rodtod Posted April 15, 2003 Posted April 15, 2003 Dude, whether you write music for videogame or movie, it doesn't matter. You have TALENT! Quote
Ingonyama Posted April 16, 2003 Posted April 16, 2003 Dude, whether you write music for videogame or movie, it doesn't matter. You have TALENT! This is, again, exactly what I was going to say. This song is one of my most frequent downloads from this site. CC's theme + Schala + Crono = one baaaaad mix. Seamlessly done, I love the instrumentation, EVERYTHING ROCKS! Quote
Deryck Khusial Posted May 10, 2003 Posted May 10, 2003 guess i’m not quite the Russell Cox aficionado that other people are. maybe it’s the source material..whatever, i find most of his OCRs boring. not this though. it’s got something in it that i wish his other mixes had: an actual, physical sense of motion like you’re adrift at sea, right from the intro. sweet Quote
gasto Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 Bisides loving the original from master Mitsuda, the remix Geniusly done, is probably the best anyone has ofered. Specialy the change of rythm at the end. Excellent job. Quote
Arlak Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG This Remix is so emotion-yanking! God Its awesome! The bass in the beginning is great and adding Schala's theme to Chrono Cross' "Fields of time" Was a stroke of genius, Kudos and Much <3 to you and your exploits! Quote
ironz Posted August 8, 2003 Posted August 8, 2003 Another kickass song for chrono trigger & chrono cross , this is the best remix... So sweet , high quality samples , cannot be better Thx Russell Cox for that song.. Quote
Blak_Omen Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 This is a pretty nice mix, but it isn't anywhere near your best. Most of the samples are pretty good but I have a major problem with the cymbal used (Bleh!) and the transitions are a bit jarring. But other than that a pretty enjoyable piece, but I'd prefer to listen to most of your other works, like Dragon Warrior Journey of Solitude, any day. Quote
Isk Posted October 6, 2003 Posted October 6, 2003 One of the most replayed remixes in my's just incredible. I liked the transition around 1:40 but had no idea it was Schala's theme...nice to see it's yet another layer from CT/CC. Exceptional work. Quote
bouncerboy15 Posted December 13, 2003 Posted December 13, 2003 This ReMix is great to listen. Great piece. Recommend. 10/10 Quote
Rapyer2986 Posted December 23, 2003 Posted December 23, 2003 A special ochestrated piece that holds a certain place in the mind. I agree with DJP's comments at 1:44. It's a good arrangement. Nice stuff! Russell is one of my favs! Quote
DragonFireKai Posted August 27, 2004 Posted August 27, 2004 I love all the nostalgia by fusing CC and CT songs together, It really ties the games together. Quote
Vero Posted January 2, 2005 Posted January 2, 2005 The songs fade into each other very nicely, and each one is beautiful also. This is definitely one of the most beautiful songs on the site. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted August 23, 2007 Posted August 23, 2007 A pretty well done medley of some excellent songs, with a lot of good arrangement ideas. The samples are well used, though The piano with Crono's theme has an irritating tap to it, and the cymbals are far too bright. The brass near the end has an issue with it's attack, but for when this remix came out, it stands pretty tall. The transitions were all very smooth with the exception of Crono's theme; that seemed a bit too abrupt. Overall though, super awesome work. The strings are woodwinds are great, and I love the Chrono music. A few issues here and there aren't near enough to make this mix any less than great. Quote
DJMadMax Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 This is one of the nealry 100 Chrono Cross/Trigger remixes on this site ant actually it´s one of the best in my opinion. Whenever i become a millionaire, i will gather a great orchestra and let them play this song for me! Although normally i would favour something faster, more electronic, but this one is just great! Cya, DJMadMax Quote
JadeAuto Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 Ahh, this ReMix is another one of my favorites. Starts out nice and mellow, piano and the plucked beat. Flute/strings slowly come in, and up until 1:12 or so is just quintessentially delicate. Then it starts building until around 1:43, and double takes you into Schala's theme, which when I first heard it, was a totally unexpected direction. The transition into it though, is perfect. I wish I could remix with 5% of this skill. The switch back to Chrono's theme at 2:30 ups the pace of the remix, and adds some fire to it. Deftly done. The wrapup starting at 3:02 brings it home and finishes with a chorus of hope, or so I feel it to be. It's a feel good, happy, goin places remix that has to be one of my favorites. Quote
Im_Just_Shawn Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 The origonal was just a bit more captivating then this mix was. I still like it over all. Its just a bit too mellow for me considering im one of those that likes the techno-ish, metal and electronic hype type of remixes the occasional slow track is nice...but the twist on this track is the fact its slow with alot of different catches, hypes, and change-ups. Like from 2:00-2:30 aprx it mellows out then kicks back up. not a bad touch, but I still like the origonal better. 7 out of 10 Quote
WesternZypher Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 Still beautiful. Glad many early Mixes were not purged. Who can listen to this and not be stirred? Quote
GenericAsianGuy Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 DAMN this is good stuff. 3'05" gives me goosebumps. Definitely one of my favourite OC remixes of all-time, and its of such quality that it honestly is timeless. Quote
timaeus222 Posted November 22, 2023 Posted November 22, 2023 Hey, this was a nice gem to hear. It sounds like something beyond 2010. Sometimes the cymbals get too loud/upfront, but for the most part this is surprisingly good. Quote
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