk but they weren't doing them anymore. Anything else to be on the lookout for?

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