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I hated the materia keeper in ff7....

Does everyone have to say this is hard?

And how come people say the wepons from FF were hard? If you get to level 40 they are easy without KOTR.

As for hardest boss. that damned Lisa Trevor, I know you can't kill her but I tried for a whole 20 hours to kill her dammit...

And then I realisd you had to push rocks into the ground... DAMN MY DAMNED STUPID DETERMINED BRAIN.

  • 2 weeks later...

Way back when, back in the days of the Amiga, a friend of mine had a game called Shadow of the Beast. Very pretty game, great music, and hard a hell. Having never owned an Amiga, I was happy the day the Genesis version of SotB came out. It looked just as good, was just as hard, but the sound suffered. Still, I enjoyed it. A couple years later, Shadow of the Beast II arrived on the Genesis. With better sound quality (though worse tunes) and nice graphics, it was the challenge of this game that was killer.

SotB II was twice as hard as the first game. Everything had to be done in a precise order throughout the game (like the first one), but now the enemies were tougher, there were more traps to kill you, and dead ends that couldn't be gotten out of until you died. It was a mean spirited game... and I loved it. But while the boss at the end of SotB was a wuss, the boss at the end of SotB II, Zelek, was anything but.

He had few attacks... namely, a fireball shot if you were further away from him, and a downward flame stream if you were below him. He bobs around in the air, floating back and forth in the area where you fight him. If a fireball hits you, it does a nasty amount of damage. If the flame stream hits you, your health vanishes steadily at a quick pace (and in this game, you don't have much in the way of health). If you come in contact with the boss, it drains your health just as quickly as the flame stream. To hit him, you need to make sure you grabbed a special weapon in one of the areas earlier in the game. If you missed it, you can't win. If you did get it, you still have to jump up in the air and fire it to hurt him... as he follows you back and forth. You have to be far enough away to jump so he can't touch you, and time it between fireball shots so you don't get hit. It seems simple, and at heart it is... but with how fast you lose your health on this final boss, the fact that at most you get a couple life replenishers (and that's assuming you didn't use them up just getting to the final boss), and no continues too boot, this makes this "simple" patterned boss a real pain.


Metroid Prime was the hardest boss I've actually ever beaten.

But I've beaten Final Fantasy VII without even putting a dent in either Emerald or Ruby weapons. I'm a little weak against it at level 77+ with not-very-high materia levels.

Poor :(

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not the best gamer when it comes to actions titles. I admit it. Most of my gaming prowess comes with shmups. But, I'm not a newbie at the genre either. I've beaten some tough games. But there's one old school game that just bugs me to this day. While I enjoy the Shinobi series, and can readily whoop the asses of Revenge of Shinobi, Shadow Dancer and Shinobi III, the original Shinobi on the Sega Master System has a final boss that I've only ever beaten once.

First, he has a barrier around him. You can only hurt him at certain times (I believe when he lands on the ground). He jumps around, trying to hit you, all the while being impervious to your attacks. Should you manage to hit him a few times, then he changes his attack. During this phase, you can only hit him up close. Not too bad. But his third phase is mean. Here, he starts hopping around again, except when he hits the ground, he make a clone of himself... and that clone starts attacking you as well. And unless you can time it so you hit him before he hits the ground again, you're going to have clones all over the place attacking you.

But, if you should get through all that, then he goes apeshit. His attacks are hard to dodge, and the only way you can hurt him is by hitting him in the back. While this boss doesn't do really any more damage than other bosses, he does the damage a lot faster. It's just frustrating as hell, as his attacks come so fast and frequently, it becomes... maddening.

All I gotta say is I'm glad the bosses in the rest of the Shinobi series aren't like that final one, in that being skilled is somehow replaced by just being lucky.

Metroid Prime was the hardest boss I've actually ever beaten.(

I hope to god you aren't talking specifically about the Essence of Metroid Prime.

God, what a cakewalk.


I don't know if it counts as a boss battle, technically, as it is the final strategic batte that ends the 70 year story of Gustave XIII, but I'll say The Battle of South Moundtop from Saga Frontier 2. Earlier in this thread, I stated the battle that ends the other half of the game, but I think TBSM is flat out unreasonably difficult.


I'm going to go with Luca Blight from Suikoden II.

I confronted him with a party of six of my strongest, and he beat them. (I lvled these guys like I had no future) And then a second wave of six of my guys, a fierce battle ensued, and again, Luca was the victor.

My third party rode into battle, and he wiped five of the six members out. I survived with one person (Nanami)

and was like "Ohhh damn.. I lived?"


Was it just me, or did the final boss in Bubble Bobble: Old and New seem a little easier? It could just be that when I first confronted the boss, at the tender age of 4, my skills weren't up to par.


So, the Onimusha trilogy has made a pretty good reputation for itself on the PS2 wouldn't you say? I've really had no interest in the series until I actually was told by some reliable sources to check it out. So, I picked up Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. I haven't played the first one yet, and someday sure I'll get it, but as of now I'm not to worried because I'm pretty sure I have an okay grasp on the story.

So! The game provides a decent challenge throughout. Magic attacks will be your best friend in this game, without them...the game would take sooooo much longer. Anywho, all the bosses provide an okay challenge, but then you get to the big kahuna himself, Lord Nobunaga. He immediately transforms into a demon and the battle starts. He starts off on the ground just like you do, and while in this state, I found that he could not be hit by regular sword attacks. He blocked everything I threw at him. So, one-by-one, I went through my four weapons and hit him with all my magic attacks until he took off in the air. This is where the fun starts. He will then unleash a possibility of four magic attacks on you. The easiest to dodge is a lightning based attack where he sends four circles on the ground at you, and wherever they stop lightning strikes them. Easy enough to dodge, just run away from them. He can send up to three sets of four at you. His next move is to hurl four or five rocks at you. These are a little harder to dodge because they move really fast, but still simple if you just run. His third attack is to send a large tornado your way. The tornado itself is really slow, but travels a long distance before it dissipates. Make sure you are about fullscreen distance from him and you'll be fine. His final magic based attack is a ultra-fast downward strike towards you that when hitting the ground shoots up icicles from the ground in front of him. This reaches pretty far in front of him, so make sure you're far enough away or you'll get damaged and partially frozen for a time. Also at any time during the fight he can engage you in regular swordplay, either diving across the screen at you with some extreme force or just slashing at you. All I can say is block, block, block. Finally, you'll beat the dude, but is it over? Of course not! He then fuses with his big ass statue to become huge statue thing.

For this round, you're in your transformed state as well, and all you can do is shoot lasers that automatically target something you have to destroy. The battle is also a head-on fight, with the boss behind you and you in a third person perspective looking behind Jubei. You have five targets total, two legs, two hands, and the head. The legs do nothing, just run at you every now and then, which is easily avoided by running away, same with the fire breath the base shoots, just keep running. The right hand will shoot four or five fireballs at you, which sort of home in on you, but can be avoided by running from one side of the screen to the next. The left hand, once it lightens up, will make spike pillars shoot out of the ground at various points. These points light up on the ground, so they're easy to spot too. The head can also shoot two lasers at you. These can be hard to dodge, because they move to pretty much where you are standing, but go real fast and are hard to dodge. Once you destroy the hands and legs, the head starts sending out some skulls to have some fun with you. The first wave goes in a straight line off the screen, then come back and turn around in front of you to emit some sort of gas that damages you. The second wave start off in a formation in front of the statue's face. Then, they start dive bombing you left and right. These are kinda hard to dodge, especially when you have both waves of skulls coming at you, and he decides to shoot some lasers as well. Just....keep running around and get your shots in when you can, and he'll fall eventually.

[Edited for redundancy]

Anyone remember Dark Link from Zelda: Ocarina of Time? DAMN, I hate that bastard. Everyone was like "Just use the hammer!" and you know what? I used the hammer. And it didn't work. He either used his shield to block it, or stabbed me before I had a chance to connect. Then everyone told me "Damnit, man! Just use magic!" and you know what? I used magic. I spun around with my flaming magical sword so many times that it made me dizzy. Then I ran out of magic power, realized I had no green potions left, and died. Then they're all "No, you ass! The OTHER magic!" so I used Din's Fire. The bastard STILL kicked the shit outta me, because I kept running out of fooking magic!! I swear to God, that little Dark Bastard still pisses me off. Because, for some unknown reason, he suddenly became massively easy. I finally connected with the freaking hammer, and then it was child's play. He never came back from that first blow, I just kept whacking him before he recovered. Go figure.

Dark Link was incredibly easy. I don't know why you found him hard...

No kidding, I just pwn3d his ass with that fire bubble magic.

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