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Chrono Trigger 'Times of Distortion'

I guarantee you'll never hear a version of Far Away Times that's this good (no, not even Master of Audio's version!) The beginning could be a viable remix its self, but it instead serves as the intro to something even more amazing. My only complaint is that I would have liked a just a little more energy - it's almost to the point of being one of those songs that makes you just want to shout "HELL YEEEAAAHHHHH!"... but not quite there. Still, it's extremely good. Highly recommended.


One of the finest remixes I have ever heard! At 1:27 when the dist.guitar kicks in, you just want to know where Thumper lives, so that you could shake his hand. A little more speed would have nice though...

  • 2 weeks later...

I love this remix. L-O-V-E. There is just no other way to describe it. I like the choice of instruments, and how they reflect off of each other. If you listen really closely, you can hear all the little variating repetitions of the background stuff that makes music worth listening too. Excellent. 5/5 stars!

  • 1 month later...

Yes! A great metal remix of the lullaby ending theme from ChronoTrigger! It sounds live, but without the problems that some live performances have. Great first submission.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

A recording of my mental impressions upon listening to the song:

00:45: Wow. How soothing...This guitar is like is ear candy.

01:24: What? it's over? Aww...

01:27: 8O WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAA! Wakeup call! But hey....

01:45: This stuff KICKS! :lol: *Dances around in his chair head-banging een thouhg he's a Backstreet Boys fan*

02:30: *Wiping tears from eyes* OMG, this is BEAUTIFUL! I never thought electric guitar could make me cry...

04:00: My GOD! THE SYNTHESIZERS! It sounds almost...angelic...Oh, wow!

*The rest of the song is subsequently spent dancing foolishly around and generally enjoying the hail out of what is one of the BEST REMIXES ON THE SITE!*

04:35: Aww, it's over? MUST HIT REPEAT BUTTON!


  • 4 weeks later...

By far the best remix on this website. Exellent guitarwork when Thumper ass-kicks his way through one of Chrono Triggers' better music tracks. Your ears will love you for listening to this track.


Taking the minority position here...

I didn't keep this one when I originally downloaded it, so that's indicative of my gut reaction. But, I downloaded it again since the review came up again. At first, I was like, "Wait, why did I not like this?" And then at 1:50, I remembered.

I think if you had toned down (or maybe went with something different alltogehter) the drum-beat harmony, I would have liked it more. I think the guitar take on the song is genius, and that REALLY had me beside myself, but like I said.. the harmony is just too pervasive.

  • 1 month later...

Words cannot describe how much I love this song. My god, it rawks so much it's astounding. The beginning is excellent, then it turns into a masterpiece when the guitar kicks in. Wowza Yowza. 399/10

  • 2 months later...

This is an example of guitar remixing at its best. The arrangement is near-flawless, as is the guitar playing and the drumwork. The synths towards the end add an epic feel to it, and the mellow guitar playing at the beginning and end are very suitable. I believe this sums up CT's positive side VERY well. A few things I didn't like; one section was repeated quite a few times, the section that is eventually played with synths in the background. So, it could have been a little shorter. I also would have preffered if the drums continued to be as awesome as they were when the 'rock' portion first begins. But seriously, I don't see how anyone could have major complaints about this piece.

I love it!


i must be in the minority here, but i didn't like this too much. almost everything was in the center of the stereo field, making the song sound very flat and empty. if it had utilized panning on the guitars (maybe one panned left and one panned right) then it would have had a much more full sound to it. also, i found the drums to be a bit boring and lacking punch.

it's a good arrangement, but more attention should have been paid to production.


I downloaded this a looong time ago. It was when I found out about this site but I was just sucking the song off kazaa. A quick listen through gave me a few songs that tasted, well, delicious. This song was one of them.

The beginning could be a song in itself, but then it 'end's. "awww over already" you say, but then it kicks in with the distortion guitars and personally I get the chills. By the end of the song i want to cry because its just so beautiful.

Easily one my favorite mixes 30/10

  • 2 months later...

Rockin. Like djp, I too thought of The Clash when I heard this. Think ya coulda done more with the drums, but it's really excellent, already one of my favorite remixes.


this is by far the greatest remix of to far away times in history!

the guitar is superb to the max! 8O

great drums. though some of the drum things don't sound real. listen very closely.

the pads weren't something i expected, but i got over it. the pads should have been removed.

this song still kicks major roxor ass!





that's all i can say really

i downloaded this and i listened to it like 50 times in a row

amazing amazing amazing

one thing tho

the the distortion synths towards the end i didn't like as much

i would have liked it if they were more solid


this is one of my fave pieces from this site


  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I love electric guitar, and this thing just oozes it! Actually, I believe that this remix would be perfect for the Guitarmania and Beatmania games when they're synchronised. Great tempo, perfect for walking to.

  • 10 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This site continues to be a game of oneupsmanship.

Every time i think i find the best song there is someone comes along with something like this. This entire mix just owns. Its in my personal top ten and gives Hudson a real run for his money. This is by far one of the best remixes on the site. Once again the quality of OCR shines through to give us some of the best music in the world.

Congrats thumper on what is a truly excelent piece of art.

  • 3 years later...

Really raw, but pretty awesome nonetheless.

Some tuning issues in the intro guitar, and the hi hats are really mechanical, but there is a really strong charm to this one; maybe it's a really strong source and a remixer who is really into it. The enthusiasm is audible.

I'm glad this got on the site when it did, because as of right now there the production isn't near up to the OCR standards. I really think it deserves to be on here, and judging from the other comments, I'm not alone with that opinion. :-)

This has been on my playlist for years and will totally stay there, flaws and all. <3

  • 2 years later...

Dat bass. Another great mix from years back when I first started checking this site out. 2:44 always gets to me for some reason. It's got this great epic feel to it. Underproduced, but if he came back and touched it up to meet today's standards, my jaw would probably hit the ground.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00621 - Chrono Trigger "Times of Distortion"

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