Kutrayn Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 .....Oh, and on SSBM try out the Insane(?) Melee . The one with the wireframes that smack you around like a rag doll. Can only take out 6 or 7 at most (I forget which). The event battle with Ganondorf, Mewtwo, and Gigabowser is pretty hard too. I refuse to believe that that's actually been done. So far, I can defeat 5 "Cruel Melee" opponents (Roy or Kirby) 4 opponents (Y. Link) or 3 opponents (Jigglypuff) in one game. My total is 27. 6 or 7 sounds impressive but possible... darn it! Now I have to play to find out! More Difficult bosses: ~ Bonetail (Paper Mario TTYD), yeah, yeah, I know I can level up... ~ Emporor Ing: Hard mode (Metroid Prime 2), kicks my ass with near-100% completion... ~ Cerberus Alpha: Perfectly (Mischief Makers), took many-a-tries, but I finally got him. Has anyone else ever played the bosses in Mischief makers for N64? The game is odd, but the bosses kick ass(in one manner or another)! ~ I know there's more but I can't think of them (to be fair, majority of what I've been reading are of games I haven't played ) Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Boost Guardian from MP2 was horrible to beat on Hard. Quote
mecca Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 In my oppinion, King K-Rool in the secret world in DKC 3 (in a volcanoe or something) is the most difficult boss I've faced. Quote
Halberdier Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Not the Hardest boss but one of my most 'pain in the ass miniboss'. The Tyrant on the plane in Code Veronica, damn bastard knocking me out the back. Georgia (I think thats his name. The zombie boss in FF8) whilst playing a no Junction game. I gave up on this because of him, oh and Sephiroth at the end of FF7 in a no Materia battle, thats pretty hard. Sturm on Advance Wars on hard. And Advance wars 2 on Normal. The Last mission on AW2 on hard I found easier than on Normal And it just came to me. Penance on FF10. aaahhh, took me near 2 hours to beat that bastard. Well more like 8 hours if you include all the times he killed me and I had to start over. Just completed RE4 on pro. 4th play through. Love that game. Quote
DMC_Freak Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 The dude with long blonde hair at the end of KOF 01. I still haven't beat him he's super strong. Quote
DarkErdrick Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 The Hito-Shura in Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga. Hardest RPG Secret Boss ever. Quote
Kindo Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 The hardest boss I went up against was probably Meta Ridley on hard in Metroid Prime. Took me almost two hours to kill it. Then at least he was a good challence for you. Some speedrunner named Kip i think, took MR down in less than 2 minutes (although he used an in-game glitch). I need some serious help with this one. My friend and I have attempted to beat this SOB for hours upon hours on end (at least twenty tries, all taking about 40 minutes each) on Hard difficulty. If there is a glitch that lets you beat Meta Ridley in two minutes, I would very much like to know about it. Or at least tell us some kind of tactic that works (so far it's been Super Missiles during his second stage; but once he doubles his speed, there's no time to hit him with them anymore). Please... We're getting suicidal here. Help! Quote
Kindo Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Just completed RE4 on pro. 4th play through. Love that game. Ah, yes. That's probably one of my greatest achievements. I bested Krauser in 15 seconds on Pro, hehe... Quote
The Coop Posted May 24, 2005 Author Posted May 24, 2005 I was out and about the other day, and I decided to stop off and pick up some cough drops (an ongoing hack I have from allergies, which the cough drops stop for a little while). I'd never been in the store before, but when I went into the little lobby area just inside the sliding doors, what did I see? Karate Champ. I used to play this game pretty regularly when I was a kid. Thankfully, the moves list on the machine hadn't been completely scratched up beyond readability. So, after I bought my cough drops, I figured what the hell. I popped in a quarter, and gave the game a try for the first time in about ten years. I'll admit, I got my ass kicked by the third fight. I gave it another whirl, and eventually a third whirl. Something must have clicked into place, because I started handing the CPU character it's ass. I went through round after round, scoring full points and half points without taking a full point's worth of total damage. I was smoking... until I reached the character in the black Gi. I got MY ass handed to me. That bastard was fast, and I just couldn't adjust to the big time increase in speed over the previous fighter. He also never got a half point on me. It was always two "full point" moves and out. I gave the game two more tries, and got to the black Gi wearing character both times... and lost in ten seconds both times. It was sad, and a bit humbling. I was getting beaten by a game that was older than a good portion of the people visiting this site. But, I picked up my plastic bag, and walked away. Nothing quite like having your ego trip punctured by a heavily pixilated, black Gi wearing little douche bag. ... At least I got the high score though. Quote
Azurewind Posted May 24, 2005 Posted May 24, 2005 anyone ever play a SNES game called "King of Dragons"? it's pretty much a cheesy D&D ripoff i sometimes just laugh at the music and corniness...but somewhat fun... anyways, the last boss, the Grand Wizard or whatever-his-face is just plain idiotic... 1 attack homes in on you blowing up the ground (which is great when you can jump worth of crap) and is about 4-5 strikes...then his other attacks simply just fill the area with fireballs and other nasty magic surprises (yeah, you guess it, small fighting arena, yipee ) actually, that whole game is absurd...i've already came very close to smashing this very keyboard because some bright bulb made treasure chests/vase/and other places (where you thought something good would pop out) instead spit out a spary of ice THAT YOU CANNOT escape from!! (and you freeze and die shortly thereafter) and the slimes are just a pain in the arse other than that, gilgameshDG ( think i got that right =P) posted before about the SNES game Robotrek? yeah, De Rose is a massssive bitch just about every attack is death or leaves you in critical condition>< FFT: the first boss to become 'possesed' by the zodiac stones (or whatever they were, i haven't played this in a looooong time) Simon was his name i think...he uses looooots of status afflicting ninjary...try fighting him without anything to protect against status ailments..and it won't happen>you are scewed beyond belief... and yes, Death in Castlevania I is yet another threat to my keyboard...i just 'limp whip' his little sickles away in a corner (crouching though) and then rush him after he throws his scythe, jump scythe, avoid getting sucked into him...and then run like hell when he commences his rain of sickles>limp whip time again...what a bastard..he takes forever!! alright, i've babbled enough now Quote
Back_Lit Posted May 24, 2005 Posted May 24, 2005 Actually I can't think of a boss I ever had a really difficult time with...except for one, and only one...The Mongoose in XIII *glare* dirty bastard always gets a cheap shot in on me at the last minute --; And what was so hard about Meta Ridley in MP? Quote
Szweit Posted May 24, 2005 Posted May 24, 2005 I'd have to say the hardest boss I fought in a game would be either the Alien Queen in any of the Ecco the Dolphin games or "The Egg" from Saga Frontier 2. I won't even mention Rockman Zero bosses..... Capcom... Why? Quote
Ferret Posted May 24, 2005 Posted May 24, 2005 I'd have to say the hardest boss I fought in a game would be either the Alien Queen in any of the Ecco the Dolphin games or "The Egg" from Saga Frontier 2. I won't even mention Rockman Zero bosses..... Capcom... Why? Well apparently at least someone at Capcom has their act together, but as for hard bosses... Let's take a gander at a little sidescroller called Thunder Spirits. Screw the bosses, even reaching them was a challenge in and of itself! I mean but damn, I was playing it yesterday, and I used up all my continues just getting to level 2! Quote
anclunn Posted May 24, 2005 Posted May 24, 2005 That stupid bat from Wizards and Warrioirs 1. I could take him half the time if I had all the best equipment and stuff, but if you died, you came back right before him with just the basic stuff and NO WAY OF GOING BACK! Oh how I hate that bat... Quote
BreakbeatBeatnik Posted May 24, 2005 Posted May 24, 2005 Crowe's weird cyborg-slug form from Timesplitters 3 (second-to-last boss). The bastard took me a while to realize his attack pattern and some of his weak spots... Quote
The Coop Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 You know, there have been a lot of Breakout clones over the years. There's one on the Genesis called Devilish, which has a number of interesting qualities. A story, decent graphics, some rather nice tunes... and one of the cheapest final bosses around. The game's hard enough since the ball doesn't quite obey the laws of physics as we know them. It might go where you're aiming, it might not. Your two paddles might be detected when the ball hits them, they may not. But when the time comes and you finally reach the big bad boss at the end (assuming you haven't thrown the game away in frustration), you get treated to a very unfair game of "try and get the ball to hurt me". So here you are. There's a big heart in the middle, and then three figures appear around it and start rotating their way around the heart. You have to get the ball between the figures to hit it. From time to time, the figures stop, and produce many balls that look like yours. Now, the whole goal is to do damage to the heart, but you have only a limited amount of time to do it. Run out of time, and you start over. 30% of the time, your ball with tap the heart once and fly away. The other 70% of the time, it hits a figure. There will be times when you don't get to do ANY battling against the boss for a good minute, because the ball is bouncing side to side off the screen edge and the figures, or off your paddle and the screen edge... and you can't get it to bounce off anything at an angle. This pretty much spells doom for you, as again, the battle has a time limit. The attack patterns of so simple it's sad, but the ball physics just eat your patience alive during this fight. Now, just for the sake of argument, let's say you somehow manage to beat the boss (it takes many, many hits to do this... pray the ball gets stuck between the heart and a figure). Then you have to hurry up and guide the ball to the exit. Run out of time as you do this? Yep... you start over. It's mind numbingly frustrating, because you're seemingly barely in control of the ball, and it'll pass through your paddles when you are in control of it. Breakout and Pong gave you more control, and they're some 15-plus years OLDER than Devilish... and they had better hit detection. Quote
Cooler1011 Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 JINPACHI FROM TEKKEN 5 I literally sat there trying to beat him for literally straight 50 times. He is the cheapest (cheaper than Goro from Mortal Kombat), most infuriating boss character i've ever played, and it makes the whole game so much worse because he is impossibly hard, especially with certain characters. I honestly think its impossible to beat him with King or Steve. I really cannot do it. And i'm fairly good with those characters. Quote
Amayirot Akago Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 The MGS bosses, as I recently discovered, are quite challenging on any level higher than Very Easy... which until recently was the only level I played at. Heresy, I tell you! The bosses were meant to be fought at Normal or higher. Vamp in MGS2 took me one helluva long time to beat, not to mention Metal Gear RAY. Quote
SilentMartyr Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Garai from Chrono Cross gave me a really hard time the first run through. I spent a good half hour trying to beat him, and I swear it was luck that I even took him down. But I was playing like an idiot and still learning the battle system by that point. In God of War the second to last fight against the hundreds of Kratos's in God mode is rediculously hard. You have to have a spider sense to be able to survive that part. Quote
28 Percent Will Do Fine Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 What Egg Emperor in Sonic Heroes? The best time I defeated him was 1'34" (Team Dark), but it took me days to do that. If anyone did better than 1'34", I'd love to hear. P.S. Sonic Adventure 3 out xmas! Quote
vaxne Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 Hmm the hardest boss of all time for me was Osma for Final Fantasy IX. Took me forever to finally beat that mo fo! Quote
vaxne Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 Osma from Final Fantasy IX. Took me years to beat that guy Quote
noTuX Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 P.S. Sonic Adventure 3 out xmas! Woah!!! There is a new one coming out? I heard about the Shadow game coming out, but is there a new Sonic Adventure coming out as well? Quote
Maco70 Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 Hardest boss... I'd have to say The final Boss from Ristar, just because it took me so friggin long to do it. The final boss from blinx was challanging, just because you had to do half the bosses from the game again. And maybe last boss in Ecco the dolphin: Tides of time. I was only able to get there with a code, and it's so hard. If you feel like counting RPG bosses, it'd have to be Emerald Weapon. I have yet to meet some one who beat it without using some code or trick. Quote
darthseb Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 Another REALLY hard boss was the Big Crush in his second form. He's the final boss from Full Clip Man. A good strategy, though, is to strafe and fire like those were the only things you knew how to do. And even with a strategy like that, he moves around alot, so you may run out of bullets just shooting at the air. Then you're only armed with the stupid Bo-Ken. Man, and then there's the special attack that he saves for Hard mode, with that giant cannon. All that in a game WITHOUT any sort of Co-op. edit: Also, can anyone tell me where the Easter Egg Crystal is on Moto Island? Quote
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