Joe Redifer Posted May 8, 2002 Posted May 8, 2002 Alex Kidd in Miracle World 'Sugar High' This was my first ReMix submitted to this fantastic site. I saw that DJP was a Sega fanboy (as am I) so I figured he'd take quick notice to this.... and he did! He quickly posted it and sent me a check for $1,000, which I feel that everyone should do. OK so he didn't do that. This is a decent mix, I think. It shouldn't blow you away and you shouldn't run away screaming, either. I added a string section towards the middle to change things up a bit, otherwise it it the main Alex Kidd melody with far superior instruments than those used in the Sega Master System and Sega Genesis versions of the game. Quote
mDuo13 Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 This mix reminds me a little too much of the Gold Saucer from FF7... it's not quite as loud and seizure-inducing as that tune, but the feel is kinda similar. This is from WAAAAAAAAAY back when, in the days of yore, so its quality can't really measure up to the standards these days; the software (I'm not trying to diss vocalwriter, really!) just wasn't the same then. This mix won't dazzle and it won't astound, but it's not to bad, a fairly solid piece of OCR history. Give it a try. Quote
Durinthal Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I agree with mDuo13 on all accounts. Not really comparable to most songs done today, but a reference point in remixing history. The title's definitely fitting, at any rate. Quote
K-ness Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 Very catchy and bubbly. It does sound a lot like the original with better instruments (as was stated). I can see a group of kids running around a playground as this song starts. It's like something right out of Kids Incorporated or The Mickey Mouse Club from the late 80's. My only complaint? It should be longer. Around 2:30 or so. I would love to get an extended version of this. Quote
frashpikass Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 Comment to this song: <Frash> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! <Frash> AAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! <Frash> !!! <Frash> SHUT IT! <Frash> SHUT IT <Frash> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! <Frash> THAT?S KILLING ME <Frash> AAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH! * Frash screams <Frash> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH! <Frash> NOT STILL FINISHED <Frash> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (song finishes) <Frash> awwwwwwwww.... <Frash> Finished * ^^SK^^ sicceth thy Holy Lord upon Frash's unclean soul, wiping his very existance from thy mortal realm with thy divine weapons of utter horrific destitution. And verily the Lord did speak; "Burn In Hell You Fool" Commet finished. I hope I'll be still alive when I'll click the "Submit" button... Farewell.... Quote
meccaneer Posted October 12, 2005 Posted October 12, 2005 Man, it startled me. I wasn't expecting something so friggin' happy. Aaaahh.... errr, eeesh.... damn, that's happy. It kinda hurts my negativity. Errrr.... make it stop. I mean, I just see balloons and balloons. I hate the circus. Clowns scare the crap out of me. Ferris wheel thrice 'round, please. No. Quote
watkinzez Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 Er, well.. this is an old mix, so you shouldn't be expecting much. Problem is, this song is like crack- you shouldn't like it, but it's so addictive. And I hate that percussion that Joe Redifer used in ALL his mixes. So yeah, not exactly the best, but what were you expecting? Quote
DarkWolf Posted November 15, 2005 Posted November 15, 2005 It's alright. Good enough to keep in the remix folder. Quote
Dafydd Posted January 26, 2006 Posted January 26, 2006 If it wasn't for the judges, this is the kind of music we'd have crawling all over the site. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 18, 2007 Posted April 18, 2007 Can't say i'm really a fan, but it's super old, so we'll chalk another mix up to the constantly improving standards of the site. The strings in the middle are actually pretty nice, wish there was more of that. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 This is so happy it's sickening. Bleh. That being said, the fact that I can't stand it doesn't mean it's bad. A VERY happy setting, drums that drive the mix (they do get a bit repetative), and some decent strings. Overall, the sounds are old, and the melody's too much for me, but at the time it was probably a pretty decent mix. Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 I really was not a fan of the game but this is pretty decent not great but decent. Quote
yosefu Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 This bring back memories of pure fustration from what i got out of the game. It seems close to the original source but over all its okay. Quote
Diabolik Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 I enjoy this track. For some reason, it makes me think of the kind of thing I might hear on a Mexican kids show that I happen to have on on a Saturday morning, possibly while a little hung over. Quote
Marmiduke Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 Of course, this just reminds us that we need more Alex Kidd. On the site, in our mp3 players, on our videogame consoles and in our lives in general. Although, maybe not this track specifically. The strings are the only thing that save this. That, and the obvious nostalgia factor. Things get somewhat muddled, and the entire thing creaks with age, but bleh. At the very least it is good soundtrack material for reminiscing about the old days when this mix was considered 'cutting edge?'. Quote
Crulex Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 Sugar high is right. This is a bit too happy for me. Though it did have a good arrangement and really perked me up after listening, it's just not my thing. Quote
Tables Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 Seven seconds to start... unforgivable Once it gets going, this is a cute little rendition of a naturally happy little tune. Sort of reminds me of a holiday, winter jam, not sure if that was intentional at all. But yeah it's kind of just a cover with nicer instruments. Not super impressive but it's nice to see Alex Kidd get some love. Quote
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