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While you're on the subject, Abe, whats the deal with Sloprano? Are you doing the voice and music, or just the voice, or what? Up to you if you want to do it at all, but it would be so sick...

Thinking about the rock-change, maybe we could do something with that. I mean, it already has lyrics. And the idea of death-metal teris or something along those lines is getting me excited. What about the Sim City guy, too?

Man, that was so funny!


You know when Rock n Roll band members get old, and look like just regular people? Heehee... We can't give up on this. I love spambots. "Advisor Gets The Funding"? Remember all that? Anyone?



Lenght? Uhh... 3-8 minutes sounds good. But if you're making it that long, it'd better kick ass.

Submission? Hop on the forums (second link on the first post) and post your WIP in the right section. If you don't have an account yet (as far as I can tell, you dont), just let me know, cause otherwise you wont see anything. If you already have one, just post it.

Or you can send me a copy by PM...

EDIT: Hey, waittaminute... Did you ever have a track? I have the old list from the front page, before the pseudo-cuts, and you're not on it? Why'd your name sound so familiar then? Crazy...


There is no way I'm gonna be able to do Andross in a rock style, I'm afraid (I'll be suprised if anyone can do it). Could you please drop me for that one? I'm still working on the Garry Oak mix, but taking on Andross's theme in any genre is hard enough, Rock is just impossible for me.

There is no way I'm gonna be able to do Andross in a rock style, I'm afraid (I'll be suprised if anyone can do it). Could you please drop me for that one? I'm still working on the Garry Oak mix, but taking on Andross's theme in any genre is hard enough, Rock is just impossible for me.

*cough* drum solo for my Bison mix *cough*

ed;256116']While you're on the subject' date=' Abe, whats the deal with Sloprano? Are you doing the voice and music, or just the voice, or what? Up to you if you want to do it at all, but it would be so sick...[/quote']

Did EMP drop out? I had done the vocals for it, but EMP said he'd do the music. If he dropped out, I might possibly be able to pick it up.


Almighty Tallest - At least we didnt lose you. You were commenting on that track's difficulty anyway, so no harm done. If no one picks it up, we can just drop it. Still looking forward to hearing Gary. YOu still going for something like Joe Satriani (Did I spell that right? Some of his stuff is real good...)

Abadoss - Yeah, we haven't heard from Sleepy Emp in months. Looks like it's up to you what to do with that track.

MaliceX - Thats what I get for not reading back one page... Sorry about the confusion.


Yeah we haven't heard from him in months. Abadoss do you think you can do sloprano in that orchestral/epic style as Sleepy emp did? because I really liked how it sounded. I know Pi already said that we moved over to a rock genre,but I don't think it would sound good in rock.But it's up do you.

ed;256215']Almighty Tallest - At least we didnt lose you. You were commenting on that track's difficulty anyway' date=' so no harm done. If no one picks it up, we can just drop it. Still looking forward to hearing Gary. YOu still going for something like Joe Satriani (Did I spell that right? Some of his stuff is real good...)[/quote']

Yeah, I'm still going for something Satriani-inspired. The only problems I have really are bass-related, I'm hoping LuIzA can help me out with that. I'll pick up another track if I can finish this one soon, there isn't very much for me left to do.

Pu Freak - Sorry, I feel pretty bad about leaving it this late. I'll get it done eventually.


I'm in the same boat, school vamping up a 'lil. I'm trying to add in ProTools as my DAW because it works so seamlessly with Reason, but I'm having some technical difficulties with Giga and Rewire and ironing it out is slowing me down.

Many apologies, but do remember that unless I truly am dead I do answer email and AIM. A little two way conversation is always nice, instead of just being talked down to on forums I can't track 100% and/or ignored when I do. Try to assume that producing free music amongst a life that demands money and schooling and attention to private matters is the typical "excuse" of us remixers, and not just lazy good-for-nothings realizing their do-nothing existence. Believe it or not, I'm doing YOU the favor, not the other way around.

I'll will for sure finish Dark Gaia before this project is completed by everyone else (I am paying attention believe it or not), if u want me to, and in return I'll appreciate your patience, understanding, and communication. However, if that's too much to ask, just drop me from the project. I do realize I've missed several deadlines as it is, and won't take it personally - no harm done. Thank you. - James


Lenght? Uhh... 3-8 minutes sounds good. But if you're making it that long' date=' it'd better kick ass.

Submission? Hop on the forums (second link on the first post) and post your WIP in the right section. If you don't have an account yet (as far as I can tell, you dont), just let me know, cause otherwise you wont see anything. If you already have one, just post it.

Or you can send me a copy by PM...

EDIT: Hey, waittaminute... Did you ever have a track? I have the old list from the front page, before the pseudo-cuts, and you're not on it? Why'd your name sound so familiar then? Crazy...[/quote']

Yeah. I did... :\ I was doing the Golden Siver remix track... 8O:cry::?:nicework:

Yeah we haven't heard from him in months. Abadoss do you think you can do sloprano in that orchestral/epic style as Sleepy emp did? because I really liked how it sounded. I know Pi already said that we moved over to a rock genre,but I don't think it would sound good in rock.But it's up do you.

Yeah, I think I can do that. I just need to get my recital over with. Orchestral is my forte. Rock, not so much.


James George - No prob, school's everyone's problem. Thats why no big cuts or changes will probably follow until some time like June, most likely.

ShinnyMetal - See above, for the most part.

MaliceX - I realised that shortly after I posted that... That's what I get for not bothering to read one page back, and instead jump to the first post to see where you were...


Alright, I really want to get back in on this. I'm fully operational and ready to let loose.

So...what tracks are left for remixing? I don't know if the list on the first post was updated or not.

Alright, I really want to get back in on this. I'm fully operational and ready to let loose.

So...what tracks are left for remixing? I don't know if the list on the first post was updated or not.

Pretty much, it's trustable. I have to update it by putting on MaliceX, updating the genres, but thats it, I think.

Alright, then in that case, I'll take Dr. Roboto. *Does the robot.*

One question, though. Is that his boss theme from the first Sonic?

Doesn't matter. YOu can pick the theme from whatever Sonic you want or you could add several Robotnik themes in one mix. Just make sure it's still a good boss theme

Doesn't matter. YOu can pick the theme from whatever Sonic you want or you could add several Robotnik themes in one mix. Just make sure it's still a good boss theme

For sure.

- I just spoke to a freind of mine who plays guitar. He's psyched about it, so we might see something from him.

*Domo arigato, Mr. Myoku (Joins in the Robot)



lol @ Pi.

Alright...well, I think I'll choose the Final Boss Theme from Sonic 3. A suitable theme for Dr. Robotnik, I'd say. Plus, it's my favorite out of any theme he has had.

*Gets to work on it.*

I'll definately be sending you a WIP sometime soon, Pi. Also, can we mix Genre's? I've no problem with writing Rock stuff, but I like to add influences of Techno as well.


woot! I got ome guitar ruff recorded..I don't got the audio files on me...Im finishing ruff recording tomarrow...oooh im so excited...well...if im going to do Sephiroth I don't have much time till I should start ideas...gah...SOOOO BUSY!

I'll definately be sending you a WIP sometime soon, Pi. Also, can we mix Genre's? I've no problem with writing Rock stuff, but I like to add influences of Techno as well.

I wouldnt want to exclude artists, so yes, you can mix genres. Just don't stray too far. If he doesn't mind, I'd like to quote something anorak told me in a PM exchange we had while discussing off-site artists...

I don't mind the switch to rock. Getting the album to play as, well, an actual album is something that a lot of the projects here miss out on. They feel more like...playlists, you know? On the other hand, my thoughts on the negative side have basically already come up: we could alienate some of the valuable mixers we are hanging on to, and some of our source tunes could be very difficult to remix as rock songs. I'm not sure what to do with Metroid, for instance. I'll have to listen to it again. And TAT (the-almighty-tallest) said andross would be hard, and I don't blame him. We might need to rearrange the list a bit, just for the sake of the music.

Covers it, basicly. I've mentioned in older posts that it's a good goal to work for, that is "radio quality". Some mixes have the feel to being actually music, and some you know are remixes (not saying that's a bad thing). A good track is one that everyone can listen to, without having to know the source music to really appreciate it. And for this project, it's one you can listen to on the radio.

...Perhaps thats a bit strong. Most rock stations aren't really covering where most of this will go, but it's a good comparison. I have a feeling I'll regret saying that later, but yeah, it's a good way to say "do good work".

Yeah, I suppose thats better. Anorak said it, I'll restate it. Avoid a "playlist" feeling. Most albums here have it. RotS doesn't in my opinion. RotC doesn't either. But RotC is one flowing track broken up, it's supposed to have that fell. And it was pulled off very well. That's more what I want. Avoid a playlist feel, and execute that very nicely to make a good album.

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