The Author Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 I mean, Link was a wolf ever since the series started you know... Quote
Miletus Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Oh and how did you like the little bit of exposition showing some parts of OoT with improved graphics? AAAARGH. You should really spoiler tag that How was that spoiler ? Anything that would make you go "holy shit so awesome" if you hadn't known about it beforehand I'd say is a spoiler. People underestimate plot points to be the only thing that can be spoiled in games. Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Oh and how did you like the little bit of exposition showing some parts of OoT with improved graphics? AAAARGH. You should really spoiler tag that How was that spoiler ? Anything that would make you go "holy shit so awesome" if you hadn't known about it beforehand I'd say is a spoiler. People underestimate plot points to be the only thing that can be spoiled in games. Trust me, once you see it, you will know how little I said. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 This is apparently the GameSpot editor's response to the criticism of Jeffs review.Since I know people are upset about the review (which is odd considering how few people have played this game at the moment), I figured I'd share some opinions based on playing through the first five hours or so of the game.It's the same damn game we've all been playing for the last 15-odd years. Hey, guess what? You get to go into dungeons...and find items...and put together pieces of heart to make new heart containers. I haven't gotten very far into it, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Triforce is in the mix at some point. There's a difference between tradition and ossification, and Nintendo's been content to let this series stay the same for too damn long. What's more, in a lot of ways it's actually getting to be pretty annoying. The helper characters, in particular, seem to be intended to be cute, but they wind up being maddeningly insufferable. In a lot of ways, Midna, the helper character from Twilight Princess, is even worse than Tingle from Wind Waker. And I don't know whose idea it was to make the first dungeon in the game feature a large number of monkeys that follow you around making incessent monkey noises, but they should be shot. Most annoying. sound. ever. When you have the pointer active, it also makes a shimmering sound as you move the Wiimote around. It never ever stops making this sound, and it got so damn annoying that I simply turned the pointer off completely. Since every game in this series is more or less the same, outside of minor details, choosing among them is more or less a matter of deciding which style suits you best. Wind Waker had, at the very least, a graphical sensibility that was unique, whereas Twilight Princess just seems...generic. For a game that plays up its theoretically realistic graphical style, it also has to do a bit better job of representing the world; it's fine that the Wii isn't as powerful as a 360 or a PS3, but at the very least it should be capable of matching the best-looking games on the GameCube. From top to bottom, Twilight Princess is a game that was transparently designed for the GameCube and hacked to work on the Wii. The controls feel kind of shoddy in a lot of ways. I guess what disappoints me most about this game is the lack of ambition and innovation. The Wii has some promising ideas behind it, but if they're content to have their flagship title be Just Another Zelda Game then they're getting off on the wrong foot. I guess if you like the Zelda formula, then you'll like this game. Speaking for myself, though, I can't imagine how anyone really gets excited for them anymore; the recycling of game mechanics ventured into self-parody territory years ago. I really think the series needs to take a cue from Resident Evil 4 and reinvent itself completely. Heck, even the Final Fantasy games manage to make some big changes to the series' conventions with each installation. As it is, everything about Twilight Princess, and pretty much every game in the series aside from The Adventure of Link, smacks of Nintendo being content to play it safe with their big-money series. Give me something new! I thought they where supposed to be a professional game reviews site, not a bunch of 12 year olds. Lack of inovation? Ocarina of Times wasnt really all that inovative other than the fact that it made the jump from 2d to 3d. According to their guidlines, its the same game; collect stuff, beat dungeons, save the princess. I really dont see how they want it to change. I play a Zelda game expecting to collect stuff, solve puzzles, and go through dungeons. What do they want? A Zelda kart racer? And why single out Zelda? Why not complain about lack of inovation with other games? Gears of War is just Goldeneye with pretty graphics. Same concept by GameSpots definition. Pick up guns, shoot bad guys, and I havnt played it yet, but Im going to go out on a limb and guess there are some mission objectives in the mix at some point. I also hear a lot of people saying "Its just one mans opinion, dont worry about it." I dont go to GameSpot to read people opinions. I go there to read an unbiased review of games. I want to hear whats in the game and how well the game works. I dont want to hear a rant about how your tired of collecting things and going through dungeons. If this game is so bad, then why am I having so much fun playing it? If they want to complain about a game doing the same thing over and over again, then he needs to complain about Mario. I get to save the princess again! Quote
Miletus Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Oh and how did you like the little bit of exposition showing some parts of OoT with improved graphics? AAAARGH. You should really spoiler tag that How was that spoiler ? Anything that would make you go "holy shit so awesome" if you hadn't known about it beforehand I'd say is a spoiler. People underestimate plot points to be the only thing that can be spoiled in games. Trust me, once you see it, you will know how little I said. That's a comfort I guess. Now I will go and wait the... 24 days.. until it's released over here. Shit! Quote
Bahamut Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 So...I think I missed a sword skill stone (where you howl as a wolf) by Lake Hylia, does anyone know how to get that one? Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 So...I think I missed a sword skill stone (where you howl as a wolf) by Lake Hylia, does anyone know how to get that one? In the area with the boat renter lady with the big hair. Quote
Shhteve Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Anybody know what happened to the bridge that the baddies teleported somewhere? I'm wandering around Hyrule field lost. Quote
Blake Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Wow. I would respect the Gamespot reviews if they stuck to one argument, but their evident flip flopping just points to bullshitting pseudo intellectualism. Sorry, I just saw Thank You For Smoking, and I love the movie. But anyway, lern2 be consistent. Oh, and judge a game. Because it's a game review. It's not a series review. Quote
Arias Serathe Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Funny. If they'd actually played Twilight Princess enough, they'd know it's actually a huge breath of fresh air for the Zelda series. Whatever. Shhteve: Are you talking about the part where you cross the bridge, and then twilight monsters drop down onto it and steal it away? I still haven't found where they took that bridge, or even if it's replacable, but you open up new paths around Hyrule Field soon enough to really worry about that one. Anyway, I finished the third dungeon a bit ago, did some other stuff, etc. I'm taking the dungeons slowly; I'm trying to gather heart pieces and golden bugs as I go. That, and I only have about six hours a day to play. Since I like to be really thorough, I end up spending quite a bit of time in each area. Quote
Red Shadow Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: i cant fucking stop playing zelda [23:40] hebr3w thunder: heh [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: i am addicted to this [23:40] hebr3w thunder: I want to sleep tonight [23:40] hebr3w thunder: that is why I haven't started [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: heheh [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: yeah [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: thats why i had to break myself away [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: i just beat the fourth temple and got to a good save point [23:41] jimelah DELUXE: i was like "alright, save and shut it off here otherwise ill be up for another three hours" [23:41] jimelah DELUXE: case in point: i had meant to go get a shower before i started the fourth temple [23:41] jimelah DELUXE: i just beat it, and now im going to get a shower and good night Quote
Global-Trance Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 I have a feeling this is going to be a freaking long game. In the middle of the Arbiter dungeon (it's the fourth one) right now and everything so far has been amazing. Quote
JoeFu Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 I'm about to go to the third dungeon. So far this game is amazing. The scale of Hyrule is awesome, and not to mention that the Zora suit looks freaking awesome underwater. Quote
The Damned Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 FUCKING HYRULE LAKE IS HUGE! Seriously, even just the main section of it is... it's fucking huge! It's massive. I'd say that most of, if not all, the world from Zelda OoT could fit in it. It's that fucking huge. I mean... christ! It's FUCKING HUGE. The scale is mind-boggling. Quote
Calpis Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 waaaaah! Apparently, the guy doesn't like sound effects in his games. The monkeys? The cursor sparkling noise? Come on. I hated Navi and Tingle, but IMO Midna is a really cool character. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 This game is going to be so freakin' long. Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 By the end of dungeon 3, you care for Midna. I think that review was don for the first hour of teh game, because, sincerly, it failed to notice the OMFG SPOILERS and the wolf form. Quote
SilverStar Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 So. Anyone still want to claim it's just a few years/decades after Ocarina of Time? I'm 13 hours in, just beat the second dungeon, and it really does seem like it's at least a couple hundred years past that point, with how much development and technological advancement there's been. Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 So. Anyone still want to claim it's just a few years/decades after Ocarina of Time? I'm 13 hours in, just beat the second dungeon, and it really does seem like it's at least a couple hundred years past that point, with how much development and technological advancement there's been. Oocca, you will understand by temple 4. Anyway, I always concidered the earlier zeldas to be the least accurate, seeing as we were playing older legends. Picture the Zelda series being told in the present. The older the game, the more omissions and alterations will happen. Also, by temple 6 TP, you will understand more about the world. As for technology, well, the Water and the Fire temple from OoT were pretty advanced. I will say this though, there is a game between MM and TP, I am now convinced of that. Oh, and temple 5 will show you a precursor to some tech in WW. It still does not explain what happened post WW to have about 8 games without any of these elements in them, but I am guessing the crusade thatled to Ganon's curse kinda left the world in shambles. NO THIS IS NOT SPOILER, its theory based on information in other games. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if the Wii version of Twilight Princess offers anything more than Wii controls (i.e. better graphics or a better framerate)? I may go with the Gamecube version since I'm not really prepared to fight for a Wii over one game. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if the Wii version of Twilight Princess offers anything more than Wii controls (i.e. better graphics or a better framerate)? I may go with the Gamecube version since I'm not really prepared to fight for a Wii over one game. Only thing I know is that Wii TP offers widescreen. Quote
Red Shadow Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 only thing i know is that im going to have trouble trying to play any older zelda game after this one Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Sure does suck being stuck already at the beginning of a Temple. I hated the Water Temple in OoT too. Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Sure does suck being stuck already at the beginning of a Temple. I hated the Water Temple in OoT too. Yeah, that one was a bitch, but try to get through it, or you will cry when you figure out part two of temple 5. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 K I finally got it. I just needed to actually LOOK at where to make the spinning stairs to go to lol. Quote
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