m68030 Posted June 5, 2002 Posted June 5, 2002 Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'AmIEviL Dark World' A little bit more straightforward electronica than many of AmIEviL's other tracks, this Dark World mix is short and a little less refined sounding then many of his other works. However the last 50 seconds or so, when the lead line finally breaks in, it's a nice solid feel. A shame it's only the last 50 seconds or so when this one really shines. Quote
PhantomMagi Posted August 22, 2002 Posted August 22, 2002 Very cool mix. Love the way you made it sound so heroic when the main theme came in. Quote
ella guro Posted September 24, 2002 Posted September 24, 2002 Ugh. It's a good remix, but it JUST NEEDS TO BE LONGER!! It really annoys me that the main melody is only played once, and it doesn't really end well either. I'm not a huge techno fan and everything, but I love the darkworld theme, and I'd really love this one if it was at the very least a minute, perhaps two minutes longer. That's all... Quote
mDuo13 Posted February 16, 2003 Posted February 16, 2003 AmIEvil has given us a really nice one. You'll probably like it if you haven't heard the Zelda Darkworld theme, but if you have, you'll love it. It's chalk-full of good samples and nice arrangement. I love the trumpets for the main melody. It should have had a little more refinement though - it's not been polished as much as some remixes these days. Quote
Golbez Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 I'm not a fan of eletronica techno remixes.. But I must admit that like al Aimevil's works... This one is a great tune.. Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted February 24, 2003 Posted February 24, 2003 Methunks that djp overrated this one a little bit. It's s'more of that wonderful techno fun for about the first 1:10, then it FINALLY goes into the theme we know and love. BUT THEN AFTER ONE LOOP IT STOPS. That's simply inexusable. There are much better darkworld remixes out there, so I'd only recommend this to absolute hardcore zelda fans. 3/8 Quote
Mario Buu Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 This song was very strait forward in its electronic sound, nearly too electronic for my tastes though. But I have yet to hear an AmIEvil remix that I havent liked. It has a very nice bit of originality in the beginning, and a little more in the end, and when it finally reaches the main Zelda song that every know's, it all just falls into place, and you start becomming addicted to the song, just as you knew you would when it was a Zelda remix. Quote
Ferret Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 Go ahead, mess with my perceptions! I don't CARE! Actually, another nicely-done bit of work by the insane(ly talented) AmIEvil. Never a dull moment in this piece, it keeps you moving. Loop it a few times to get the full effect from it. That's my only gripe: it is much too short, in my opinion. Now, if someone would do a remix of the credits theme...hint hint. Quote
Hostile Rabbi Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 I give this a 7/10. If this mix would have been longer and the Darkworld theme played more thanone time it would be an extremly good piece. Now, it's just too short to be anything other than decient. Quote
ladykaiyu Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Another cool mix from AmIEvil. Yeah, it probably could have been a little longer, but it's definitely worth listening to. Quote
ESHbyESH Posted April 21, 2004 Posted April 21, 2004 Nice! Pounding and driving until the swell in the middle around :57 (which I like to call "The sweet creamy center") then back to pounding and driving. Some playful nonsense at :41.. Keeps it interesting all the way thru. Nice and upbeat! Quote
IC Posted August 8, 2004 Posted August 8, 2004 Wow. Very energetic. Its not too complex or fancy with the composition, but the presentation is just killer. I just have to listen to it several times every time I open it up. THAT imo is a better song than the standard 4-5 minute ones that just seem to drag on a bit, that you rarely listen to more than once at a time. 9/10 Quote
Lavos - Devourer of Time Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 This song is extremely well done. It's got a great beat and is fun to listen to. My only complaint is that it is too short! I think it could easily be extended but that's up to AmIEvil of course. Bravo! Another great Zelda remix to add to my playlist! Quote
Clythoss Posted June 17, 2007 Posted June 17, 2007 Hmm... Like most of AmIEvil´s remixes it sounds great but stops in the middle. Always when the Music gets you in the right mood and you are waiting for the great unique middle part , followed by a repeat of the main theme and an great ending it just stops. Don´t know if AmIEvil is just unable to make complete songs or if it is some "Wohoo i got my own style" kind of thing but it realy disturbes me. But i got my own way of dealing with this. I´ve cut the first minute Of the Song, added a fade out at the End and now i got my very unique Zelda Ringtone. Because that´s what this release is for me, a ringtone. An absolutely great sounding ringtone, but a ringtone. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 6, 2008 Posted March 6, 2008 The mix starts out alright, with a cool synth sound, and builds up a few times, though it drops a beat or two along the way during a transition. :/ Then a really annoying atonal synth comes in, but drops right before the midi horns come in. Then it ends abruptly. I gotta say i'm not terribly impressed. Sorry Quote
Ryu2Wolf Posted January 7, 2009 Posted January 7, 2009 Really try to induce some mixing power in the beginning. I got a bit of a spiraling feeling in the start but doesn't seem to really get where I want. The melody from Zelda was good but it all seemed to stop a little too soon. Quote
42 Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 This mix is slow to start, but it is sooooo worth it. My biggest complaint is that it's too short. It seems too me like most of the song is intro before it gets to the meat and potatoes of the mix. This is a great mix that leaves me wanting more. Quote
Marmiduke Posted June 7, 2009 Posted June 7, 2009 There's an extremely jarring beatskip that is too signifcant and too obvious to be unintentional. I don't get what the motivation was, but I don't know whether I agree with it. It's like a massive comma dead in the middle of a word. For some bizarre reason, it makes the mix seem injured. Also, the swiftness of the mix is just such a tease. It gives you the comehither eyes, draws you close and then spontaneously combusts into ash, leaving you standing cold, naked and alone muterring "Buh... Buh... But... It was just getting good." The mix has some dated production as well, but that doesn't bother me nearly as much as the other areas in which it could easily have dilevered, but actively chose not to. Oh well, there is always the other AmIEvil mixes. Quote
Crulex Posted June 15, 2014 Posted June 15, 2014 (edited) There are some interesting choices, like the intro, that make the song your own, which is cool. Obvious age issues aside, though, it did feel like half a mix and was a bit short. Once the long intro got out of the way, things started to pick up a bit and then it went back to the intro for the ending and just stopped. I hear the foundation of where it could have went, but that's it. Not one of my favorites from AmIEvil. Edited June 16, 2014 by Crulex Quote
Tables Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Not sure if the intro and the rest of the song actually make sense together... but I'll take it. It IS a pretty neat transition, even with the missing beats (which I hardly noticed until they were pointed out to me but, sometimes I'm awfully flighty when it comes to that stuff). But then: yeah it just ends. I'm not sure if this is actually finished to be honest, it's really too bad, I was looking forward to seeing where they'd take it... t'is the curse of a lot of these old AmIEviL tracks, it seems. Quote
Dyluck Posted February 17, 2024 Posted February 17, 2024 Oh boy, this just came up in the ReMix Roulette on the Discord. We're back in the era of naming ReMixes after the arranger, and with AmIEvil doing it, this is a red flag that it's one of his early ones. But does that mean it's bad? Hell nah. Sure, it's not as sophisticated as some other of his stuff (#00475 Let There Be Light is just sublime and kind of an unfair comparison), but this submission shows so much potential not just for AmIEvil, but also for OC ReMix as a whole at the time, mid-2000, of what the site would become. This is a stepping stone along the way and I'd argue one of the bigger ones. It shows that you can take a great theme, in this case the already fantastic Dark World theme from Link to the Past, highlight its harmonics, make a good EDM backing track that's sonically interesting and engaging, rearrange it by delaying its triumphant theme (and that isn't a bad-sounding brass section, by the way, it's mixed well to hide its flaws) so that it's gratifying when it makes its appearance... This is How To ReMix 101. It's an education. Study this one well. The length is fine – yes, a reiteration of the theme with building of the backing tracks or an additional one would be awesome – but it's still appropriate. It's like a small oddly-shaped parcel that's wrapped in lovely paper: you're going to have funny edges no matter what, but it still looks good, even if the internal item is a lot smaller than anticipated. That's also why I say it's great to learn from. This has been on my playlist for years and years and years. It still sounds good 24 years later, which is testimony of AmIEvil's talent (and why I wish there was so much more of his stuff...). Quote
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