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Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History

Drawn by Dai

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10 hours ago, Jorito said:

I'm not an instrumentalist or performer, but I do have some connections... what did you have in mind? Maybe I can help find collaborators!

Ideally somebody who's a lot better at recording acoustic guitar than me! :D That aside, a flautist (to record flute parts) and somebody to give me feedback on the structure/composition would be good!

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4 minutes ago, Manji said:

Ideally somebody who's a lot better at recording acoustic guitar than me! :D That aside, a flautist (to record flute parts) and somebody to give me feedback on the structure/composition would be good!

I can definitely help out with the last bit, just hit me up in a PM. I also know some flute players and can probably help connect you once the arrangement is further along.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, HoboKa said:

I be confused.  Something about a club update??  Couldn't join it.  Was it cancelled?

Nope, you're in the Club, I can see you. You can access it from the menu at the top (where Browse & Activity are).

Clubs are a new feature of the forums that recently got activated, and we're the first ones to use it. It's like the private forums that we used to have for Album Projects, but it's more convenient and better :) 

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  • 2 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

While it might seem things are dormant here, there’s actually quite a lot happening behind the scenes!

First of all, we’ve set the dates for the final check-in and the final deadline:

  • Final check-in is August 31
  • Final deadline is September 30. Tracks will no longer be accepted after this date.

We’ve been in touch with the remixers still working on their tracks and confirming their participation. Lots of good progress has been made, and I expect we’ll see a handful of new finished tracks this month!

Also, we have a few new claims!

  • @Rozovian claimed the Boss Fight track
  • Fredrik Hathen claimed the Underworld track
  • @Jorito claimed the Resurrection theme medley

So all in all, plenty of good stuff is happening. Hope to see a lot of promising updates and final versions over the remaining weeks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here’s your friendly directors again with a quick update. We just passed the last check-in, and we received some promising WIPs! Also a few tracks were finished and mastered, and some other tracks are on their way to be finished. All in all some great progress (thank you, all!) and now it’s onwards to the final deadline end of this month. Good luck to all the remixers wrapping up their tracks, looking forward to it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Jorito Just submitted my track. :)

By the way, I was wondering, if we want to submit our track as an actual OverClocked Remix track, how do we do that when it's already attached to an album project like this?

I know that in the past, when a new album is released, some (but not all) of the tracks are also released as individual OverClocked Remix tracks. Is there a way to submit it in tandem with the album so that they would be released together if accepted by the judges?


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8 hours ago, Jean Of mArc said:

By the way, I was wondering, if we want to submit our track as an actual OverClocked Remix track, how do we do that when it's already attached to an album project like this?

I know that in the past, when a new album is released, some (but not all) of the tracks are also released as individual OverClocked Remix tracks. Is there a way to submit it in tandem with the album so that they would be released together if accepted by the judges?

I always encourage album artists to submit their track to the OCR panel for evaluation independently. You don't even have to wait until the album is released; just mark in your submission email for which album it is, and staff will take care of it.

With regards to your other question, the album director(s) get to pick a handful of tracks (usually 5) for the mixflood that will be posted to promote the album. These 5 tracks will be vetted by OCR staff (they have to meet the bar of course) and typically will be published in 2-3 batches in the first week of the album. Any other album tracks that you see getting posted are always individual submissions by the artists themselves; as album directors we only choose the handful of tracks for the mixflood. As always, what tracks get posted when is up to OCR staff discretion of course.

And to answer the unasked question: I don't know yet which tracks we will select for the mixflood :P We will do our best to select those 5 tracks that we feel represent the album and the game best, and of which we think they'll promote the album best, but since not all tracks are done yet and me and Trism haven't discussed this yet, we don't have a selection narrowed down right now.

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Mixflood selection sounds like a lot of fun, but when you're actually doing it it's so much harder. For me it was about narrowing it down to categories and also knowing a few artists that had to be represented in the mixflood. I went for collabs to try to cover as many artists as possible, and also ones where I could explain something about the album, not just where the tracks themselves were representative. But that too. It's a big dumb puzzle to figure out.

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For all the people lurking along: we just cleared our final deadline and have a total of 29 completed tracks now! Next steps are getting these tracks mastered and then package everything up and send it over to OCR staff for the next steps later this month.

We'll keep on updating the thread with further info as we go along. Stay tuned :)

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3 minutes ago, Jorito said:

For all the people lurking along: we just cleared our final deadline and have a total of 29 completed tracks now! Next steps are getting these tracks mastered and then package everything up and send it over to OCR staff for the next steps later this month.

We'll keep on updating the thread with further info as we go along. Stay tuned :)


Congratulations everyone!!!


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Wow, that's great! I'm one of the lurkers following this album project with enthusiasm since Terranigma is one of my very favorite RPGs. 2019 (maybe 2020?) looks promising for fans of JRPGs with albums like this one and the others for Lufia II and Golden Sun. Thank you very much for all the great music as usual, I wish you all the best! :)

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