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So I was looking around for a few cool mixes that I needed to download again, and read some of the judge reviews on a few of them. I immediately choked on my own laughter for a few seconds. What kind of nerve does it take to rip on an otherwise awesome song simply because it doesn't follow your holy opinion on what it should be? Who died and made you fuhrer?

This reminds me of so many instances in which I've come across people that snub anything that isn't classical, r&b, _insert style here_, etc. It's sickening. Then they toss out the whole "well I graduated from _insert self pleasing shit music school here_, so I know what I'm talking about."

Please, give me a fucking break. Of course, what's worse is that it also extends into my own family with my elder brother and sister. How are you gonna alienate an otherwise awesome person just based on the music they listen to? Granted, I have a music history as well and whatever, but for fuck's sake, music is supposed to bring people together n' all that gay rainbow shit.

I've noticed this among alot of people who are classical musicians. I remember back when I used to take my guitar lessons at the Conservatory of Music, I couldn't stand the place one bit. The environment was predominantly cold and kids and their parents were usually assholes.

Anyway, have any of you noticed this kind of thing around you?


No, not really.

Then again, I'm the type who only likes about 1 in 5 remixes (and a lot of those that I do like aren't on OCR).

I don't think the standard needs to be changed. The judges are fine the way they are.


As long as they keep passing good stuff, I don't mind. Yeah, music elitism is annoying, as is writing elitism, artistic elitism, elitism based on grades, and pretty much every other type of elitism, but in the end it's just something we have to live with sometimes, and work on changing it when we can.


There are no more than three judges who have a large degree of classical training. To the best of my knowledge, none of them have actually graduated from anywhere with a major in music, and pixietricks and zircon are the only ones working towards a degree in it.

the only two judges who could ever really come off as classical snobs were shnabubula and danny b.


Also while I'm going for a degree in music, it's not even classical music or music theory. It's more music business than anything else. Anyway, I don't think we (as judges) are elitist - especially considering that you agree to have us critique your stuff when you send it in, and there is a public, well-defined standard for what we are looking for.

But I do dislike music elitists. Lots of people at school here won't even listen to a song if it uses samples or MIDI parts. Then there's the opposite end of the spectrum, the really hardcore electronic music fans who insist on correcting you every time you use a genre incorrectly, or shit on a track because it did something you're "not allowed to do" in a particular genre. Dumb.

Also while I'm going for a degree in music, it's not even classical music or music theory. It's more music business than anything else. Anyway, I don't think we (as judges) are elitist - especially considering that you agree to have us critique your stuff when you send it in, and there is a public, well-defined standard for what we are looking for.

But I do dislike music elitists. Lots of people at school here won't even listen to a song if it uses samples or MIDI parts. Then there's the opposite end of the spectrum, the really hardcore electronic music fans who insist on correcting you every time you use a genre incorrectly, or shit on a track because it did something you're "not allowed to do" in a particular genre. Dumb.

That's pretty much what I was getting at. What's worse is that these people give every non-crazy musician a bad name. Ugh...

Also while I'm going for a degree in music, it's not even classical music or music theory. It's more music business than anything else. Anyway, I don't think we (as judges) are elitist - especially considering that you agree to have us critique your stuff when you send it in, and there is a public, well-defined standard for what we are looking for.

But I do dislike music elitists. Lots of people at school here won't even listen to a song if it uses samples or MIDI parts. Then there's the opposite end of the spectrum, the really hardcore electronic music fans who insist on correcting you every time you use a genre incorrectly, or shit on a track because it did something you're "not allowed to do" in a particular genre. Dumb.

Techno. ;)


Classically trained music students aren't your problem. I've been going to school for Music Education with Focus on Tuba and Trombone for six long years. While I've been wasting my life away in music school, I've noticed that most of the people in the department are more open minded than most.

It's usually the crazy punk rock kids, or the electronica guys that get snobby with music in my experience.

Granted, while the classically trained aren't as big in numbers for elitism, the elitists that are there are so hardcore that I wonder how they function in life.

I would rather there be elitism and snobbery parsing out the crap rather than letting in everything under the moon, regardless of how good it is.

lolz vgmix

Speaking of which, where the hell is VGMix? They said they;d be up and running in January. It's fucking March.

Also while I'm going for a degree in music, it's not even classical music or music theory. It's more music business than anything else. Anyway, I don't think we (as judges) are elitist - especially considering that you agree to have us critique your stuff when you send it in, and there is a public, well-defined standard for what we are looking for.

But I do dislike music elitists. Lots of people at school here won't even listen to a song if it uses samples or MIDI parts. Then there's the opposite end of the spectrum, the really hardcore electronic music fans who insist on correcting you every time you use a genre incorrectly, or shit on a track because it did something you're "not allowed to do" in a particular genre. Dumb.

I'm reminded of "conversation" I had with my trombone/jazz arranging instructor in college. I was trying to get him to listen to something from the OST for Vasteel (TG-16 CD) a lot of which is arranged in a manner similar to the 50's era jazz we were working on. The only difference was that it was done with synths. Not wild sounding synths mind you, but actually trying to go with appropriate sounds. Just that its sometimes easier and less expensive to use synths to put something together then to actually hire a combo. When I mentioned that the music used synths, he refused to even listen to it stating that it was not stylistically authentic, and that's "...not how we do things here."

lolz vgmix

Speaking of which, where the hell is VGMix? They said they;d be up and running in January. It's fucking March.

They lied; they're still working on it. Mostly because they're implementing an entirely new submission system, and with it I doubt as much junk songs will get on there. I know Virt and Co. are trying to discourage the place from being a "Crap Conservatory" like it has been in the past.


Although I love metal and it is my preferred form of music and I don't really care for most rap, whenever I read or hear someone say "x > rap" I wish death on them.

Also, most reviewers of anything generally don't have the qualifications to have their review mean anything. Besides, who gives a fuck what people think of something you like?


Actualy, I find VGMix to have complemented OCR well. On OCR you'd find music you could call quality fairly quickly, albeit a limited supply. VGMix would have a larger selection, many of which simply didn't make OCR standards for whatever reason. Thus, you could still find music that YOU liked, desptie what the OCR judges thought. All it cost was a little more searching time on your part.

Oh well. Que seurat seurat.

Although I love metal and it is my preferred form of music and I don't really care for most rap, whenever I read or hear someone say "x > rap" I wish death on them.

that is a little extreme

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