Hot Monkey Love Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 As long as you don't swing your sword, Dark Link won't fight back... Quote
Dunnowhathuh Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 I remember killing Dark Link with me sword. Doesn't he open up now and then to let you attack? Guess I'll have to check it out again one day. I agree with the Bubble Bobble boss, that guy gave me crap too. Quote
Sinewav Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 The final form of the SA-X (forgot the name) in Metroid Fusion was pretty fusterating. Not to flame, but I remember that being one of the easier bosses for me. How about that big rockmonstertypething and the Omega Pirate from Metroid Prime? (Haven't played MP2 yet)I'm not gunna go through 119 pages of this to see if it's already been suggested, but why don't we nominate two bosses, and argue about which one is better? Minus the flames, of course. Quote
SoloGamer Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 I'd have to pick Shao Kahn from MK Trilogy for hardest boss, at least for me. My cousin and I just cant beat the bastard, and I play KoF games on a regular basis so I'm used to cheap bosses, but there is no beating the mighty Kahn. KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN! Quote
Sable Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 All-time hardest boss... New-school, anyway, I have to go with both Mach Jentra and Great Redips in Megaman X Command Mission. Jentra, at the level I fought him, was so very, very frustrating... He's FAST, and he's a TANK. The second time you fight him (Late in the game, like every other Mega Man game in existance, duh), he's hella-easy. It's embarassing, really. Great Redips. Oh dear GOD. Between his Momemto Moria (Inflicts EVERY status effect on the party all at once) and his Carpe Diem (Depletes all of the party's Weapon Energy/MP), he was really annoying. Not HARD. Just frustrating. Just say you get up to 90% Weapon Energy with X. Great! Next round, he'll be at 100%, and you can shift into the X-Fire hyper mode and whack him with a Charge Collider for STUPID amounts of damage. BAM. Carpe Diem, buddy. NO W.E. FOR YOU! I don't like that guy one little bit. But perhaps the most frustrating part about MMXCM is ... NO NEWGAME+! I am sad. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted December 18, 2004 Posted December 18, 2004 I'd have to pick Shao Kahn from MK Trilogy for hardest boss, at least for me. My cousin and I just cant beat the bastard, and I play KoF games on a regular basis so I'm used to cheap bosses, but there is no beating the mighty Kahn.KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN! Really? I've always had great trouble with beating Kintaro however , the precursor fight to Shao Kahn in MK 2. Quote
maniacodepressif Posted December 18, 2004 Posted December 18, 2004 Ninja Gaiden...must of been said in 120 pages at least once. I must of finished over 1000 games in my life, and, the last boss in that game was really hard. Doom 3's last boss at nightmare is quite a pain, but nightmare isn't supposed to be balanced. Castlevania 3 was the hardess versions of dracula, the first ones last boss was tough with no trick too. Zelda's hardess, Link's shadow...zelda 2 Megaman, yeah rockman megaman 1 and last boss. Bubble bobble? nah...but, princess tomato's last boss was one heck of a good paper, rock, scissors challenge. Quote
wmeadd Posted December 18, 2004 Posted December 18, 2004 If you guys have play Altered Beast for the sega gen. then you know those bosses got pretty damn hard! Quote
Conan-the-3rd Posted December 18, 2004 Posted December 18, 2004 This topic: man, you can flame it to high hell and it still won't go down! Quote
Poiso Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 I don't how a discussion about hard bosses can last 2 years. Quote
SoloGamer Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 I had no idea this thread was that old. Well anyways, I just remembered another boss that has given me trouble: Sissy. Sissy is the final boss from Matrimelee, for those who don't know. Quote
Skilless Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 If it can be a series of bosses that lead up to and include the final boss fight without being able to go back and buy potions and what not then I would have to say Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. That game is a beast. Its the hardest game I've played and beat ever. Quote
The Tiger Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 I have heard that Pennance from the international version of Final Fantasy X was one of the hardest bosses. I wouldn't know though, I have not played it. Quote
anclunn Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 Bail from Disgea or that freak'n vampire couple from Illusion of Gia. Quote
Amayirot Akago Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN! Godammit, that was my line! Maybe not THE hardest boss ever, but quite a tough one, was the skeleton on the ropebridge in Prince of Persia 2. I'm sure everyone who's played that game has been done in more than once by that fucker Quote
conker Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 not sure about last boss but i've been playing kingdom hearts:COM and the 4th encounter with riu is one hell of a fight - i cna't even get him out of his first bloody hearth bar out of like 3 or 4. hate to see waht last boss would be like Quote
Mr.Roboto Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 Hardest Boss Ever: Those god damn bosses in games like Blazeon(Side Scrolling spaceship games)that use attacks that are almost immpossible to dodge. Quote
Sly Fox Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 This is an easy one for me. In Shinobi for the PS2, as you beat the game, different difficulties become available. It goes from Normal to Hard to Super. At first, I thought the final boss on Normal was hard. Then I got to Super. It took me roughly a year to a year and a half to finally beat the final boss on Super! Sometimes, I would die 30 times a day, 7 days a week. Finally, one sunny morning, I figure what the heck. I'll give it a another whirl. It was lookin' pretty much the same for the first 10 deaths. Then, suddenly, I realized I had depleted 90% of his energy. Then... 95. And then, the moment of truth... with one final shuriken to the bastard's neck, 100%. On that day, I felt better than I had for a really long time. He was truly the hardest boss ever. Quote
The Coop Posted December 28, 2004 Author Posted December 28, 2004 After having my time taken up by a lot of school work, this Christmas break gave me a chance to get back to a few games I was in the middle of enjoying... one of which, is named Alien Hominid. Besides having a great visual style and fun, old school gameplay, this game also has a few bosses that can be a real pain... one of which, is the one I reached before I had to put it down for school work. On stage 3-3 if I recall, there's a huge two armed robot that moves on tank treads. It's got six variously sized guns long it's top and shoulders that fire different types of ammo (all of which must be destroyed), it's rather large hands are great at pounding you into the ground and flattening you between them, and it fires quite a bit as you're hopping around trying to avoid being grabbed (which is easy to get out of), shot, burnt, squished and generally killed. It's a fun battle, but goddamn did I have to redo that boss quite a few times because of its head blocking my shots. The other boss, is the final boss. I won't say what it is, but know that it takes place on several battle grounds, and while I enjoyed it, it was hard. Just when you think you've won, you got a whole new battle to endure. It's probably one of the longer, and more diverse, boss battles in a game like this. On the ground, in the air... it's a fight to be sure. I'd love to tell about it, but I know it's a new game, and I don't want to spoil it for anyone. So, just know you've got a fight waiting for you... especially if it's on anything above "Easy" Edit: Spelling Edit2: Even more spelling Quote
Navi Posted December 28, 2004 Posted December 28, 2004 Trying to tranq and/or sneak up on The End in Snake Eater. Tedium tedium!!! Quote
Poiso Posted January 3, 2005 Posted January 3, 2005 Hey guys, this thread is almost on page 3, maybe it'll really die this time! Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted January 3, 2005 Posted January 3, 2005 Trying to tranq and/or sneak up on The End in Snake Eater. Tedium tedium!!! Ever try using the microphone? It's MUCH too easy if you try that. Look at the demonstration below: Quote
Red Light District Posted January 3, 2005 Posted January 3, 2005 Oh this is way too easy The MATERIA KEEPER in final fantasy 7 nibleheim mountain! and the HYDRA from Chrono Cross!!! they are just horrid Quote
The Coop Posted January 13, 2005 Author Posted January 13, 2005 Samurai Shodown. Amakusa. Cheap. Cheap cheap cheap. This is an SNK game that teases you. The first few characters are pretty easy, no matter who they are. But once you hit the halfway mark, the game starts getting pissed... even if you've continued a dozen times up to that point. But when you reach Amakusa at the end... God help you. First off, if you get thrown, you are screwed. AS throw from this guy, even on easy, does quite a bit of damage. If he hits you with the rapid fire bitch slap he dishes out if you're too close, you watch that health meter drop like a man's chances of getting sex after he called his date a slut. His "screwy controls" attack, is cheap. His normal electro ball, hurts. This thing with this boss is, his warps result in many missed attacks on your part. And when he's not warping out of the way, he warps back and forth, closing in on you each time he stops... even if you jump around, he still homes in on you. He blocks like mad, even on "1" difficulty. And of course, all his attacks do more damage than any comparable attack you can dish out. Then, once in a great while, it's like he just stops trying. You kick his ass like a red headed step child. The next round, he hands your ass to you. And if you won the first round, he hands you your ass again in round three, smashing you lofty dream of "victoly". SNK is notorious for making bosses that seem to be impossibly powerful, or stupidly quick, or cheap as hell... or all three. Amakusa in SS1, is no exception. Quote
SonSpike Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Nope, I got the hardest GAME of all time (including the bosses). Ikaruga. For gamecube (and the much harder to find Dreamcast) owners. Its the hardest game I've EVER played. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, the concept is simple. You fly a plane with two modes: black mode and white mode. The enemies fire two color shots: black and white. When you are black, you absorb black shots and are killed by white shots, and vice versa for white mode. Sounds easy. Sure, the first level is deceptivly easy. But when you have hundreds of shots all going in random tragectories, it can get very confusing. Trust me, if you have a gamecube, BUY IKARUGA!!! Its the hardest, and one of the best games out there. Quote
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