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OCR00270 - Metroid "Metaltroid"


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  • 5 months later...
boring....... nothing to it really. Sorry i would pass if i were you. 3/10
Whereas I'd say it's one of the best remixes on OCR. This definitely takes a back seat to Gux's Wily Metal, but I think it's a great remix. I'm sick of techno and dance.


I agree with the second one except for "one of the best". As ecco says, nothing to it really, but that's why I like it. Laid back guitars, yet heavy at the same time, but not too heavy. Definitely a different take from the usual sounding mix of this song, that's another plus. Don't really care if it didn't take long to make it, this site isn't about professionalism.

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  • 4 months later...

:twisted: Iron Maiden's drummer was ripped limb from limb and replaced by a drum machine. They then named themselves Ailsean. :twisted:

:evil: I saw your pic, Ailsean, I now understand why you hate Warmth. I hate Warmth now too. It is my civic duty as your extreme guitar technique totally surpasses that of those who have friends willing to play in a band with them. At least you forgot to finish the title track of 'Metaltroid' before you faded it out into the next song. Oops. 8O


You can't stand my remix and I can't stand yours. I think remixing is now dead.... let us go to the land of Zophar and live in a musical interchange of .nsf and .spc phyl3z for the rest of time.

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  • 1 month later...

one of my fave remix's, the first song is decent, 5/10, but the second one really hits the right strings, 10/10.

I think it might have been better if this was considered 2 seperate songs, because they do sound like different entities. I love it though.

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  • 1 month later...

I like this track. The first part of the track (Metroid Title) is very mellow, with the haunting tone, and follows the original well.

The second part (many may recognise this from SSBM - Brinstar Depths) lives up to the title - Metal. This part is arguably the main part of the track, and it's more creative than the first part. I do prefer part 2, and especially like the section between 2.55 and 3.15, which repeats to end the track.

If you're a fan of Metroid, Metal, or even if you've played Melee, then download this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I downloaded this a while ago but didn't really get a chance to listen to it properly. It's now one of my most listened to remixes off this site.

It's just very nicely put together. The guitar is outstanding. I find it hard to falter it for any reason. The only thing I dislike is the fade out in the middle.

Otherwise well done.

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I like this track. The first part of the track (Metroid Title) is very mellow, with the haunting tone, and follows the original well.

The second part (many may recognise this from SSBM - Brinstar Depths) lives up to the title - Metal. This part is arguably the main part of the track, and it's more creative than the first part.

well having never played SSBM, :roll: i wouldnt know how close this mix comes in comparison :?

However...... :twisted:

any REALMetroid fan would instantly recognize the second part from the original game as the path to Kraid's hideout.

all in all a great mix .... I know i like it :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

7 / 10 (With an exception.)

On the whole, this is just an above average remix to me, but one part of this song just... well, there's no other word for it, I suppose. It rocks. From 1:58 to 2:43, this thing gets a ten out of ten. I've heard this particular melody (path to Kraid's hangout, as another poster mentioned) remixed in at least five other places, and this little section of an otherwise fair 'mix blows them all away.

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  • 11 months later...

Well it seems that everyone agrees that the second part is definetly the best part of the entire song. I would have to agree, and it's definetly good metal, wich is my absolute favorite type of music. If Frank Klepacki (of command and conquer fame) did the metroid sound track, it would sound like this

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Well it seems that everyone agrees that the second part is definetly the best part of the entire song. I would have to agree, and it's definetly good metal, wich is my absolute favorite type of music. If Frank Klepacki (of command and conquer fame) did the metroid sound track, it would sound like this

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not a bad track, although I wish he had found some way to combine the two sections somehow -- the break in the middle isn't really necessary if a decent transition was performed instead of silence.

My only real complaint is the beginning, remixing the intro to Metroid. From what I recall of the original, it didn't play "Twinkle Twinkle" with the high-pitched tweets like it's done here. Maybe that's just part of the Remixing process, but I found it a bit unsettling none the less.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 8 months later...

I think you should have made the first track into a full song, and the same for the second track, and not combine them. I do not like how the first track finishes.

The intro is insanely good and DARK. Someone needs to do a full song on this theme and make it into a dark depressive song!

The second track is nice, but I prefer the first theme, besides I've heard the second track's theme a million times.

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  • 5 months later...

The first part kinda got me a little snoozing and tired. But OH MY GOD I loved the kraid remix. The blank spot in between the tracks wasn't that much of a good idea. But the kraid part I like so much I just HAVE to put this in my mp3 player ;).

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  • 2 years later...

First part reminds me of a really dark and emo twinkle twinkle little star, second part reminds me of an emo abandoning his loathing for... whatever emos loathe, becoming loath to continue his internal emo ways and takes his frustration out on a ... well, he takes his frustration out period, and we hear the venting. And when it's all said and done: emoness solved.

I love it when a plan comes together.

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  • 3 months later...

Starts out really slow and not terribly well-produced, has a lame fade out halfway through, and then fades in to something actually pretty good. I'm not feeling the super mechanical drumming, but i do like the panning and guitar playing. Nice harmonized parts over a good chugging rhythm. I've never absolutely loved anything from the metroid soundtrack with maybe the exception of the ending theme, but you do alright here.

The first half is trash, the second half is decent. I think i'll give this one a pass overall, sorry. :-(

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  • 11 months later...

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