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MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)

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Site-wide mutiny, take-over.. let's do it, though I am American, so I hope that doesn't mean you're excluding me from the fun. 

We should schedule the Anti-MAG party each year for those of us who can't go or don't go anymore. 

In fact we should have our own thread. Only problem is I'm almost 100% sure the negative nellies would have it closed and deleted, despite not even supposed-to-being-here while they're at MAG. 


So, I showed up to work out at like 1045 or so, which is perhaps a little late given I said 10 haha. I met Jeremy (Taucer) on the way down but I don't think anyone else was still there. :(

I'm working tomorrow morning until 1pm but how about we work out Sunday morning at 10? For real? I'll set an alarm and stuff. Let's bro it up.


P.s. GroupMe isn't working for crap for me. Thus, forum posts.

24 minutes ago, Garpocalypse said:

so flippin' bummed i couldn't go this year.  Hope everyone is having an awesome time!

You're more than welcome at the Anti-MAGfest. It's going really great. I'm actually making a short list of themes and events present at the show:

  1. Personal couch, personal recliner, etc (varies by person)
  2. Easy-access beverages, water cooler (again varies by person)
  3. Special musical guest my cat
  4. No crippling anxiety
  5. No armpit stench for 3 damn days from people who don't know how to bathe
  6. Quality time with the person you look up to (yourself)
  7. The only drama is that which is on our over-sized TVs, which we also get to ourselves
  8. Easily drive out to get party food or drink, gas is $1.63 a gallon, lowest it's ever been here
  9. All the phonies, sycophants, and assholes are not allowed at your party, unless you are that
  10. People don't judge you when you want to get away from their noisy ass, because nobody's there

All in all it's pretty ok

Oh yeah, I forgot to add, saving roughly $1,000. That's good stuff.

1 hour ago, Brandon Strader said:

You're more than welcome at the Anti-MAGfest. It's going really great. I'm actually making a short list of themes and events present at the show:


  1. People don't judge you when you want to get away from their noisy ass, because nobody's there

All in all it's pretty ok

Oh yeah, I forgot to add, saving roughly $1,000. That's good stuff.

Actually, MAG is that one weekend a year where music and game hybrid-nerds get crammed into a small space and any social awkwardness encountered is immediately forgiven. :)

i'll admit tho AMAG sounds tempting....sorta.  


i don't know but i was up to about 8am every day playing indie arcade games or jamming and the one time we went down to watch the epic battle waters-alba, it was cancelled for ONE YEAR! (thanks mayweather-paquiao!!)

next mag has to be the red eye mag.


My main complaint from this MAGFest outside of getting WAY too drunk Saturday night in the shizz suite would be not getting enough hang time in with zykO. Dude was pretty stretched thin at his first MAG trying to get facetime in with everyone he's never met irl haha. But we managed to get some solid kazoo jamming in on our way back from Nandos.

Seriously though it was an amazing weekend. MAG Underground made it for me. So much awesome music. Two Bit Brigade sets in one day!? Unreal man.

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