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Sorry if this has already been posted, but I was wondering if any of you have bought VG soundtracks to a game that you've never played and never will?

For me, Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy XI I own soundtracks to, but never played the games. (and I don't think I will either :P)


Phantasy Star Online, Dark Cloud, and Valkyrie Profile are the only three. All of the rest of the OSTs I own, I've played the games for (Dino Crisis is the only I own that I haven't finished the game for.)

Unless you count the fact that One can rip most Sega CD, and TG-16 CD game soundtracks directly off the CD because they're redbook audio. Then I'd have to add a couple more games ;)

There's no point if I haven't played the game.

I dunno. Listening to some soundtracks have inspired me to go out and play the game. I did this both with Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Shadow of the Colossus. The soundtracks were so good that I went out of my way to buy the games.


I don't have any "pure" game soundtracks, as there are usually only a few songs per game that I'd want to listen to. I do have Xenogears Light, and Xenogears Creid, though. Both very good albums. Then there's the ever elusive Nintendo Sound Selections albums, Final Fantasy Potions 1 and 2 and Final FAntasy S and N Generation albums.


Jeremy Soule is one of the best VG composers out there. I own nearly every soundtrack by him that is available, even though I've played only a fraction of the games. I'm hoping that his score for Supreme Commander will be available at his online store(http://www.directsong.com) soon. Or possibly in a standard music format on the game disc. I can only hope that it's as good as Total Annihilation.


I rented Wind Waker a while back and really liked the game, but the celtic music impressed me even more so I imported the OST and still don't own the game to this day. As far as games I've never played go though, the Star Ocean series and Chrono Cross come to mind. Hopefully I'll be able to play all those games soon but until then the music more than holds me over.


Bought the Maximo Soundtrack. Bought the game cuz the soundtrack was pretty good. I have countless NSFs and GYMs that are from games I've never played.

On the flip side, I have Power Quest for GBC, but I can't find a GBS file anywhere :(. I'm too lazy to rip it myself :P

You're missing out on a lot probably.

Obviously. But if I don't know or care what I'm missing, it's no problem :) The whole point of why I'm remixing in the first place is out of nostalgia, so why pay homage to something I've never experienced? Hell, why even listen to the music designed around that experience?


  • Earthbound
  • Chrono Cross (I own it, but my discs are messed up so I can't play it)
  • Final Fantasy X-2
  • Xenogears
  • Xenosaga
  • Originally Jet Set Radio Future, but I've recently played it now
  • Devil May Cry 2
  • Most DDRs
  • San Andreas
  • We Love Katamari
  • Lineage II
  • Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
  • The Elder Scroll VI: Oblivion
  • Every Silent Hill game
  • Space Channel 5 Part II

Games I've never played, and have little interest in playing.

Games I've never play, but I'd MAYBE play one day.

Games I would LOVE to play and probably will eventually.

i have all the Mother soundtracks

I have more than you :P. Plus I have the Mother 3 soundtrack which I'll never really get to play. Lament lament.

I have the We <3 Katamari and the Me & My Katamari soundtrack. I used to have the Front Mission 4 soundtrack but I gave it to a friend.


I've got a crapload of OST's to games i never played. Star ocean 3, unlimited saga, valkyrie profile2, capcom vs snk chaos, grandia extreme, Guilty Gear X (though i think i own XX, i'm not sure). Panzer dragoon orta, Phantasy star online blue burst. That's all i can think of, mostly random rpgs.


I'm just curious, what makes you listen to the game soundtracks before playing them? I mean, what makes you listen to the specific game soundtrack? - and from not playing the game?

Obviously. But if I don't know or care what I'm missing, it's no problem :) The whole point of why I'm remixing in the first place is out of nostalgia, so why pay homage to something I've never experienced? Hell, why even listen to the music designed around that experience?

good music is good music man. sure the music is a lot better when you hear it in context or if you can think about the game associated with it, but if people like the musc by itself then maybe the composer did an even better job.

I have more than you :P. Plus I have the Mother 3 soundtrack which I'll never really get to play. Lament lament.

I have the We <3 Katamari and the Me & My Katamari soundtrack. I used to have the Front Mission 4 soundtrack but I gave it to a friend.

you telling me you're not gonna play the translated hack?

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