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anybody know whether or not Ace Attorney 4 is ever gonna be released in the US?

Pretty sure it's going to be. They already gave the guy the name of Apollo Justice.

With the increased focus on the story/single-player mode, though, I wonder if/how the multiplayer will suffer.

Probably from being the same exact game as single player with the same scaling system from the original CC. Not that I'm complaining...

Or if they wanted to "ruin" it they could just have specific multiplayer levels. Lemme specify: It depends on your point of view. It heavily limits the levels and replay of multiplayer, but it may give them some focus to it so they they improve the game in more ways than just gameplay.

I really hope that they give FFVI the same treatment. Looks awesome, and I'll be getting it day one.

Any word on new bonus content?

The story goes that for FF4, about half of the script was abandoned, including a bit of backstory about Kain and his father.

As much as I would enjoy a faithful update to 3-D, I sincerely wish they decide to expand on the story a lot more. They could flesh it out a lot more without sacrificing the main story. FF3 was good as it was because I never did play it on the NES, but this will need a big overhaul since the nostalgia factor is gonna be gone.

The story goes that for FF4, about half of the script was abandoned, including a bit of backstory about Kain and his father.

Wait, you mean that for the DS remake, they're actually cutting parts of the story? At the very least, we need the same translation and amount of script as in the GBA game, and I'd prefer slightly _more_.

Wait, you mean that for the DS remake, they're actually cutting parts of the story? At the very least, we need the same translation and amount of script as in the GBA game, and I'd prefer slightly _more_.

No, I meant that the SNES version was heavily edited to reduce the content, as it was a pretty big story to begin with. Therefore when it was originally released, a part of the story concerning Kain was dropped.

I hope the DS remake will use that story.


Man... I'm dying to play FFIV on the DS.

It's amazing how everyone was crying for the remakes of FFVII-FFIX on the PS2(I'm still waiting for FFVIII), and yet they're tackling the SNES games first.

Of course, I'm not complaining, being that two of my all time favorite games are FFIV and VI. Although I'll be somewhat upset if they leave out this fabled part of the story out again.

I haven't even finished the GBA version yet... I hate you, Squeenix. I hate you Kefka-style.

I beat it WITH grinding and 100% item completion *sans lunar trials* within 30 hours, so you shouldn't have much trouble beating this if you play it like 10 minutes a day until the ds version comes out :P

Is it me, or are the GBA ports a lot easier than their SNES *Or PS1 for ff4 rather* counterparts?

I recall many reviews saying that FF6 for GBA was a lot easier than the original, citing lower level bosses and fewer random encounters.

Having never picked it up, I can only go by said reviews. Surely someone has it and can verify.

It's slightly easier, but strangely enough, I am taking a lot more time to do it. Haven't died so far but my mastery over FF6 was pretty much total and I rarely lost more than one character per hour of play. The esper cave was, however, quite the habitual bitch, but then again, it was easier than usually (especially the hidden ninja that was pulverised where as it used to be a tough fight.)


Actually the game is definitely easier than the old version. Less encounters, less power and speed of enemies. And only a few optional bosses are any real challenge.

Though the worst sin of the game is that the GBA simply can't handle SNES-like sounds.


I just finished playing through the 3rd Phoenix Wright game this morning (stayed up until 3:00 playing it...yes!)

It's absolutely incredible. The 5th case was a whirlwind of awesome start to finish. If any of you guys played the first one, get this now (even if you didn't like the 2nd that much) -- it's a great read, and a real tribute to the text-based games of our parents generation.


I'll be getting it...in like October or whenever it was delayed to. So, aside from PW, Phantom Hourglass, and I guess Ninja Gaiden (even though it looks like you need to have played the recent games to get this story and I haven't played a Ninja Gaiden game since the third one on the NES) is there anything else coming out this year to keep an eye on? Luminous Arc looks kinda cool, but I have an incredible backload of RPGs right now so I'm not in a hurry to pick it up.

I just finished playing through the 3rd Phoenix Wright game this morning (stayed up until 3:00 playing it...yes!)

It's absolutely incredible. The 5th case was a whirlwind of awesome start to finish. If any of you guys played the first one, get this now (even if you didn't like the 2nd that much) -- it's a great read, and a real tribute to the text-based games of our parents generation.

I guess I'm old enough to be a parent generation...

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