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OCR01513 - Cave Story "Escape Route"


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Interesting mix we've got here... it's a rather enjoyable piece that just seems to keep bouncing along all the way through. The energy presented could make the listener feel all peppy and happy as they listen to the flute bounce and spring from one section to the next.

The remix itself is not really too my taste... I just didn't like having the flute as the lead as it made the rest of the instruments sound a tad "hollow" to me because I'm not all that comfortable with a flute leading the types of other instruments that were in the background. A more solid base line might have fixed that up for me.

In the end though, the song managed to hold my attention for its entire length so it's still pretty good.

I'd recommend this to just about anyone really, just give it a listen and see whether or not you like it.

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Hey thanks guys! I have to say that it's been one of my "life goals" to get a remix onto OCR. Seriously. I found this place way way back when it first opened, in like 1999 or 2000. OCR is what got me into music and recording, etc. I am overjoyed to finally have something here!

Thanks again for everyone's support!

-Oh and by the way feel free to check more of my work at http://iplayflute1985.googlepages.com/

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I kinda like this remix. Partially because I love anything Cavestory, but mostly because it is a very good mix. It fits the original quite well and is good, just not particularly to my taste.

The CSRemix Project had some good mixes, but a lot of them varied from the original way too much. This one keeps the tune and uses it throughout, making it a lot better, but I'm still waiting on a Gravity or 1st Core Remix, preferrably heavy metal. :D

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This mix is really good to listen to while staring at DrumUltima's signature.

I've always liked this from way before. I listened to the OCR version to see if anything changed, especially after djp mentioned a drum solo which I didn't remember. Alas, nothing new (even if just one thing is ever changed in a song, and it is for the better, it makes me glad inside, no matter what the song). At the time it was doubley disappointing because I was listening on my really crappy headphones. At the time, it almost made me not like it altogether because I couldn't hear any bass at all. Luckily changing from 20 dollar open headphones to 100 dollar closed headphones makes 1000000x the difference in bass and everything else. Anyone who has the money and is a fan of music, wearing 20 dollar open headphones, should go shoot themselves in the face. Well not really, but it's pretty important.

As an aside, someone once said the left-panned synth sounds like a really cheap synth sax. Just sounds like a synth to me. Could be considered weak, but anyone who's played Cave Story (and liked it) should love it.

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I'm quite a fan of Corran, in fact I do believe I was unhealthily obsessed with his works at some point, so my opinion might have a slight biased twist, but this one, this Escape Route, has made me so happy that I've let my mind run around inside my pants as I've listened to it.

That's complimentary, in case you were wondering.

That didn't say much, so I shall try and describe my feelings aroused by listening to the remix. I haven't played Cave Story, so the experience was completely new and full of surprises to me. The very beginning set the mood to what could be called "nastiness is about". I was a tad worried there, for I feared the nasty things'd crawl into my head and make a ruckus, just like the last time, but fortunately this was not allowed to happen. The divine flute-power of Corran came along accompanied by other instruments of (and for) great justice. Thereafter I can't remember much, other than that I was jamming in sort of an ecstasy with my feet above my head.

Conclusion: This song might just be the AMBASSADOR OF LOVE the prophecies of Frank the Fifth told of.

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This remix succesfully captured the feeling played in the game during that part... although the original theme was all chiptunes I almost feel this is exactly how I heard it as I played the game.. everyone who used to see me play the game kept telling me the "music is bad" .. good job on unlocking the true essence of the games music ^___^ .. honestly I didnt' expect to find a remix of Cave story that was quiet a surprise, and even a better surprise that it was done this well!! :D

I'd be happy if there were remixes of the more exciting tracks near the end too.. 2nd version of the Egg Corridor :) .. and Final Cave :D

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First of all, I Love the guitar intro, it gets the song going smoothly.

The flute at :46 is very upbeat, like Pink said "It's a rather enjoyable piece that just seems to keep bouncing along all the way through.".

Call me a sucker for breaks like the one at 1:02. From then on the melody just flows into the flute/synth solo at 1:48, and a very well placed solo at that.

I like the feel in the second part of the solo, around 2:09, it feels like your floating.

3:00 another break, followed by the beat.

3:28 the synth comes builds back in. with the flute breaking in at 3:52, and stays in the song at 4:09.

4:32 interesting flute/rock session, I've never heard a flute and a rock band before :wink: .

5:35 the main part of the song returns for one more time.

The ending with the flute bringing the song out fits perfectly.

All in all, this is a great song that everyone should download IMO.

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Never heard of Cave Story before this remix, but I very much dig this remix.

The flute/rock session point was interesting, didn't really feel as in tune with the rest of the song, but I very much enjoyed how I can listen to this remix and very much imagine a little 2D guy running around in a cave, exploring the darkness, quickly and urgently searching for an exit as the remix increases in intensity. 8/10 song, definitely one I'd listen to when I'm in a good mood.

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Hey Corran - congrats man, glad to see this monster track made it - its definitely one of my favorites from the project. Also thanks to DJP and the judges for highlighting the project, we talked about it for awhile and there was some initial problems with the quality of the mixes from the judges perspectives, but it seems to have worked out. Thank you very much guys.

And to all the Cave Story fans out there, if you havent checked out the project yet please do so :) lots of other slick remixes to be heard :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The flute work seriously reminds me of early King Crimson, some of those runs are almost identical to those in "In the Court of the Crimson King". Other than that, the only thing I didn't really like was the sudden change-up in beats around the three minute mark. Brilliant, brilliant flute work.

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  • 1 year later...

Along with Tackle's Ball of Balos, this is my favourite track from the CS remix project.

It perfectly channels Cave Story (the intro makes the hair on my arms stand!), but the whole flute-rocking vibe is completely original, fantastic playing! Like someone said before, for all the length the piece has, it never gets boring. I love it when the bass drops out for extended periods of time - like djp said, it adds a floating quality to the track. And when it kicks back in, whoa!


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I've had this track on my on-the-go playlist for a while now - clearly one of the best on the Cave Story Remix Project.

But that's not what got me interested to jump in here - is it me or was I the only one that noted a hint of Corran's passion for all things Star Ocean in there? Specifically, I detected the melody line for the series theme "Star Ocean Forever" creep in at 6:11. I found it odd that no one else sensed it within its 2-year existance :P

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