zircon Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Let's face it. Diablo 2 and its expansion were fun as hell. I move that we all get together, start new characters on ladder US West (NOT OPEN), and play. Maybe use Vent if anyone has one. I already talked to a bunch of people in #vgdj and there's some good interest. Don't have the game? http://www.jr.com/JRProductPage.process?Product_Id=3660681&JRSource=googlebase.datafeed.BLZ+DIABLO2BC $27 for Diablo, Diablo 2, the expansion, and the strategy guides. Best $27 you will ever spend. If you want to play, post here - list your battle.net account name too. I just purchased the game from J&R so I have yet to make an account. But I will soon!!! Status As of March 17th... * Highest level ~90 * Hell complete * Preparing for "Uber" battles There's the list... if you're not up to speed, catch up! League Info We will be playing on US West LADDER. This is closed, not open. We will be playing D2X, so you need both Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction to play. Use mIRC or another IRC client to connect to irc.enterthegame.com and join channel #d2ocr - this is our IRC channel and you can bet we will be coordinating stuff there! All games will be named OCR# with the password vgm. # represents a number, eg. OCR1, OCR2, OCR3 and so forth. Always make games starting with OCR1. This is primarily a PvM (player vs monster) league, not PvP. Feel free to duel but if you are looking to ONLY duel this is the wrong place. Playing D2 from scratch is lots of fun, and fairly challenging without handouts. Rules Try to play w/ the group as much as possible - idle on IRC to get in on official games, and of course attend scheduled nights. Help other people in the league - don't be jerks!! If you fall far behind, or you joined late, we will try to get you to where we are. However if you are too far behind, you can use any means necessary (eg. rushing from a non-OCR league char) to catch up. Don't play solo with your league character unless you need to catch up or are completing side-quests (or trading). If more than 8 league members want to play at any time, the second group can start up a simultaneous second game. Just try to remember who DIDN'T get in the "main" game so they can be rotated in next time. Account List - add these to your friends! tavernerorud - Amazon (Javelin) Hemophiliac - Sorceress (Lightning) DragonFireKai - Paladin (Zeal) Stuka87 - Barbarian (Axes) Salty_Bob - Druid (Werebear) Eulogic LordDyne - Necromancer (Bone/Poison) E_Samurai - Paladin (?) Cecilff2 zircon - Assassin (Phoenix Strike) BOOBerries KiroKiri - Amazon (Bows) Chapel-White - Paladin (Hammerdin) L4r3 - Sorc (Meteor) NekkoChavez ShadowsEdge ZutnunZor GoldenButterfly Jabe - Barbarian (Frenzy) ilovepsi - Sorceress (Blizzard) SCHEDULED NIGHTS (times are EST) Wednesday, March 7th 10pm Friday, March 9th 8pm Note: If a group of 5-6 people or more can be gathered on IRC on any non-scheduled night, they can play "officially" with primary characters... so go idle on IRC! Quote
MajLink Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Damn i havent played in years. Wish all my old characters would be there. I might have to get in on this for old times sake. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Sounds like fun, time to dust of the old discs. Account name is DragonFireKai. EDIT: I'll run a paladin for this. Quote
Hemophiliac Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 i'm definitely in, i'm going sorceress just for this. my account name is Hemophiliac. oh btw it's going to be a mainly ice sorc. Quote
Stuka Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 I am in. I will be a Barb, user name is Stuka87 Quote
Daniel Rydell Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 I'll need to pick up a copy, but I'm game for it. Quote
Salty Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 I'm in guys. This is going to be 10th grade alllll over again, I just know it. Salty_Bob is teh me. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Sounds like fun, but I am abstaining from this. Knowing me, if I played, I would be on it almost 24/7, and that isn't healthy to do again. Quote
Evilhead Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Yeah, damn you Diablo 2. I want my summer of 2000 back. Anyway, I'd definitely be down but I've already gone through TWO sets of diablo discs, all of which have been mysteriously broken. I think god wants me to stop playing. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Yeah, damn you Diablo 2. I want my summer of 2000 back. Anyway, I'd definitely be down but I've already gone through TWO sets of diablo discs, all of which have been mysteriously broken. I think god wants me to stop playing. Or he's testing your indomitable spirit. Quote
Electronic Samurai Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Drat! I'm already playing a level 86 paladin on East. I'll make a character for this, though, if there's interest. Anyone who's playing on east can add me, though. My account name is E_Samurai. Quote
!Nekko! Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Coincidentally, I recently started playing D2 again this week, but my bro uses the CD key so only one player as of right now. I'm very interested in this, though. I've heard West has been having a lot of troubles with even legits getting their accounts hacked. Anyone else hear about this? Quote
EpicPoster Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 heh. I am pretty rich on US East, I have stuff like a hacked eth industructible hoz with a jah in it, btals, .08 valk, 2ber coa, and a shitload of other stuff. I think it expired by now though, I quit a month or two ago. ps http://modsbylaz.planetdiablo.gamespy.com/ this mod is rad and we should get a bunch of people to play it pps do you guys realize how ridiculously easy it is to dupe? Quote
DragonFireKai Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 heh. I am pretty rich on US East, I have stuff like a hacked eth industructible hoz with a jah in it, btals, .08 valk, 2ber coa, and a shitload of other stuff. I think it expired by now though, I quit a month or two ago.ps http://modsbylaz.planetdiablo.gamespy.com/ this mod is rad and we should get a bunch of people to play it pps do you guys realize how ridiculously easy it is to dupe? People like you were why I quit playing for a few years. Ya'll made Diablo II into a damn arms race, and it wasn't worth the frustration trying to keep up. On a sidenote, I just fired up the old bNet account. Jeez things have changed. This is going to take some getting used to. Quote
Dunnowhathuh Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 I'd join in but me being in a different time zone to most of you would mean there's really no point. Come to think of it, I'm not entirely sure what my old account was called... Quote
Salty Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Alright so. We're all on USWest Ladder, for however long it lasts... official gametime starts when zircon and bahamut get their copies in the mail. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Sounds good. Zircon should set up the obligatory account list on the 1st page, I look forward to a little good clean Demon Smiting. Quote
Salty Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Well, Hemo and I did some off-time gameplay a bit. We all just meet up in channel OCR and get busy, pretty much. All games will be OCR[number]/VGM Quote
Barnsalot Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Hm, maybe I'll start up a new character. School is taking up like 90% of my time right now, but something has to fill that 10% void that's left. If I do play, my character name will be barnsalot44 (unless that's already taken, which would be ludicrous). I don't know what class I'll play. Edit: I'm still trying to find my CD. I'll tell you my account name when I've got that. Quote
Citris Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 I've never gotten into Diablo 2 online. This sounds like as good a time as any to try. I can dig it. I'll post my info later after I set it all up. Quote
TaVeRnErO_RuDd Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 wow! count me in for sure! my account name will be tavernerorud and i'll probably get on tonight if i can finish reading my book for school Goethe's Werther seriuosly suxx Quote
Raziellink Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Ugh, not Diablo 2 again...It already cost me half of my life . Quote
!Nekko! Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Welp, I got my fresh copy. I'm ready whenever you guys are. Quote
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