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So, being the holiday season that it is, I decided to take the Wii to the family get-together in a few days. But where is my Wi Sports disc? They all seemed to like it last year, so I thought, why not bring it again?

I found it. It was in its little cardboard sleve thing from when I bought the system on launch day. Hadn't used it much since then, of course. Zelda and all those other games.

It has a giant scratch across the side. I put it in, and the damn games doesn't load at all. I vaguely recall noticing it before but since it was a long time since I used it (pretty much last christmas), I hadn't thought about it.

After a few hours of trying to get it to load, it just wouldn't take. So I called Nintendo and asked what my options were. Even though it's well past the warranty expiration date, Nintendo is sending me a new free disc to replace the dead one.

They said it should be here in time for christmas; if not that, then New Years.

+1 for Nintendo's customer service.

Friend requests sent. It would be cool if we did a TDM and got on Skype to coordinate ourselves.

ClanOCR is still active. If you want to jump on Skype (We may move back to IRC soon, some changes are planned to make ClanOCR as accessible as possible by the time Brawl hits) just PM me, atma, arek, axel, or necrotic (just to name a few people) and we'll get you into our skype chat. We'd love to get more opponents, and as you can see from the DB, we've got a few people for most games already.

Also, spleen, I've added your MoH info to the DB, acknowledged your friend request, and sent requests to aTOH and Atma as well. Let's get this party started.

ClanOCR is still active. If you want to jump on Skype (We may move back to IRC soon, some changes are planned to make ClanOCR as accessible as possible by the time Brawl hits) just PM me, atma, arek, axel, or necrotic (just to name a few people) and we'll get you into our skype chat. We'd love to get more opponents, and as you can see from the DB, we've got a few people for most games already.

Also, spleen, I've added your MoH info to the DB, acknowledged your friend request, and sent requests to aTOH and Atma as well. Let's get this party started.

Awesome. I'd be up for a game sometime later today.

So there's this story going around on digg.com about how Nintendo tech support told someone to smack their wii-mote to fix the accelerometer. Little did i know that i could have been a digg superstar because the exact same thing happend to me about December of last year. I think i posted it in this thread, actually. Kind of funny still.


Startropics on the VC today.

Looks like I'll finally be able to beat it again, since the battery in my original NES cart gave out, and I can't save files to it anymore. :-D

StarTropics... the most frustrating Zelda-style game I've ever played and beaten. But a lot of fun, as I recall. Who developed it, anyway?...

EDIT: Ah, okay. It's first party. I wonder how they'll handle the letter aspect, though.


Why the heck not? However, I'd rather have a new StarTropics game, since I love the old one and have played it to death (do not mention StarTropics 2, we already covered this).

He'd be good in Brawl. A lot of his attacks would be similar to Ness' attacks, what with the yoyo and bat. He could have a final smash submarine attack, or maybe use those alien buddies of his for some full-screen attack.

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