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4 hours ago, Darkflamewolf said:

July 1st deadline is coming up for a few of you. @shredd, @Brandon Strader, and @Mak Eightman, looking forward to your first WIP at that time! :D

@wildfire, @RiverSound, @ZackParrish, still waiting on anything from you since June 1st and earlier. Please get back to me on the status of your involvement.

I won't have any time for a while, not sure if I will stay on the project or not.

Life happens sometimes.

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Just got back from a week long Disneyworld trip with family. It was crazy but now I'm back and ready to dive right into this again. Please, if there are any remixers awaiting my feedback on their WIPs that got lost in the cracks in the last few weeks due to vacation, please let me know and I'll give them a listen and get back to you ASAP!

Also, @zykO, any luck on recovering your HD so you can send that WIP in? Looking forward to this one. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I'm in the same boat. Life has been crazy. My WIP isn't very good, and I have a lot less time on my hands then when I started on this. I'm at a point where I think I would need to start over entirely from scratch and I just don't have the time!

I think I'm going to need to drop out. Best of luck with the rest of the project! 

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Ouch, double punch right there and @nOkbient I felt was on a role with everything on his track. This is going to hurt the project greatly in terms of forward momentum. I understand real life happens but wow, I find out that my deployment was cancelled at last minute, I finally get back to the thread to find people dropping like flies. Lots of bad news all around it seems. Congrats on the son @Mak Eightman, it definitely won't be easy to manage or budget time for OCRemix work and parenthood but it is possible as you get into the groove of things, so best of luck to you there. @Brandon Strader, looks like that mix Mak Eightman was occupying that you were originally eyeing has now opened up if you'd like to switch and hop on over. Whew, now that that's out of the way, let's go down the list and see where we are at:

@pu_freak - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@Silent Ice - You're so close to the end, get 'er done by Aug 15th-Sept 1st and let's get this track sent to the judges for some in depth feedback!

@Sbeast - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@fxsnowy - You're so close to the end, get 'er done by Aug 15th-Sept 1st and let's get this track sent to the judges for some in depth feedback!

@wildfire - Please let me know if real life is going to be a problem or if you can pull it through but need more time by Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@Moseph - You're so close to the end, get 'er done by Aug 15th-Sept 1st and let's get this track sent to the judges for some in depth feedback!

@YoshiBlade - You're so close to the end, get 'er done by Aug 15th-Sept 1st and let's get this track sent to the judges for some in depth feedback!

@huile_smith - I haven't heard from you since you signed on basically. I need SOMETHING from you by Sept 1st or I'm unfortunately going to have to drop your track claim!

@~Faseeh~ - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@shredd - Still waiting for any WIP at all from you. Please try to send one in by Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@RiverSound - Still waiting for any WIP at all from you. Please try to send one in by Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@Garpocalypse - You're so close to the end, get 'er done by Aug 15th-Sept 1st and let's get this track sent to the judges for some in depth feedback!

@Brandon Strader - Still waiting for any WIP at all from you. Please try to send one in by Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@zykO - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@Jorito - You're so close to the end, get 'er done by Aug 15th-Sept 1st and let's get this track sent to the judges for some in depth feedback!

@Clem - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@Tuberz McGee - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@ZackParrish - I haven't heard from you since you signed on basically. It is past Aug 1st so unless you'd like to hop back on and reclaim the track, I've released it. However, this time, I'd like to see some WIP first before reclaiming the track now. Sorry, but got to keep the project moving forward. :(

@Supercoolmike - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

@lacifer - I haven't heard from you since you signed on basically. I need SOMETHING from you by Sept 1st or I'm unfortunately going to have to drop your track claim!

@djg-music - looking forward to a more robust WIP or near finished product Aug 15th-Sept 1st!

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Premaster, however, I'd like to run your track one more time by the judges and then after that and whatever fixes they suggest, you send me a finished WAV and FLAC file and we'll get a single professional master-er to do all the tracks together. Thanks for the question and looking forward to your finalized track! :D

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Okay, we had a bunch of folks drop out leaving quite a few unclaimed tracks BUT, we got a few more turned in and finalized! So we're up to...*counts* 10 finished tracks?! Amazing! And looks like 2-3 in the making of being polished and finalized as we speak which will push us to 12-13 when they get sent in! However we need additional talent to cover the remaining tracks.

Thanks for those who got back to me, even if did not make the Sept 1 Deadline, THANKS for getting back with me. Communication is key and I still like to hear SOMETHING even if its 'life is busy but I haven't given up!' Just keep me informed of your interest and I'll keep you on the project.

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Late to the party, but I'd like to offer my performance services on trumpet.   I can do tin whistle too as long as the key is in C, D, F, or G (silly diatonic instruments).

Also just FYI, despite the low post count I've been hanging around OCR since 2002 under a couple different user names.  Never had a good setup for recording until a couple months ago. 

Anywho good luck to all, let me know if I can help!        

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I want to tentatively claim Theme of Loneliness.   I have and idea for it that I think I can execute very nicely, but I'd like to spend some time hashing it out before I 100% commit to it,  Give me a few days to see what I can come up with in terms of arrangement, and I'll give you a definite answer.  (i'm thinking a minimalist very mournful duet of trumpet and double bass recorded live) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starting tomorrow, I'll be gone most of October and will be back in the last half. Until such time I make it back and post here that I am, please refer all questions, samples, WIPs to @Modus for the time being, he's stand-in director for now. Thank you.


Also, @wildfire and @Brandon Strader, you still in this or has real life snatched you away from us forever? :(

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Wow, that is a shock @Jorito, well for now he's been removed since I don't have any personal way of contacting him and he's been rather unresolved with his involvement in the project. So I'm not sure his level of commitment to it. Either way, thanks for the headsup. BTW, I'm back everyone. Over the course of the week, I'm going to go through the track list and catch up with folks I've yet to hear from in a while.

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Remixer/track roundup:

@pu_freak Looking for a more updated WIP ASAP please. Nov 15th would be a good due date.

@Silent Ice Looking for a more updated WIP ASAP please. Nov 15th would be a good due date.

@Sbeast Waiting on your polish based on judge feedback and finalize this track for good.

@fxsnowy Waiting on your polish based on judge feedback and finalize this track for good.

@wildfire If I haven't heard from you by Nov 15th, I will have to assume you can't participate and drop your claim. :(

@Moseph Waiting on your polish based on judge feedback and finalize this track for good. (I did send yours to the judges right?)

@YoshiBlade Waiting on your polish based on judge feedback and finalize this track for good.

@RiverSound If I haven't heard from you by Nov 15th, I will have to assume you can't participate and drop your claim. :(

@Garpocalypse Looking for a more updated WIP ASAP please so we can send to judges for polish critique. Nov 15th would be a good due date.

@zykO Waiting on your polish based on judge feedback and finalize this track for good.

@Clem Looking for a more updated WIP ASAP please. Nov 15th would be a good due date.

@Tuberz McGee Looking for a more updated WIP ASAP please. Nov 15th would be a good due date.

@Sentient Pulse I've received your track, Modus and I are listening to it, please be patient and we'll give you a more solid feedback. Good job so far!

@Supercoolmike Looking for a more updated WIP ASAP please. Nov 15th would be a good due date.

@djg-music Looking for a more updated WIP ASAP please. Nov 15th would be a good due date.


That's the November update. Please try to get these tracks in guys (and gals). We're almost half way there to the full track listing. For those interested and those who have submitted final tracks in months past, you are more than welcome to go pick up another unclaimed track. We've got some great music so far!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To all remixers out there, currently on the project, those who have finished and those who have yet to sign on. @Supercoolmike is struggling with 'Last Dungeon', Track 07 on Disc 3. We've discussed this and he's looking for a second remixer to help collab with him in bringing his vision to light. I want to see him succeed and would appreciate someone stepping up to help him achieve this goal. I am pinging @Deedubs here only because he's done three tracks for us already and expressed interest in a fourth down the line depending on current projects and real life circumstances. Maybe this could be your fourth but in collaboration with Supercoolmike's vision for the piece? Either way, I'd really appreciate someone helping out. So if you can give a shout-out here if you are interested and we can get you two hooked up in pushing the track forward. Thank you.


EDIT: Also for those who I said I'd be removing your claim after the 15th, more tracks have now been opened up to claim as of today.

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