Halberdier Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Not the hardest boss in history but,Malpercio from Baiten Kaitos, his final form, was the hardest boss (statisticly) in the game, making him the best formula for the Main bad guy. And Damn, he handed back my spleen after 5 attempts at him, I finally defeated him, he changes his element and does hidiously high damage with his special. But no, he weren't the hardest, not by a long shot. Giacamo and his cronies, on the Battle Ship, without a healing spot, but a save station, when your half hp and under leveled. After 10 attempts (no sh*t) I was tempted to sell the game, but it was only because of Giacamo's voice acting (along with Mizuti and, sometimes Gibari) I would never of had the option of it on. I never heard Giacamo's voice acting. It infuriated me by the time I got to Gibari. So I turned it off. Quote
Psychonaut Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Onyxia. ... has been 10-manned. A far cry from "hardest boss ever". My roommate still hasn't beat the optional last boss in Valkyrie Profile. I've never played the game so I don't fully understand anything, I just know that a single attack after she goes into "super bitch mode" obliterates his party like 7 times over. I have no idea how you'd beat a boss that does several times your max HP in damage to the entire party in a single attack. Quote
Ferret Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Onyxia. ... has been 10-manned. A far cry from "hardest boss ever". My roommate still hasn't beat the optional last boss in Valkyrie Profile. I've never played the game so I don't fully understand anything, I just know that a single attack after she goes into "super bitch mode" obliterates his party like 7 times over. I have no idea how you'd beat a boss that does several times your max HP in damage to the entire party in a single attack. Level up more. Also, I recently reached the final boss in Terranigma. His second phase rendered me incapable of doing more than 3 damage per hit. Maybe I need to level up more. ._.;;; Quote
Neonlare Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Not the hardest boss in history but,Malpercio from Baiten Kaitos, his final form, was the hardest boss (statisticly) in the game, making him the best formula for the Main bad guy. And Damn, he handed back my spleen after 5 attempts at him, I finally defeated him, he changes his element and does hidiously high damage with his special. But no, he weren't the hardest, not by a long shot. Giacamo and his cronies, on the Battle Ship, without a healing spot, but a save station, when your half hp and under leveled. After 10 attempts (no sh*t) I was tempted to sell the game, but it was only because of Giacamo's voice acting (along with Mizuti and, sometimes Gibari) I would never of had the option of it on. I never heard Giacamo's voice acting. It infuriated me by the time I got to Gibari. So I turned it off. Giacamo has a very bad-ass english accent, Gibari's ok some times, but Mizuti I like most. It has the best voice in the game, with a strange echo to it that was done on purpose. Still, Giacamo was awesome, only thing that dragged him down for me was the funky outfit he wore... Quote
Psychonaut Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Level up more. There's no trick to it? It's really just "level up until you have the insane amount of HP to beat this retardedly hard boss?" Weak. Quote
Xeero Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Sigma from MegaManX3 was friggin' impossible. On that sidescrolling masterpiece on SNES timing was everything. If you didn't have the perfect rhythym and timing your a$$ is grass (not the good kind of grass either!). In fact I've built up some rage just talking about it, I'm gunna go kick his a$$ right now!!! I used to think that Sigma was hard. I've beat MMX3 about 500 times now and I can almost take him down with a completely unpowered-up Mega Man. That is, no powerups at all. I usually die on his second form when he's around 50% HP. Now, that is fucking hard. MMX3 with no powerups. Sigma is a tank. Quote
Broken Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 Pretty much take your pick from any Ninja Gaiden Boss (especially on the higher difficulties). But to be more specific, the first Doku in mission mode. Quote
Ferret Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 Level up more. There's no trick to it? It's really just "level up until you have the insane amount of HP to beat this retardedly hard boss?" Weak. I had more in mind that it would (hopefully) give you the stats and spells needed to not get your ass raped. You know, like having almost 200 defense and 340 offense...or something like that. That or there's something you need to do first that will make the boss weaker and let you kill it with relative ease. Edit: I hate Sigma. Quote
Darkmetamorphasis Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 We all hate sigma... I had a harder time trying to get out of there during his "I'm gonna turn into an annoying wireframe grinning face while lava flows up" phase during X3. His forms before though, were a joke compared when I had the Z-saber. Quote
MisterBiggler Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 Sigma from MegaManX3 was friggin' impossible. On that sidescrolling masterpiece on SNES timing was everything. If you didn't have the perfect rhythym and timing your a$$ is grass (not the good kind of grass either!). In fact I've built up some rage just talking about it, I'm gunna go kick his a$$ right now!!! I used to think that Sigma was hard. I've beat MMX3 about 500 times now and I can almost take him down with a completely unpowered-up Mega Man. That is, no powerups at all. I usually die on his second form when he's around 50% HP. Now, that is fucking hard. MMX3 with no powerups. Sigma is a tank. Yeah, fuck Sigma. I can take him out now, but he was the source of much VG frustration as a child. I think he's p. challenging in X4, probably more so than in X3. In X2 and X, he's not that bad. Quote
Raven Leader X Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 It's late, I've had about 2 hours of sleep and have been hit upside the damn head too much, so here's my two cents... 1) Manfred Von Karma during both of the Edgeworth Trials (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney...let's just say that dirty rat bastard objects you on everything.) 2) Jet Stingray (fighting as Zero, MMX4) because the damn game doesn't let you hit the ice attack at a high enough distance, and so you end up getting nailed. 3) The Forgotten One (Castlevania: Lament of Innocence for PS2) 4) The First Boss from Ninja Gaiden Black for XBox. That bastard kicked my ass, every time. Still does. I can block about 2 attacks, he looks like he's going to chain the attacks, and then...I get thrown halfway across Wabashaw. 5) Cerberus from Devil May Cry 3. Anyone say bad dog? (Especially hard w/o use of the Devil Trigger.) 6) The Weapons from FF7. It's a royal pain in the ass to prepare to fight them, and what's worse is that when you get there, they slap you around something fierce. 7) Crow from Def Jam: Fight For NY. The guy was a grappling bastard, I'll give him that. Dauragon C. Mikado (3rd Form) from the Bouncer. By this point, you've got no health, no defense, and your fingers are aching like a madman. 9) Sphinx (Rygar: Legendary Adventure) because of those damn homing fireballs. 10) Magus from Chrono Trigger. Sassarassafrassin barriers...grr...guy had me deadlocked in a battle for 2 straight hours. Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 i got a good one i think. the last guy in keith courage in alpha zones. i have never beaten that guy. splatter house bosses were hard too. Quote
JoeFu Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 It's late, I've had about 2 hours of sleep and have been hit upside the damn head too much, so here's my two cents...5) Cerberus from Devil May Cry 3. Anyone say bad dog? (Especially hard w/o use of the Devil Trigger.) I thought he was easy. All I did was shoot him with Ebony and Ivory until he was almost dead. Granted it took forever, but once you have his weekness he dies in less than a minute. Quote
ReMiX Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 It's late, I've had about 2 hours of sleep and have been hit upside the damn head too much, so here's my two cents...2) Jet Stingray (fighting as Zero, MMX4) because the damn game doesn't let you hit the ice attack at a high enough distance, and so you end up getting nailed. What are you talking about? He's easy with Zero. Simply stand behind him (same side as him and in the corner) and do the jumping turning slash over and over, when he dives down you should be safe. You can use the Ice Sword once he is in the water, but other than that stay in the corner he is in and destroy the little stingray things if needed. With X on the other hand, Quote
Ferret Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 10) Magus from Chrono Trigger. Sassarassafrassin barriers...grr...guy had me deadlocked in a battle for 2 straight hours. What are you talking about?! Magus was a frigging pansy! I had more trouble on that giant skeleton zombie than I ever did on Magus! (Mainly because whatever barrier he changes to has a weakness, that and you could always just hit him with the Masamune to make him cry like a bitch.) Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted February 7, 2006 Posted February 7, 2006 Sigma in X6 is a joke, straight up! Poor bastard can barely even move, the Anchor weapon makes him drop and cry like a bitch, and his second form is raped with two special attacks from the Shadow armor! X3, however, pissed me off to no end until I found the safe spots. In his first form, just dash jump to whatever wall he's against and hug it, his shots can't touch you, when he's ready to jump, fire Crush Crawfish's weapon, he'll leap right into it! The secon form is pretty easy if you remember one rule...don't stop moving! Quote
The Author Posted February 7, 2006 Posted February 7, 2006 Sigma, X4. I'm actually looking for a cheat for that bastard, because form 3 kills me. Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 X or Zero? As X, use Rising flame during the first form just as Sigma appears, if timed right he will not get an attack off, do this two times, when he disappears, hightail it to the main top of whichever wall is closer, and stay there until he follows through with his screen slash, repeat until form two. In this form, Sigma throws his scythe in a half circle of whichever direction he's facing, run behind him and blast him, then jump on the wall for the next attack, he will throw his scythe whever you are, which is a bad thing if you're on the floor, as the attack is near impossible to dodge. If it sticks in the wall, however, you can shoot him while dashing to the wall behind where he jumps and fires those dual lasers from his eyes, blast him after the laser stops and prepare to repeat the process, once you learn the patterns and timing, you should take no damage for the first two rounds, therefore saving your energy tanks. Form three has five attack styles actually. If attacked by the red head, he homes his shots at your position when he fired, so stay put for the first two against the wall where the Blue and Yellow heads are, after two shots, scramble to the top for the next two, then drop down before they hit. The blue head is easily dodged, just jump on top of it or jump to the top of the far wall. The yellow head is the only one that should have a chance to hit you, Rising Flame it as soon as it appears to minimize attack. The Sigma head on the floor will either try to suck you in or blow you into a spike wall. Dash in opposite direction until wind stops, then hit it with Ground Hunter, it will fade after a few hits then one of the heads will attack...dodge accordingly. Laser Gun Sigma is vulnerable in the face. If he is just shooting random shots then dodge them before the spread out and try to land a few shots on him. If he says "The End" then scramble to the top of the Heads Wall to the left quickly, else you will feel pain...lots of it. Either way when this form fades you will be attacked by another one of the heads again. Repeat until finished. Both heads need to be destroyed before victory. Zero has an easier time with this. Sigma's first form is still weak to Flaming Uppercut (Forgot the name of the attack), and same attack pattern still applies, hit him twice then climb a wall until his screen sweep is done, repeat. Form two...same. Form three, Flaming Uppercut the Laser Gun Sigma head when opportunity arises, mostly in his Non-The End attack pattern, and use Zero's Ice Attack on the Ground BOund head. Also, the Flaming Uppercut is useful on the Yellow head when it attacks! Hope this helps you! Quote
The Coop Posted February 15, 2006 Author Posted February 15, 2006 Last weekend, I got in the mood the play through Clive Barker's Undying again. It'd been a while, so I figured what the hell. I played through and made good progress, making it to the final boss of the game without any real trouble from the other bosses. And that's when I was reminded of what a pain in the ass the game's final boss was. I won't say it's name, as that would wreck some of the surprise. However, it's big, it's worm-like, and it has a weak point that I still don't know exactly where it is. Besides having very large tentacles in the water that can swat you dead in two hits, you have to blow off a few things from it's body. This part's very easy, as it only takes a few blasts of dynamite. However, what follows is both simple, and seemingly impossible. Now it's gut opens up and tries to suck you in. A quick shot from the gun and that's done. Then it leans down, and... something opens on it's head. Here's the hard part. You're supposed to hit it somewhere, but I've never figured out where though. So while you're trying to hit that mysterious weak point, you've still got tentacles trying to swat you, and the gut that tries to suck you in if you don't hit the weak point after a certain amount of time. Now, I've beaten the boss, and I've seen the ending. But, I still have no clue where it's weak point is. As such, it turns into an endurance test to see how long you can go before you either win, or run out of health and healing items. So much of it's easy, but it's that last bit of info that winds up making it tough. Something tells me though, if I ever do learn where that spot is, it'll be like the final boss in [i}Quake where it becomes so easy to win, it's sad Quote
Glenn565 Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 Last weekend, I got in the mood the play through Clive Barker's Undying again. It'd been a while, so I figured what the hell. I played through and made good progress, making it to the final boss of the game without any real trouble from the other bosses. And that's when I was reminded of what a pain in the ass the game's final boss was.I won't say it's name, as that would wreck some of the surprise. However, it's big, it's worm-like, and it has a weak point that I still don't know exactly where it is. Besides having very large tentacles in the water that can swat you dead in two hits, you have to blow off a few things from it's body. This part's very easy, as it only takes a few blasts of dynamite. However, what follows is both simple, and seemingly impossible. Now it's gut opens up and tries to suck you in. A quick shot from the gun and that's done. Then it leans down, and... something opens on it's head. Here's the hard part. You're supposed to hit it somewhere, but I've never figured out where though. So while you're trying to hit that mysterious weak point, you've still got tentacles trying to swat you, and the gut that tries to suck you in if you don't hit the weak point after a certain amount of time. Now, I've beaten the boss, and I've seen the ending. But, I still have no clue where it's weak point is. As such, it turns into an endurance test to see how long you can go before you either win, or run out of health and healing items. So much of it's easy, but it's that last bit of info that winds up making it tough. Something tells me though, if I ever do learn where that spot is, it'll be like the final boss in [i}Quake where it becomes so easy to win, it's sad A quick seach on GameFAQs revealed That you're supposed to shoot a charged Skull Storm into the opening in it's head, then he opens his lower body again and the pattern repeats itself. Quote
DarkPoinko Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 I'd have to add in a character that I doubt has been put on this list, which is a shame, 'cos he's a real beast, too. The level 200 Zenothlee at the end of Grandia Xtreme. First of all, a pain in the ass because he's level 200. But he's also at the bottom of a 100-floor dungeon. Plus, he's resistant to quite a bit of magic, and has insane defense and HP. Not to mention the backup of four different floating crystals(think Culex, but meaner), and the crystal regenerate after you defeat them. The battle itself will take forever, especially if you factor in the time it takes to get to the bottom of the dungeon and the time it takes to level up enough to not get killed in the first five minutes, and to track down enough equipment to survive and do damage to him. Stupid Zenothlee. Quote
The Coop Posted February 26, 2006 Author Posted February 26, 2006 I'm currently stuck in Burnout 3: Take Down. Now while it's true that there are no "bosses" persé, there is a final race... or at least, a second to final race. I have everything done but two events in the USA section. I've unlocked most of the cars, earned all the money-based ones from the crash events, and overall, I've done well in the game. But this final part is just... almost cheating. The second to last event is Grand Prix race of four tracks in a row, and holy hell is it hard. You're stuck with the Formula 1 car, which is quite fast. Sadly, it's also extremely squirrelly in the rear, and it steers like a brick once you get going. It's so light, that as you gain speed, you're almost floating just off the ground, making maneuvering a real pain. No only that, but the course is littered with traffic (moreso than usual), and the other cars seem to have this uncanny ability to stick to the road like they have super glue on their tires... despite having the same type of car you do. It's the type of thing that makes racing games feel cheap, and it's a shame this game resorts to this kind of bullshittery right at the end of an otherwise great and very fun game. I've been trying to beat this damned race for a week now, and the best I've done is fourth place over all. I'm almost scared to see what the final event will be, if this is what they're throwing at me right before it. Quote
Darth Lime Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 With all the posts abot FF7 and how to beat some of the bosses, I just might get this game. Combine my little knowledge on RPGs with your guys' superior smartness, I'll pwn that game in no time. But provided that it's a Final Fantasy game, I'll except long hours and minimal sleep. I didn't read all 160+ pages but I saw lots of FF games. Did anyone post about FFX? The fight against that one tank thing on the ice lake and the fight with that one dude with blue hair and a girly voice. He was a bitch. I tried leveling up so much but he whooped me big time. I'm might get FFX again just to beat him. Any ideas? Quote
Darth Lime Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 I didn't read all 160+ pages but I saw lots of FF games. Did anyone post about FFX? The fight against that one tank thing on the ice lake and the fight with that one dude with blue hair and a girly voice. He was a bitch. I tried leveling up so much but he whooped me big time. I'm might get FFX again just to beat him. Any ideas? Seymour? Which version of him? And it sounds like you didn't even see any of the extra bosses in the Arena, and Nemesis. Yeah Seymour. The form with the strong summon. The undead dude that shoots crap out of his eye. I can get to the summon but then 2 two hits and I'm down for the count. Quote
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