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This honestly isn't intended as trolling or anything, but for some reason, I get the distinct feeling that a lot of the best games on the Wii right now, were never actually made for the Wii.

Too bad so few actually decent or good games are coming out on VC that weren't done by Nintendo. Fuck, most of the rest of them have been released on Gametap and a half dozen Best Of.. or Collections titles.

Oh well. Not like most 3rd parties actually know what the hell they're doing yet. By this time next year, they should be in their groove. Until then, we have Nintendo and those few parties who actually saw the potential for Wii and have solid experience with it.

Hopefully companies like Ubisoft won't put their F-string teams on future developments, and create abortions like.. say, the Splinter Cell series has been, on Nintendo platforms so far.

I've spent 40 bucks on the virtual console, buying 1 SNES and 3 N64 games.. and don't regret it. SMW, Mario Kart 64, F-Zero X and now Paper Mario.. all very fine, solid games that have aged quite well. The only one of which that I owned, was Super Mario World, way back in the day.

And even with access to emulation and roms(hell, I have roms of all the games I've bought on there so far), I'd still rather play them this way, because it just feels.. well, proper. And paying 5-10 bucks for an actual, quality game isn't a bad deal.

August 21 just can't get here fast enough, though.. oh well, at least the local Blockbuster is unloading their GC games cheap. Their remaining New titles(unopened, still in original shrink wrap), are only 15 bucks, and their used ones are anywhere from 10 to 20 bucks. Plenty to keep me occupied until Prime 3. :)

1) I get tax added to my purchases through the Wii so it's not any different buying a card in the store

2) I get an employee discount at Target that more than compensates for the tax so I get my points cheaper than you do

sure it's like $0.50 difference with somewhat high sales tax in Texas but I'm at work anyway so why not pick one up when it's convenient?

I always forget about sales tax... is Alaska the only state without it? :razz:


I remember reading something about how if you changed your residence on the Wii, you lost all your points. Is this thing true?

I live in New Zealand, and therefore have the shittiest assortment of VC games :{

I always forget about sales tax... is Alaska the only state without it? :razz:

I don't remember ever getting it when I bought points online in Virginia, but it was even cheaper to buy points cards there (less sales tax) and I usually did so. It popped up when I moved to Texas so I see absolutely no reason to buy online any longer.


I'm actually loving the virtual console right now. Playing those classic games are great. Right though, I am just waiting for Metroid and Super Metroid to come out. I could play those games forever.

I'm actually loving the virtual console right now. Playing those classic games are great. Right though, I am just waiting for Metroid and Super Metroid to come out. I could play those games forever.

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to those too. Super Mario All-Stars too, and I'd also really like a chance to play Earthbound. They're gonna need to add hard drive support or let us save VC games to the SD card and play them directly off of the card soon though, since I only have about 600 blocks left and still have plenty of other VC games I'll be downloading (I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation). Given that they'll be launching WiiWare in early 2008 at the latest, we're gonna need more useable storage space on the Wii.


Sounds like some launch Wiis have messed up heatsinks. I know my Wii gets really hot after awhile, so I think I'll call Ninty about it later today.

At first i left my Wii in standby mode, and i noticed it wasy very hot so i removed the SD card and it was almost too hot to touch. I just leave it off now, and i never noticed any visual problems, but maybe i should call Nintendo, are launch systems under warranty? do you get a year for manufacturer defects?


Sounds like some launch Wiis have messed up heatsinks. I know my Wii gets really hot after awhile, so I think I'll call Ninty about it later today.

I was wondering why my Wii got to be so blazing hot lately. It was even hot enough to warp the plastic slightly when I first touched it realizing it was hot. Funny thing, though, I never noticed it up until a few weeks ago that the heat of the blazing sun was inside my very own Wii.



Sounds like some launch Wiis have messed up heatsinks. I know my Wii gets really hot after awhile, so I think I'll call Ninty about it later today.

Huh....so it could be an actual hardware issue. I was under the impression that it was just the console firmware not wanting to run the fans in WiiConnect24 mode.

I wonder if this got fixed on the later consoles. I got my Wii in early February and it likes to make itself nice and toasty in standby mode.

EDIT: Gah! I can't spell!


Man, that's pretty serious!

My wii is getting real hot too, and it's never even on. I pulled the plug on it for some time now, but if this is a hardware issue then I know what I have to do...Which sucks because I'm horribly anxious in everything I do and therefor procrastinate alot n_n;

Lucky me T__T;


My Wii got pretty hot in WiiConnet24 mode, so I stopped leaving it in that mode and just cut it off when i wasn't using it. It runs in acceptable temps when on and the fan running, though it could stand to run a bit faster in my opinion.

DIT: I am probably going to mod it when the warranty runs out with a fan that will run faster under the same voltage, and I have several candidates lying around hat could work.


This news should surprise nobody. I don't know anyone who doesn't say that their Wii is hot enough to cook eggs. I also find it funny that I've read two questions about hot Wiis and leaving them on in two different PULSE sections of Nintendo Power. Clearly, this problem is much bigger than Nintendo is willing to admit.


My Wii doesn't get very hot at all. I mean, it's warm to the touch, but actually much cooler than I expected, judging by my past experiences with how hot computers can get in small spaces.

Mine is warm to the touch though I wouldn't call it hot, but then, I don't have anything to compare it to. How warm is too warm?

the temperature inside your pants


Since there's no real point in having it going right now, just turn off the WiiConnect24->standby connection option, and the system will shutdown nice and won't be running hot.

Though, granted, it might be an issue in the future, when games like Animal Crossing are active and players actually come to visit your town, when you're not around.


Compared to other equipment like my laptop, the Wii is not getting hot enough to be any kind of threat.

And I shut off WiiConnect24 anyway. Automatic updates and other standby wifi ops are not my cup of tea.

Compared to other equipment like my laptop, the Wii is not getting hot enough to be any kind of threat.

And I shut off WiiConnect24 anyway. Automatic updates and other standby wifi ops are not my cup of tea.

well they dont exist anyway

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