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hardest boss ever would have to be the end boss for "The Adventures of Link". I somehow beat it as a kid on the actual cartridge when a few years ago it took me half an hour to beat that boss using a ROM and save states.


Ah yes. Shadow Link. A bane to many old school gamers. I've beaten him before. Was quite hard indeed.

Been playing Tales of Symphonia for awhile now. No bosses really worthwhile to mention in this thread yet but I'm about to go and take on some secret bosses, so I might be getting back to you.

Culex from Mario RPG. Insane.

Are you weak? Culex is a CAKE boss.

All you have to do is take out his Crystals, then slaughter him. If you have Bowser and Peach in your party...It's not a big fight at all. If your gonna do bosses from SMRPG. Why not say Jinx is harder? Even though he's not. I find that SMRPG was rather easy.

...As for Orgulla. *Shakes fist* It took me forty minutes to kill that *Insert major profanity*. I hate her. And for that, I don't feel like playing XenoSaga II ever again(That and it was a MAJOR let down to Gears and #1).



Shadow Link is really hard...

unless you use the "corner of the room" trick, in which case he actually becomes easier than all of the bosses in the game.

It's strange. When you fight him standing up, it's like you can't really hit him. The duck/jump trick that you used on the armored knights doesn't work on him. You have to be really good at blocking and countering.

But, if you just crouch in the left corner and stab-stab-stab, Shadow Link will simply run into your sword, so to speak, and kill himself quite handily.

Problem solved, Shadow Link becomes easy.

Hardest boss I ever fought, considering I played so few console games, was that Underwater Weapon in FF7. Unlike some folk, I wasn't the slightest bit interested in leveling up all of my materia, setting my equipment correctly, and figuring out that Aire Tam was actually "materia" spelled backwards and that the damage for that beam was calculated by how much materia you had on your person. So this Weapon literally crushed me in like five rounds, and i eventually just gave up and never tried to defeat him. I think these days I'm a lot better at playing with the ATB system, but I'm pretty sure I still wouldn't beat this guy.

hmm.. i just realized. The hardest sort of "secret boss" ever would have to be the Black Rabite from Seiken Densetsu 3. But I think Squaresoft intended for that one to be impossible :D

Thanks for saying that, I totally forgot to go try to beat it last time I played through that.

  • 3 weeks later...

This past week I decided to play some Diablo II. I haven't played it in a while, and I figured I'd have some fun. Well, "some" is the key word there. I was having fun, until I got to the end of the second set of missions with my level 23 assassin... and met up with Duriel.

I must have been choosing the wrong skills to upgrade or something, as I could do virtually no damage to him. As soon as I would enter the cave, it'd run up to me saying "Looking for Baal?", hit me with a cold slap that slowed my character down, and then proceed to pummel my assassin into the ground within a few seconds. On the few times I would avoid that thing, I couldn't outrun the bastard enough to even try a ranged attack. Basically, running only prolonged the inevitable.

The first time I play DII, I used the sorceress, and I kicked some righteous ass with the powered up fireball and chain lightning spells. Even then, Duriel gave me problems with his fast speed and freezing hits. I recall dying and returning a number of times, picking away slowly at its health until I finally won (and had bodies of my sorceress littering the cave floor). But this time? I couldn't do squat. Either that assassin is worthless (even though I was kicking some righteous booty with her before Duriel came along), or I really screwed up in choosing her skills. And now I know, Duriel is not the boss to get to unprepared (even Diablo himself was easier with the sorceress).

Edit: Quite a few typos.


im having that exact prob using the paladin, i leveled up thorns aura expecting it to do the job for me but he is immune to thorns! blah i seem to do piss weak damage to him and its robbed me of my desire to play diablo 2 now!


I don't have time to read 133 pages of thread but...

Has either the last boss or secret boss from Demons Crest been mentioned? I remember having a rough time with them both.

  • 2 weeks later...

You know, sometimes it's both a blessing and a curse to find something you thought you'd lost.

A little while ago, I finally found my copy of Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 for the 32X that had been missing for a while. I just kind of stumbled across it someplace where it shouldn't have been (how it got in with the Master System games, I don't know).

Anyway, I played it, and came face to face with the same thing that stopped me the last time I played it... the boss at the end of level 6.

See, at the end, there's the weird... rock thing. It has a head, it has hands and feet, but it has no body. The head in sitting on the ground, and the hands and feet try and either grab or stomp your ship. The boss is pretty simple to begin with, as all it really does at first is just spit out some destructible blocks, then uses the hands and feet to go after you. It's all pretty easy to avoid. Once you do enough damage, phase two begins... and that's where it gets a wee bit harder.

The head rises into the air. As it does, it shoots out these tiny little homing darts that go out a certain distance, and if you're close to it, it goes after you. It does this several times, during which you can't hurt it. The head and hands then begin circling around you once it reaches a certain height. It does this twice, and then it goes a bit nuts.

The head comes out from between the hands, and starts spinning around, shooting little blocks in random directions. It gets pretty close to you, so you really can't dodge much. Then the head returns, and the hands start throwing things at you while blocking you shot at the head. The hands come apart, and the head rushes you. Then it all starts again.

The problem, besides avoiding all this, is finding the right weapon to kill the thing quickly before you reach it. Considering the number of weapons you can grab, this took a while... a good while actually... before I came across one that gave me a real chance at the thing. But it's easy the boss that gave me the most trouble ion that game.


Hardest boss ever:



Runners up..

Vrtra's sister Tiamat



And their brother Jormungand


These guys are so hard that they often wander around unmolested for days on end. Few want to bother with them because your entire alliance will most liklely be wiped out.


Sephiroth in FFVII has variable hit points; a formula is used to calculate how much HP he has. He has no fewer than 80,000 in any case. A few additions and subtractions are done for various quest items, but they're negligible; the end result of that is multiplied by your number of Level 99 characters. If everyone's at level 99, Sephiroth will have over 5,000,000 HP; Ruby and Emerald Weapon have 1,000,000. Of course, by that time most of your characters will have their Magic stat maxed, meaning KOTR will do like 150,000 damage. W-Summoning and Mimicking it is still the best way to whip his ass. I've never personally played Kingdom Hearts; I find it impossible to treat the storyline of a game infested with Disney characters as anything approaching epic or insightful. But from what I've heard, Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth are EEEEBIL.

Some of the bosses in Kefka's Tower in FFVI were really hard; in fact, I found them to actually be harder than Kefka, because you have to divide all your good characters up. I only had one or two characters per party who could actually do something worthwhile, mostly in the interests of surviving. Inferno, the Dragons, and the Guardian were atrocious bitches, whereas in the final battle against Kefka I could pick all my best party members, so I had Terra, Celes, Gogo and Sabin with all their best skills (Ultima for Terra and Celes, X-Magic on Terra, Sabin's Bum Rush). Bye bye Kefka.

I've got to give props to Lavos for just being a prick. Even at level 99 he'll decimate you if you aren't careful. The Criosphinx in Chrono Cross was a bastard, too; I'm pretty sure he had more HP than the CC incarnation of Lavos. In Diablo II, Duriel's an ass the first time you meet him, and again in Hell. In the 1.10 patch, they introduced Uber Diablo; several of my friends died literally 20 times in a row trying to beat him. In the 1.11 patch they've added Lilith and Uber Duriel as well as Uber Diablo; I had enough problems with the Lord of Pain the first time around, but I mainly play Sorceresses so it evens out. Once someone gets all three of the body parts from all three uber-bosses, they can synthesize them in the Horadric Cube to open a portal to Tristram and fight all three Prime Evils at once. I'm not even going to try to imagine all the dead players.

I've heard evil stories about Draco'dur in World of Warcraft; two of my friends play it CONSTANTLY and are obsessed with it. They've related stories about how armies of forty max-level players have allied and tried to beat him and have all been killed. The Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime was pretty hard, as well as Meta Ridley and Metroid Prime; you run out of missiles awfully fast when fighting them.

Desann can also be a bastard in Jedi Outcast; in single player mode, you don't have Force Absorb...I wonder what the developers were smoking that led them to do that. He'll throw you around like a rag doll, especially on Jedi Master difficulty level.

I remember beating Shadow Link when I first played him. That was pretty hard.


All the Metroid Prime bosses were easy compared to any one of the bosses in MP2.

They wiped me off the face of the planet several times, especially the Boost Guardian.It doesen't help that when you are fighting him your health constantly drains due to the fact the Dark Aethers atmosphere is toxic.

  • 2 weeks later...

I was playing Star Fox last night, and I was reminded of something... there's one boss in there, that I feel is the hardest boss in the game. Is it Andross? Nope. Frankly, I had no real problems with the bosses in the game... save one.

In the "level 2" path, as you get near the end, there's a boss called Metal Smasher (I believe that's its name). It has a simple attack pattern. The first half of its health bar consists of it opening up, releasing several metal containers that can hit you, and then drifting towards you until it's on both sides of you... then slamming shut for big damage. The second half of it's life bar, has it opening up, and firing a barrage of ring lasers at you (I'm almost certain they're tracking shots too).

As I said, simple. However, I've yet to get past the damned thing. I've almost gotten to the point that I can time slowing down so I don't get crushed, but somehow I have a hell of a time shooting the metal containers so they don't slam into me. And the ring lasers? They get me every time. I've had less of a problem with the bosses on level 3 difficulty.

I don't know why, but I just can't beat that damned Metal Smasher.

I was playing Star Fox last night, and I was reminded of something... there's one boss in there, that I feel is the hardest boss in the game. Is it Andross? Nope. Frankly, I had no real problems with the bosses in the game... save one.

In the "level 2" path, as you get near the end, there's a boss called Metal Smasher (I believe that's its name). It has a simple attack pattern. The first half of its health bar consists of it opening up, releasing several metal containers that can hit you, and then drifting towards you until it's on both sides of you... then slamming shut for big damage. The second half of it's life bar, has it opening up, and firing a barrage of ring lasers at you (I'm almost certain they're tracking shots too).

As I said, simple. However, I've yet to get past the damned thing. I've almost gotten to the point that I can time slowing down so I don't get crushed, but somehow I have a hell of a time shooting the metal containers so they don't slam into me. And the ring lasers? They get me every time. I've had less of a problem with the bosses on level 3 difficulty.

I don't know why, but I just can't beat that damned Metal Smasher.

Maybe if you had any depth perception in that game...


Hardest boss I ever fought was in one of the NES Mega Man games. Dr. Wily's final form in one of the games had an attack that shot 4 shots at once that homed in on you from 4 different directions and was nearly impossible to avoid. I beat it on emulator with tons of state saving/loading and it was still incredibly difficult. I can't imagine anyone actually beating it legitimately AFTER going thru all of his previous forms and whatnot in one continuous fight.


Desann can also be a bastard in Jedi Outcast; in single player mode, you don't have Force Absorb...I wonder what the developers were smoking that led them to do that. He'll throw you around like a rag doll, especially on Jedi Master difficulty level.

The first time I beat him, I didn't even mean to. I was told to take out the pillars in the room. So I was hacking away at one with my lightsaber, Desann walks up behind me right as I do an overhead slash. The tip of my lightsaber touched his head and killed him instantly.

I felt so cheated...

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