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Hmmm. Seems interesting, buuuut...

"We won’t have long diatribes, we are utilizing a clipped kind of writing and the editing is frenetic," explains Rossi. The overall approach is hoped to make the show have a wider appeal than Trek’s last foray into the world of animation.

Two points of wonder here; one, I'm unsure how great a Trek series would be with this kind of short dialogue, and two, what last foray?

Hmmm. Seems interesting, buuuut...
"We won’t have long diatribes, we are utilizing a clipped kind of writing and the editing is frenetic," explains Rossi. The overall approach is hoped to make the show have a wider appeal than Trek’s last foray into the world of animation.

Two points of wonder here; one, I'm unsure how great a Trek series would be with this kind of short dialogue, and two, what last foray?


Apparently, there was an animated series 30 years ago 8O .

Voyager was good. If you don't get lost in pointless fandom and look at it objectively, it's a great concept with great acting. There is strong characterization, unique scenarios, a good mix of action and thought-provoking material, etc.

Wait, Voyager?


Nobody takes cartoons seriously in America. I love Star Trek, but like many of its stars have said, it needed a few years of hiatus. The last few series have been atrocious. A cartoon version would make it more of a caricature.

Voyager was good. If you don't get lost in pointless fandom and look at it objectively, it's a great concept with great acting. There is strong characterization, unique scenarios, a good mix of action and thought-provoking material, etc.

I disagree on a few of your points.

I personally found it to be boring. Compared to the original series, TNG, and even DS9, Voyager's characters were shallow and cliché for the most part. 7 of 9 was the most interesting character on there, because of her former life as a Borg, and her having to try and adapt to life as a human again. The rest of the cast was just... uninspired and dull. Even by the end of the show, most of them still felt undeveloped... like little had been moved forward from the show's beginning. They just weren't very interesting to me. And for the few stories that it really pushed forward, it left a lot more to languish in mediocrity. For me, the cons outweighed the pros with that show.

Characters are important to the success of a character driven show or universe. The original Star Trek used this, as did TNG and DS9. Voyager dropped the ball, and Enterprise never even tried to pick the ball up in my opinion.

Gwilym keeps pointing out these crazy things from The Next Generation which make me want to look for episodes of it and go through the whole series. I used to enjoy Voyager, but I stopped watching it. Why? I can't remember, lol.
That's because Mr. Wogan enjoys the humor in the series. Voyager had terrible acting and was just plain boring. Maybe I'm sexist, but the female captain actress failed. This is all pure opinion, but hey, this is a television thread.

Characters are important to the success of a character driven show or universe. The original Star Trek used this, as did TNG and DS9. Voyager dropped the ball, and Enterprise never even tried to pick the ball up in my opinion.

"Shut up Wesley!" came to mind when you say characters being important in TNG...

but i liked the show, i just hated how G4 played them in random order. my friend's got all the seasons on his harddrive, i've seen a few, mostly wanted to see the borg episodes that i missed on G4, like "the best of both worlds"...classic

Characters are important to the success of a character driven show or universe. The original Star Trek used this, as did TNG and DS9. Voyager dropped the ball, and Enterprise never even tried to pick the ball up in my opinion.

Even though I really liked Enterprise, I'm not going to try to defend it here except to say that at least the characters weren't cardboard cutouts like Voyager's and, to some extent, TNG's. Yes, that made them a bit boring, but it's hard to come up with characters with interesting personalities and backgrounds who aren't complete stereotypes.


Characters are important to the success of a character driven show or universe. The original Star Trek used this, as did TNG and DS9. Voyager dropped the ball, and Enterprise never even tried to pick the ball up in my opinion.

"Shut up Wesley!" came to mind when you say characters being important in TNG...


Well, even TNG had back stories to the characters that were played upon as the series moved forward, and the histories of some of them were explored (like Data, Troi, Riker, and Picard). The problem with Voyager was that since they were all out there in bum fuck Egypt, doing this was made a lot harder... so all you were left with was the "here and now". And with not a lot going on, the "here and now" didn't give much in the way of growing room. So while the TNG characters started out pretty stiff, they grew and expanded a lot by the end of the show. That's what made them more interesting to me, and that's a big part of what I felt was missing in Voyager.

And Dhsu, by all means defend it. No one with an ounce of intelligence is going to bash you personally for defending a show you like. If you disagree, feel free to state your opinion. That's what this is all about (or at least, what it's become all about ;)).


I just bought every episode of TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise from a Gamestop last week. Someone turned in every single star trek episode ever....and in mint condition. Hmmm, stolen maybe? No matter. They were $40 per season. I got them during a buy 2 get 1 free deal +10% off with a discount card. Thats 25 seasons and it only cost me $648.72. Pretty damn sweet eh? But anywho, been watching DS9 and Voyager again. DS9's characters are, in my opinion, some of the best. Voyagers weren't that bad. I enjoyed Voyager, not as much as the others though. The acting and characters weren't that bad. I got used to them. The doctor and seven were my favorites. I agree with Zircon about the unique scenarios and thought-provoking content.

Voyager was good. If you don't get lost in pointless fandom and look at it objectively, it's a great concept with great acting. There is strong characterization, unique scenarios, a good mix of action and thought-provoking material, etc.

The best description I've read yet of Voyager: "The captain is a shrewish hypocritical despot, the first officer is about as effectual as Gumby, and the main draw of the series has a rack that could be used as a flotation device."


I don't really remember the characters from Voyager at all, (except for 7 and the doctor). Well I do, but only vaguely. I enjoyed it for the weird stories, really....cause there was some weird stuff, but it didn't seem overly out there either. Which brings me to DS9

I wasn't too partiual to DS9 for whatever reason, I guess I just didn't appreciate the soap opera in space feel of it, some of what was going on in it didn't seem to fit within the star trek universe either, I'm not too nit picky about stuff like that, but some elements just seemed extremely out of place to me.

Next Generation was cool, although something about it struck me as incredibly cheesy/stiff at times. But it was probably the most diverse in terms of the kinds of eppisodes it had, some were seriouse, some were silly, some were full of drama, some went off into holo-room shenanigans that had nothing to do with the actual plot. So it was fun.

No comment on many of the other star treks, as those three above are the only ones I have any real experience with.


Don't hate on me, but I've watched every episode of the original series, the animated series, the next generation, deep space nine, enterprise, and im halfway through voyager. Oh, and I've seen every movie.

IMO, the original series has the best character interactions between the main characters of any of the shows, and although TOS really shows off only Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, the original 6 movies (which I have to say are all freakin awesome except the 1st one is a bit artsy and doesnt have the "adventure" feel the others do) really do a great job of showing how the other characters are also quite badass. The original series also had a wacky, and almost light-hearted feel at times, with a soundtrack to match, and although chuckling along with the main characters seems kinda odd, it really worked.

The Animated Series is also fantastic. Contrary to it's cartoon nature, alot of episodes were written by veteran original series writers and surprisingly have episodes that are as complex and interesting as those found in its live-action counterpart. That and the fact that the creators were able to show things in a cartoon that aren't easily displayed in a live-action medium means if you are a fan and want to expand your Trekness, you shouldn't pass it up. For these reasons I am interested in another animated series coming out. In my eyes, these new people have some big shoes to fill and if they are up to the challenge, it should be a good show. Anyways, onward with the series...

Next Generation had a great collection of actors, and great episodes to back up these actors. This series gave us lots of great villains, characters, and Q, what else needs to be said? Generations and First Contact are also really great movies, but the rest left me with a real "meh" feeling, and I downright disliked Nemesis.

Deep Space Nine also had great episodes and actors, but what I mostly got from this series was its complex story and setting shown throughout the seven seasons. Out of all the shows, this show was the best at showing the living, breathing, universe of Trek, and the arc is fantastic.

I'm not going to comment on voyager because I haven't seen it to completion, but I must say that aside from Paris, Kim, and Ba'Lana being kinda annoying at times, I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I would've.

I guess that just leaves me with Enterprise. I really wanted to like Enterprise. I watched every ep of its 4 seasons as it was shown on TV, and I must say, the first 3 seasons were really dissapointing. Sure, there were some really good episodes sprinkled throughout there, but I'd say for every 1 good ep, there was probably about 5 bad ones. Characters were hardly fleshed out, except for Phlox, and highlights of the show were few and far between. The third season was one long arc, but it stretched too long and IMO they wasted a season they could have used to make characters more interesting by fleshing them out and making more memorable interactions. The 4th season was great tho. I guess they knew where the show was heading and decided to get all their good ideas out and really made a season I would call great Trek. Although I really didnt like the ending, the 4th season in combination with the good episodes sprinkled throughout the other 3 made the whole thing worth it, but just barely.

Anyway, I've posted this because I'm excited to see serious thought on the continuation of Trek, and as a commentary to anyone who is considering watching any other series from the Trek universe. I would also recommed to watch whatever show you are on in order, and always watch atleast 10 eps to give yourself a good idea of what the show is about. The different series were so good, I would hate for a Trek fan to miss out.

I downright disliked Nemesis.

That's because Nemesis was little more than a port of Star Trek II to TNG. They even offloaded Data's katra to a convenient replacement.

I downright disliked Nemesis.

That's because Nemesis was little more than a port of Star Trek II to TNG. They even offloaded Data's katra to a convenient replacement.

Nemesis blew, hard I'd rather ignore the fact it even exists and perchance to hope that it get decanonized.

TOS was good, although I liked the movies more than the series, because I just couldn't get past the horrible effects.

TNG was the series I practically grew up on, and it holds the highest spot at the moment, for a lot of reasons.

Enterprise, well it wasn't a very original premise to begin with, and the opening song didn't help matters either. I think the actors and characters had potential, but the whole premise just ended up falling flat.

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