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I want those cutscenes, never found a place to download em

I found them a few years ago on some Spanish-language Final Fantasy website, but my hard drive's gotten erased since and it's not in my bookmarks anymore :(

Anyone have some leads...?


Smoke: Going from experience playing other SNES->GBA ports (Like Super Mario World, Link to the Past) or even just listening to the sound test from, say, Sonic Advance and listening to the classic tunes (SNES was more advanced than Genesis in general), you can draw a pretty accurate comparison between the sound capabilities. Also, just comparing general sound quality between games in the same series that span both platforms gives you a clear idea.

Also, play some of the .gsf and .spc files from cross platform games one after another, and you'll definitely hear the difference.

My conclusions? GBA is superior for sound effects, SNES is far better for music.

I don't foresee myself playing FF6 on GBA, ESPECIALLY if the script was altered.


As I said earlier in the thread, the script is definitely changed, but they didn't get rid of all the comical lines from Woolsley's translation, and they didn't change the mannerisms of the characters from what I've seen. I doubt they'd completely rehash what was a pretty good translation, given that so many fans of the SNES translation really liked it.


Instead of buying it, I've just been replaying it on the SNES. And god, is it a good game.

And one of the best parts of the game, easily, is the music. What makes the Opera House such a defining part of the game? The music.(common, the pit orchestra even plays for you as you wallop Ultros on stage.) And strangely, compared to other old games I used to play when I was young, the translation doesn't stick out as bad to me.

As far as I'm concerned, FFVI was the last of the old FF art style... now, instead of a port to GBA, FFVI is easily a game I could buy if it were redone and transitioned into a modern, graphical three dimensional game done in the same art style with real orchestrated music, even good voice actors, with heavily padded dialog to go(in comparison, all old RPG conversations were just too short). Sorry I had to share that.

If I were to make this portable, I'd much rather emulate it on a PSP than buy the remake for GBA. The renaming of so many spells, the music, and little changes actually detracts a lot from the game.


They used the worst samples ever for Kefka's Theme. yeowch

Plus, there's seems to be annoying lag in almost every part of the game. It might just be the many videos online that I've seen and they do not reflect the truth, idk.

*spoilers* Final Battle

^ framerate in that video appears to be worse than the final battle of FF5 GBA


Here's something I thought of regarding the whole changes thing.

1. If you played it recently or on a regular basis, then why the fuck are you so worried about this? You either have a working SNES/PS1 and FF6 cart/disc, or you emulate it on your computer. Either way, it doesn't concern you if they change some text and names, or that the music is slightly different from the SNES version. You'll just play it the way you've been playing it before. The changes don't effect you in any way.

2. If you haven't played it in years, then why are you so concerned about little changes? You haven't played it in a fucking decade, so you can't possibly remember all the little dialog and spell names from the original version. You're essentially playing it for the first time. And even if you have some magical photographic memory, are you really going to let these changes stop you from playing it again? Are you? Then go play whatever version you like, because they're all the same.

3. If you are the sort of person that is going to obsess over spell names and what the characters say in this and that scene, then you're likely a Final Fantasy 6 fanboy, in which case I think point 1 applies directly to you. But you're a FF fanboy, so you'll just get it anyway. But stop bitching about it. No one is making you buy the game again.

4. If you've never played FF6 before... what the hell is wrong with you? Go play it. Got a SNES and a working cart? Got a computer and the ROM? Getting the GBA version? Go play it however you want, it's a damn good game either way.

Everyone fits into one of those four categories. So read the one that applies to you, and stop bitching about the changes.

Here's something I thought of regarding the whole changes thing.

1. If you played it recently or on a regular basis, then why the fuck are you so worried about this? You either have a working SNES/PS1 and FF6 cart/disc, or you emulate it on your computer. Either way, it doesn't concern you if they change some text and names, or that the music is slightly different from the SNES version. You'll just play it the way you've been playing it before. The changes don't effect you in any way.

2. If you haven't played it in years, then why are you so concerned about little changes? You haven't played it in a fucking decade, so you can't possibly remember all the little dialog and spell names from the original version. You're essentially playing it for the first time. And even if you have some magical photographic memory, are you really going to let these changes stop you from playing it again? Are you? Then go play whatever version you like, because they're all the same.

3. If you are the sort of person that is going to obsess over spell names and what the characters say in this and that scene, then you're likely a Final Fantasy 6 fanboy, in which case I think point 1 applies directly to you. But you're a FF fanboy, so you'll just get it anyway. But stop bitching about it. No one is making you buy the game again.

4. If you've never played FF6 before... what the hell is wrong with you? Go play it. Got a SNES and a working cart? Got a computer and the ROM? Getting the GBA version? Go play it however you want, it's a damn good game either way.

Everyone fits into one of those four categories. So read the one that applies to you, and stop bitching about the changes.

I have a working SNES cart that I just played through a few months ago. The fact that this is portable makes me want it. It's a great game...I'll just have to get by the slight changes.


Yea, I tried playing it a few months ago, got to near halfway thru but new games distracted me and I stopped. Since I have a small room its kinda hassle to find space for all my consoles (even connecting them). I have the Original game within 2 feet of me. Also could ROM it but meh, I wanted to see how well or bad they ported the game to the GBA, cause I greatly enjoyed FFV Advance. Like I said before I am really satisfied eith this game. Plus portability is a great thing for me in my commute to school (takes at the most 2 hours or so thru connections in public transportation).

Beat the game with everyone at 99 and all things obtained within 20 hours. I thought the game was longer than this : /

They must have changed the experience curves or made enemies drop more exp and gil. The SNES version typically takes 40 hours to beat. Most definitely odd...

They must have changed the experience curves or made enemies drop more exp and gil. The SNES version typically takes 40 hours to beat. Most definitely odd...

Why in the hell do they keep making the FF games ported to GBA easier than the original versions? Jesus christ -_-

Why in the hell do they keep making the FF games ported to GBA easier than the original versions? Jesus christ -_-


I beat FF5 at about level 37 or 38 I forget. No problems either. Actually only with Omega cause he ran into me twice and killed me whilst I tried running past him.


Hmmm I dunno. From what I can remember the difficulty of this and the original seem about the same. Mostly in the old game I only died from my own stupidity or just bad luck (or I didn't know what the **** I was doing). Same has happened here (except I now know what to do....mostly). Also they did fix the evasion bug so maybe that made some battles easier.

FFV the Original I beat around the same as the Advance one. Heck even Omega. FFV is a really easy game at the end. Except for Omega (before you learn his tricks) and Shinryu *shrugs* I haven't gone thru the extra stuff since I wanted to master all the jobs before hand (gave up after mastering a ton of jobs but died losing all progress...I hate the Cleft of Dimensions). BTW I bet both versions around Lv38-40.

Also past experience, knowing what needs to be done and how to do it can also make the game quicker and easier. Funny thing about FFI and II Advance, the bosses all have more HP and higher stats but the game mechanics were made easier (mainly EXP gain and stats). And the kids thing might be true, but these ports were done for those that played the game before.

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