Kriko Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 The Boss in Dragons Lair. (If you ever make it there ) Quote
Bummer Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 The Boss in Dragons Lair. (If you ever make it there ) In what game or what boss? Is Dragon Lair a game or a place? I'm so confused. Edit: Kul att se andra svenskar häromkring. Quote
Kriko Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Hehe, Dragon's Lair is a game for Nintendo 8 bit. Possibly one of the hardest and frustrating games avialable for Nes... I've beaten the last boss (getting there took a while yeah even with walkthroung and save/load using emulator) Iv'e actually submitted a Remix on the main theme recently.. don't think it will make on the site tho.. [swe]Tja! ja det var trevligt med en till svensk [/swe] Quote
elman Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Assuming you weren't a total douche and didn't have the Karasawa, FINGER, or the energy sniper rifle equipped and you weren't using PLUS abilities, Ultimate Nineball in Armored Core: Master of Arena is just ridiculous. If you fail to move within the first two seconds of the battle, you will die. Then you have to deal with a constant barrage of homing missles, machine guns, and rapid-fire plasma blasts. Get too close and he'll use his dual-blades that shave off 2000 AP with each hit. Lightweights with just a machine gun and missles could probably take him out easily, but I fail to see how any heavyweight could last for more than 20 seconds. Quote
SonicDragon Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 The horror that is the Egg (Last Boss) from SaGa Frontier 2. I remember saving in the last dungeon. I got my ass kicked and tried to leave only to find out I couldn't I had to level up for TWO WEEKS and played for hours at a time. Even then it was a matter of luck. He had a move than could petrify your whole party and I never did find a way to be immune to it. Hardest RPG Boss ever. It was the only time I ever considered giving up and starting a game over Quote
Zombie Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 I thought Metroid Prime from Metroid Prime was kinda hard... but not super hard, just fun hard. Quote
gigawing2 Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 Blaster Master bosses 5, 6, and 8 (final) always gave me trouble. I'm not sure I ever beat #6 legitimately. The bosses were very quick on their feet and even if you learned the "pattern" the speed was just hard to keep up with. Oh yeah and the grenade you had to use was an extremely short-range weapon with almost no blast radius. Boss 6 you basically had to climb inside his mouth while he's shooting homing rockets and waving arms around the size of the screen. Boss 5 you had to climb inside his mouth while he's spewing clouds of bubbles. It bordered on not cool. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 I just had my butt anded to me on a platter by Miguel (Chrono Cross) about seven times. Man, I'd forgotten about him. But yeah, he was hella hard. Quote
ocremixfan Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Miguel from Chrono Cross... if it was that hard I'd remember... but anyway: Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII - DAMN! what a pain! his attack sequel is pretty much the same always repeating, but is fuckin hard to avoid getting killed by that damn meteor spell! for me, only only Invincible Moon from Rinoa and Lion Heart from Squall can take this guy down! and for what? pretty much nothing! Ozma from Final Fantasy IX - this one I still haven't beat up! he spank me up in no time! I've done everything I could to get this battle easier, except catching frogs... and I'm not in the mood to do that for some days until Frog Drop does some serious damage! Quote
linkspast Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Dark Link was simple, Just aquire Dins Fire. And a ton of MP. its that simple. he gets close you cast Dins Fire. Quote
SonicDragon Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 I don't know how many people remember the original Starfox, but the Supreme Commander on planet Venom for the hard mode path,(Right before you fight Andross) was pretty freaking hard. I'd say to the extent that he was actually harder than Andross himself. Quote
The Coop Posted April 16, 2006 Author Posted April 16, 2006 How many remember the cartoon "Gargoyles"? How many know that it spawned a video game on the Genesis? Well it did, and there's a final boss in it that's a pain.In the final level, you come up against Demona. However, this isn't a normal Demona... it's a super powered version thanks to the Eye of Odin. She really doesn't have that many attacks, but she's a hard little wench to hit. She's darting all around the screen in seemingly random paths, and while she's doing this, there are fire rocks hitting the platform that you need to stand on to hit her. This fire covers much of the platform when the rocks hit, and you have to dodge it. As you dodge it, Demona seems to have a nasty habit of streaking by and hitting you at that exact moment. The fun part of this, is that there are areas where, if you fall into them, you're dead right there. So besides Demona zipping around slashing at you, and fire rocks covering the one platform you can stand on, you have instant death waiting for you on both sides of that platform besides. This part wouldn't be that hard if it weren't for the fact that Demona's movements are damn fast. Your chances to hit her are limited thanks to her speed, and this makes all the swipings, fire and such result in a long, sometimes tedious, and frustrating battle. I totally remember that fight, Coop. Did you ever beat her? I didn't, but then it wasn't my game, so I had limited time to try it out. I did, but it's the type of battle that luck needs to be on your side. Demona doesn't seem to have a pattern that I could make out as far as where she appears as she darts around, so I think you need a little good fortune to comer out on top. Granted, it'd been a while since I played, so I'm likely a bit rusty at this game, but I don't recall ever having an easy battle against her. Quote
Terraem Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Never did figure out how to win the last boss in Silver on the PC, I imagine it was something ridiculously simple. Run around in patterns, use Falcon a lot, block back his fireballs, run away when he uses special moves. It's a bitch but it's possible. I hate the fact that I can't play this game in Windows XP. Quote
Gadiandi Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 The most difficult Boss for me was...Culex from Super Mario RPG!!!! I think the last time I played it I just used cheats to beat him. Ok, I'm a lazy punk. Quote
The Coop Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 Konami's evil. It was said a number of times in the past within the hallowed walls of this thread, but I'm being reminded of it again. Why? Because the final (?) form of Dracula in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness is just not fair. I've gotten to the point of actually taking no damage from his first form. I've had to replay this battle so many times, that it's gotten to that level. But as soon as I get warped away into the void and Dracula takes on that monstrous form, I just can't beat him. Long range attacks, up close and personal attacks... it'll like all the blocking that I learned how to do just became useless. Thanks to some of the battles that led up to this point (especially against a certain Belmont and Saint Germain), I had gotten pretty good at getting the perfect block so they get knocked back a bit (opening them up for a hammering). But this block seems like it does nothing to stop Dracula from pummeling you when he's up close. While I've gotten a bit better at dodging the long range beam and fireball shots, I'm just getting my ass kicked once he zooms in and starts swinging and leaving behind those damned blood trails. There's got to be something I'm missing. Most final forms have a pattern or set up that allows you to get in there and hit him repeatedly with at least some regularity, while also giving you the chance to get away afterwards. But in this game, I just can't seem find it. Quote
Screaming Cucumber Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 In all of the 165 pages this thread so far accounts for, I haven't seen the boss I found hardest mentioned as much as a single time, whilst several bosses I can't find any great challenge in have had their names nervously, possibly even wrathfully chanted. Gruntilda, from Banjo-Kazooie. Hands. Freaking. Down. It takes a very, very long time, because you can't just attack the damn witch whenever you please; you have to wait until she stops, until statues appear, until...etc. And when those windows of opportunity are open, you'd better not fail to use them or you'll be sorry for yet another two solid minutes of dodging. Describing the battle would be a lengthy essay, almost rivaling the duration of the battle itself. Suffice it to say that I've never before or since had such a challenge beating the final boss of a game. A pity you had to complete the entire game all over again if you wanted to play against her one more time. D: Quote
the3halos Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 i naver have too much of a problem with bosses but 2 come to mind of being difficult the bosses of double dragon 3 remember in this game u dont get lives u just get alies and i think i remember 4 chooseable chars later in the game and when that char died it was dead and each char had its own ablity remember the last level with the bottomless pits u had to dash over? i considered them to be a boss in them self because ur movement had to be 100% flawless. you never had to jump in the game untill the last level. (nice time to pratice) if any of ur chars were dead at this point u lose because u cant win against the boss with only one charr. best thing to do was just turn off the system toss it back on the shelf and start playin mario bros before u hurt urself or take it out on the dog and if u managed to make it across the gaps (which were in the beginning of the stage) u had to complete the stage and kill this crazy kickboxing mummified ninja badass from the darkside that had like 99999999+ hp he would begin pounding on you to the point that u couldent get up to defend urself. i couldent even cheat to beat this dude because hp dosent matter if hes got u in a corner beating the hell out of you and u cant move. i did beat him one time in a 2 player game, but i think in 2 players there are 2 mummys not just one (to make it even) and u just had to tag team Quote
The Coop Posted May 7, 2006 Author Posted May 7, 2006 In a game that's supposedly the Dreamcast's last hurrah in Japan, there's a boss that's a real fight. In Under Defeat, you fly a rather powerful helicopter against waves of enemies. Now, some enemies are a pain, others are easily blown to hell in half a second. The bosses, in the first four stages can be challenging at times, but it's the final boss (fittingly) that's a real beast to fight. It's a big, BIG tank-like tower of guns. Besides having to destroy a serious amount of firepower on the front side on this thing, there's the main tower itself. On one side of it, you have twin miniguns, twin cannons, and a searchlight that, if you get caught in it, will turn the whole screen white and blind you. The miniguns are self explanatory. The cannons fire exploding shots that send bullets in all directions. And of course, there's a central gun in the middle of all this, that fires it's own special brand of bullets... the kind that spreads out as it travels by firing to either side of it. Should you get past all of this, then the tower rotates, and brings forth the BIG gun. This gun, is a monster. It fires a single massive shell that detonates off screen. The shock wave from this shell slams your helicopter forward into anything in front of you, kicking up a huge dust cloud as it does so. When the shock wave ends, bullets come streaming in from the direction of the detonation, covering much of the screen. The tank has a single weak point, and it's placed in a somewhat cruel area. I won't say where, as I don't want to spoil the battle for anyone interested in playing it, but you'll understand what I mean when you fight this thing. It's a very cool and graphically impressive game, and it's a great way for the ol' DC to go out. But the final boss is a real challenge. Quote
Tyles Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 Vergil from Devil May Cry 3 (on Dante Must Die! mode) took me to school. Nothing's more tougher than a difficult computer opponent with similar moves from your character. Emperor Ing and Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes really stood out for me. I forget how many forms Emperor Ing turns into, but it was too much. Quote
Rainman DX Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you. I beat it, like, twice ever. Quote
mastergohan Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 Sephiroth right now in KH2 is givin me problems...damn that heartless angel!!! uhhh....Ruby and Emerald weapon in ff7, never beat em.. I forgot the name of the boss, but it was in mmx6, this big pink box thing that would just slide across the room...always killed me in 3 seconds, never could beat it. uhhhh...who else.....I know there were plenty of bosses in kh2 that took me at least 10 tries or so to beat..namley the guy with the guitar the second time around. Quote
xinster Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.I beat it, like, twice ever. what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times. Quote
Warmech Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.I beat it, like, twice ever. what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times. Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer. Quote
Karmageddon Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 megaman 7: wiley, last form. sol badguy, mission mode #50, guilty gear X2. Last boss from PS2 version of shinobi. Budda-like boss from PS2 version of shinobi. Anything from ninja gaiden. Anything from super ghouls N ghosts. The sun-whatever boss from Megaman5 for gameboy. ...lechuk from the secret of monkey island (actually, he's easy if you know what your doing, but to understand whats going on...that makes the fight ((and game)) so....crazy fun.) Quote
Warmech Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 Last boss from PS2 version of shinobi.Budda-like boss from PS2 version of shinobi. Don't forget the Blind Swordsman. That guy gave me a helluva hard time. Quote
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