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Alright people, it's time for a Wii update. Let's look at the status of our little white console. There's some good games for it. There's some good games coming out. So let's take a look at those exclusives coming out.

Exclusive Wii Games:

Fatal Frame 4 - New sequel by Tecmo and Suda coming out later this year. Previous games are rated highly, and this one is looking really good. The series is often classified as the scariest series of games ever (often moreso than Silent Hill).


The Conduit - The developer of this first person shooter game is taking inspiration from Metroid Prime 3 and Medal of Honor Heroes 2. It looks awesome. Apparently the developer has the most powerful Wii engine as well. The dev is still looking for a publisher though.


Madworld - It looks like Sega is bringing a cool, bloody game to the Wii. Just watch the video or whatever. It looks cool. I give props to ol' Sega, they are even cool enough to make a Wii version of the upcoming Sonic game.


Tecmo Bowl - A fucking Wii exclusive Tecmo bowl is coming out. Cool.


Sadness - It if comes out, it will probably be really cool. They've been working on it for 2 years already.

Disaster - Day of Crisis - A cool distaster-style game being developed by Nintendo. It has to come out soon, doesn't it?

Monster Hunter 3 and Chocobo Mystery Dungeon - Everybody already knows about these I think. Also, we know Nintendo have to release some good games by Christmas. First party is a no-brainer. Nintendo's going to churn out all kinds of stuff by Christmas, so we will wait and see.

Stuff that we're unjustly missing out on (and by "we're", I mean those who have to worry more about bills than shelling out for another console)

Bionic Commando - Made famous by the classic NES version. Too fucking bad for you, because there are two different Bionic Commando games coming out on other consoles. Yeah, I suppose that the using a Wiimote to strike the shit out of enemies and swing around with that bionic arm is just too much to ask. Instead, you can use archaic analog controls to do the same thing, which simply won't be as fun.

Street Fighter 4 - You won't see this one either. Although Capcom has mentioned that it is possible to port it to Wii, you won't be getting it. Save up $400 bucks now, because to be quite honest, any old school gamer must have this game on launch day.

Soul Calibur 4 - Not getting it. Sorry. Apparently the Wii can't handle the new boob physics. Screw it, Namco is stupid anyway.

Splatterhouse - A new game is being made for the bigger consoles. Okay, it was never famous on Nintendo consoles, but I'm drunk with anger and jealousy.

A Final Fantasy game that doesn't suck - Don't worry, Nintendo fans will get the kiddy superdeformed versions and some other weird games that will be fun yet nowhere near the epic quality of those released on other consoles.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 - I don't even want to talk about this right now.

Stuff that Nintendo should already be working on, or either they're just stupid

Kid Icarus - People have been waitin for this one forever. What's Retro Studios up to? How about the Zelda team, I heard they're back together working on something.

Punch Out - Wii remote and nunchuk? Super-stylized, hardcore, more accurate, version of the boxing on Wii Sports. C'mon Nintendo. Do it and make it online, please.

Startropics - Make a new one, now. Or at least a new DS sequel. No, don't do that, the DS already has enough fun games, so team up with another developer and make a 3D island quest of awesomeness (see Metroid Prime 3 but instead with a boy travelling across tropical islands and a 2nd person view like Resident Evil 4 - the submarine should be controllable as well).

FZero Wii - This is bound to happen. Also, use Mario Kart Wii's online and take out the friend codes please. K thanx. Also, don't make it look like the Gamecube version with extra lighting effects (cough...Mario Kart Wii cough).

Franchises to revive on Nintendo:

Double Dragon Wii - Billy and Jimmy are back to kick ass on the 80's-inspired post apocalyptic streets. Two new selectable characters have joined, and the soundtrack is the same as it was before, except rearranged and sounding better. Strap Wiimotes to your legs, kick, and watch a foot come up and kick the shit out of the enemy in front of you as his nose explodes. The controls are tight, the game is only two hours long because it's about destroying enemies, and there are no save points because it's the 80s again and save points are for weaklings and RPG players (which is okay). 2 players preferred. Rated mature for bloody violence and whip-wielding lesbians. Also, this will never happen. In fact, a sequel will be announced - exclusively for Playstation 3 and Xbox 60. We will be getting Cooking Mama 2 instead. Don't worry, it will end up much like Final Fight Streetwise, which apparently sucked really hard.

Blaster Master Wii - If this were to happen, I would fulfill my Mother's dreams of becoming a Christian.

Mega Man - The Final Battle - Mega Man is back for the final battle which explains how he passed to make way for his successor, X. Finally, Mega Man fans can get the game that Mega Man has been deserving for over a fucking decade. The game plays similarly to Metroid Prime 3 (wiimote for aiming), but Mega Man is in third person (ala Mega Man legends) to better incorporate the jumping and running strategies that made the games so special in the first place. Battle 20 old robot masters, and 20 new ones. Upgrade your character, and take out Wily once and for all. Features music on par with the original trilogy. Graphics will be of Metroid Prime 3 quality, and Deathmatch will be provided on Capcom's servers, featuring no retarded friend codes and you can play as like all the other characters like on Mega Man Powered Up for PSP. This will never happen.

Things Wii developers need to consider:

1. Shooters should play like Metroid Prime 3, except that they also have a deathmatch mode, which Metroid Prime 3 should have had.

2. Online should be like Mario Kart Wii, but with no friend codes. Just make online like the Xbox 360's. We'll pay a fee, we're cool with it.

3. We need a little 20-gig hard drive attachment for Wii, or at least better SD card compatibility.

4. Quit giving us PS2 graphics on a console that's about 3 times as powerful as a PS2. Have you seen Mario Galaxy? Metroid Prime 3? Any of High Voltage's new games? Make the graphics look like those. Okay?

5. Give us more games with blood and tits. Sega's doing this, and Suda already did it.

6. Noone needs more party games or games abuot petting puppies. Wario Ware and Wii Sports is all that anyone needs.

7. In reference to 6, Ubisoft can kiss my ass. We don't get Beyond Good and Evil 2. We get fucking "Baby Party".


8. Advertise the games that don't suck. That way, they will sell, and we don't have to hear you bitching about how your games don't sell on Wii, when half of the Wii audience are old school gamers who love games that don't suck (the other half is made of trend whores who put the thing in the closet two months after purchase).

I guess that's all guys. That took a long time. My hands are tired. Is there anything that I missed?

Took me about 38 hours to beat Okami, and I still have a bit I can more I could do(That last blockhead is REALLY annoying[8 points]). Got the blossom tree for three of my totals. I think I missed on enemies defeated and demon fangs.

I kind of cheated on Blockhead Grande.

I memorized four points, my roommate memorized the other four points.

It still took several tries as the margins of error were very small. Be extremely precise when you make those dots.

and yeah, Okami is a wonderful masterpiece. Got blossom trees for everything but praise which was a green tree for me, after 44 hours of bliss.

Is there anything that I missed?

Here are the confirmed games I'm looking forward to, personally:

WiiWare: LostWinds 2, World of Goo

VC: Earthbound, Vectorman, Earthworm Jim, Sonic and Knucles, (thought Mario RPG had been confirmed, but I guess not).

Wii [retail]: Wario Land Shake, Tales of Symphonia 2, de Blob, Sam and Max season 1, the inevitable (and hopefully soon-announced) Pikmin 3, Animal Crossing Wii (first time I'll be playing a game from this series), FFCC: The Crystal Bearers, King Story.

Anyway, in some respects I can kinda understand how some people feel let down by the Wii, but all in all I don't regret it. I think part of it is the feeling that Wii games tend to be lackluster - in concept, visuals, and controls. I know I've been disappointed quite a few times by titles that look and sound interesting but the execution isn't there. I still have a fair backlog of fun Wii games that I have yet to beat (Zack and Wiki, Trauma Center: New Blood, etc) and, despite there being so many quick cash-ins, there are a lot of titles that I look forward to getting my hands on - both current and future releases.

I think another big component of it is that the Wii can't deliver the blockbuster titles we'll see on the 360 and PS3, like MGS4 and RE5. There's no way around it - the Wii won't have these games, but I guess the trade-off is the promise of new experiences, such as Super Mario Galaxy and LostWinds. Personally, instead of looking at what the Wii won't have, I tend to be more excited about what it WILL have - MadWorld, LostWinds 2, etc. I also own a 360 and soon a PS3, so that might explain my outlook :P.

The virtual console is one of the things I like most about the Wii, and it really adds a lot of value for me. Part of it is definitely nostalgia, but the bigger part is getting to play all the great games I missed the first time around. I also have high hopes that more great/original/not quick cash-in games come to WiiWare, though offhand the only unreleased titles I could think of off hand that I'm especially excited for are listed above. Overall, despite having an inordinate number of half-assed attempts at games and not offering the same experiences as PS3 or 360, there's certainly plenty available on the system to make me happy, and hopefully things keep improving.


As a side note, I was pretty suprised how small a download Dr. Mario Online Rx was - it was like 69 blocks (which spurred me on to get it :P). As much as I want to get My Life As a King, I'm having trouble convincing myself to delete LostWinds so I have enough room...come on, hard drive!

EDIT: actually about 93 blocks...whatever, still under half the file size of LostWinds :P.


lost winds was god awful but the fact that every single everything can now be easily installed with the twilight hack makes it ok

seriously between all the n64 and [really bad] wiiware games ive run out of space like 5 times

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, there's an interesting way to bump a thread.

Anyone actually play Wii Fit? I can't find one, and I work at a GameStop. I was hoping to buy it for my girlfriend for a graduation present, so I still have 4 days, I guess.

Another game I want to pick up at some point (besides Boom Blox - Jenga on steroids) is Bully. I missed the first one, and it looks like something worth playing.

Anyone find any hidden Wii gems recently?

Well, there's an interesting way to bump a thread.

Anyone actually play Wii Fit? I can't find one, and I work at a GameStop. I was hoping to buy it for my girlfriend for a graduation present, so I still have 4 days, I guess.

Another game I want to pick up at some point (besides Boom Blox - Jenga on steroids) is Bully. I missed the first one, and it looks like something worth playing.

Anyone find any hidden Wii gems recently?

I got Wii Fit for my mom for her b-day a couple weekends ago, and I tried it out that weekend. I'm in very good physical condition and my impressions of it are you could get at least a somewhat good workout from it. I was overall impressed by a lot of what it did/how it worked, and it was fun to use/play. Clearly not everything works perfectly, as I didn't get 100 on things like running, which in real life I would have no problem with. There's also really only so much you can do with it in terms of strength excercises, and it obviously can't be used to work a number of muscle groups. I think I most enjoyed the balance games and the yoga.

All in all, it's fun and there's some good stuff here, but it can't replace a solid workout system. If someone wants to get started into workout, start into yoga but doesn't want to take a class, or just wants something to have for days they can't make it to the gym and also have some fun in the process, it's not a bad investment.

Anyway, not really any hidden gems, but I did get Toki Tori and No More Heroes last week and both are very good. The difficulty in Toki Tori varies greatly, from pretty easy to stupidly difficult. You can control using a point and click interface with the wiimote, or use a more "traditional" style wit hthe nunckuk (control the character directly with the analog stick). Wiimote alone felt a little passive but not bad IMO (actually reminded me a little of Zack and Wiki :P), and towards the end I switched over to nunckuk.

No More Heroes, as many already knew, is great. The controls are a lot of fun and work very well IMO, and the style of the game is just fantastic. As people have said before, the open world thing is not well done, and feels very forced. The backgrounds, etc are also very dated-looking, especially compared to the much nicer looking and better detailed characters. The frame rate does seem to chug when you fight several enemies at once, but more often than not it's quite smooth. As expected from the director of Killer 7, the violence and blood is pretty over-the-top. Actually, playing this makes me that much more excited for Mad World.

why dont you guys just play smash bros there will never be a better wii game

These days I pretty much only play Smash Bros when people are over and wanna play. Shortly after beating Subspace Emissary, I didn't play any single player again since it kinda lost its appeal to me, and I'll only very seldom play online due to the random lag (and even this it's only with friends). For me, Smash Bros is not the be all/end all of gaming.

That said, I know while you have few to no other games you like on the system, there are and have been a lot of games that I've been enjoying on Wii. To each their own.

  • 2 weeks later...

IGN has some more info on Fragile and Tales of Symphonia 2. Both are looking very good, though Fragile is still abit of a mystery gameplay wise.

;_; I just really want Symphonia 2. The first was so good and the sequel sounds very promissing.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So i'm selling my Wii. I was wondering if there's any sensitive data on it that I would need to delete? As far as I remember it doesn't remember your credit card info or anything. Anyone think of anything i should do before selling?

So i'm selling my Wii. I was wondering if there's any sensitive data on it that I would need to delete? As far as I remember it doesn't remember your credit card info or anything. Anyone think of anything i should do before selling?

Well, you're selling your Wii, which you will buy back for even more money down the road. Plus, you have such little understanding of the information technology that you think the Wii is storing your credit information.

Also, could you give us a reason as to why you're selling it? Do you have a good reason to do so. From this point I don't think you do. Nintendo sucked at E3. They sucked big fat donkey balls. Third parties, on the other hand, are ready to unleash the megaton. Sell your Wii so someone else can enjoy the games and so you can wish you still had the first party games that someone will still be playing two years from now.

Well, you're selling your Wii, which you will buy back for even more money down the road. Plus, you have such little understanding of the information technology that you think the Wii is storing your credit information.

Also, could you give us a reason as to why you're selling it? Do you have a good reason to do so. From this point I don't think you do. Nintendo sucked at E3. They sucked big fat donkey balls. Third parties, on the other hand, are ready to unleash the megaton. Sell your Wii so someone else can enjoy the games and so you can wish you still had the first party games that someone will still be playing two years from now.

He doesn't need to give you a reason. Maybe he just needs cash. :whatevaa:

Don't get so defensive and contentious; just answer the question. :\

For the record, the only think you'll lose when you sell your Wii are any WiiWare and VC games. Wii doesn't store any personal information, though you might want to remove any network information from the setup so that your wifi network's key isn't still in there.

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