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Its hard to say what the best remix on this site is, as many of the ones submitted are in catagories by themselves. This is, however, one of the best peices of music that I have EVER had the pleasure of listening. The name gives the peice a very interesting spin: it captures heroic and sad emotions at the same time. That you combined two themes, by themselves stand out quality game themes, and combine them into something that exceedes both reminds me of why I not only love this site, but also why I enjoy hunting for music on the internet, and why I love music as well. Essential listening.

  • 6 months later...

Definitely incites some emotions, the sense of a hero or heroes prevailing through tragedy... this would be absolutely fantastic as the music for the final battle in Final Fantasy X.

Since I mentioned FFX, I might as well let you all know - even if you don't like Final Fantasy typically, play it! Unlike most FF games (which tend to have a ragtag band of adventurers with vague goals who somehow end up saving the world from someone whose trying to ruin it for obscure reasons), Final Fantasy X actually has a real storyline with a definite beginning, development, climax, anticlimax, ending, etc.

Too bad the final boss, Ultima and Omega Weapons are such pushovers. I mean, I didn't bother levelling up for them, pushed em over and they died. Ah well.

  • 3 weeks later...

For Best Remix of the site, earning the Rebirth Stamp of Approval, the winner is **Metal Gear May Cry** sent in by Jared Hudson.

I adore this piece with all that is in me. When Jared sits at a computer to work on an orchestration, we all know to expect a miracle, and Mr. Hudson has delivered. Where to start...

The first note: a full bell, string, and choral note that hits swiftly and suddenly, not entirely unlike the bus you never saw coming. He caries through the remainder of the beginning with brilliant use of the haunting pipe organ and a moving ascending piano part that leads perfectly into the first real push of the piece.

Second part: in comes the kettle drum with a savage, military rhythm as brass, strings, and piano again charm the ears with a very dramatic refrain. The music puts together the suspenseful image of a battlefield. You can almost visualize a lone soldier standing against armies.

Piano interlude 1: a quiet spot. The calm before the real storm. Anyone who has ever played Metal Gear Solid 2 is familiar with the feeling that this interlude creates. It's that moment, hiding behind the crate from countless enemies, when the battle that is only seconds away has been as planned as it is going to get. It is that moment when one's mind is made up, and the only thing to be felt is an out-of-place peace, accompanied by thoughts resembling "here goes." And as if on cue...

Sons of Liberty Theme 1: The main theme of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty takes center stage and brings thoughts of fighting a winning battle to the forefront. The use of brass alongside a subordinate piano, all undertoned by a harmonic choral track, creates a feeling of conflict, but a sense that victory is never far away.

Piano interlude 2: Slower and more calming than the first, the impression is given that the battle has been won and that it is over for now. However, the still-driving kettle drum rhythm and brass that accompany the last half of the interlude give the impression that, while the battle is over, there will always be other battles. But wherever there are battles, there are heroes not far behind.

Sons of Liberty Theme 2: The main theme repeats again, this time more dramatic than the last, maintaining the second interlude's sense of victory won. Then, as suddenly as the piece begins, it ends on one strike to the drum, one crash of the cymbal, and silence.

Being an aspiring author myself, I love things that tell a story. Metal Gear May Cry does just that: it conjures thoughts into your mind and takes you on an emotional roller coaster ride until it all comes out favorably in the end. Congratulations to Jared Hudson on the construction of a truly masterful piece of work.

:D=Rebirth Stamp of Approval= :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Possibly the best interpretation of the MGS Theme melody- puts Mr. Gregson-Williams' version to shame with its scope and scale. The first time that familiar riff kicked in, I got goosebumps.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jared Hudson takes what I consider to be the greatest, most epic video game song ever created (MGS2 theme) and infuses it flawlessly into his remix.

The task for him was not a simple one, he had to create at the level of the original creator in order to change the piece and yet not diminish it in any way. Harry Gregson-Williams would be proud. This song is brilliantly done and the combination of both the DMC and MGS2 themes are orchestrated so well, it would seem that they were meant to go together. (Kind of like the Star Wars and Superman theme) But I digress, excellently done.

  • 5 weeks later...

I've been a fan of Mr. Hudson's work for quite a while now (If you haven't already done so, visit his MP3.com page. There's more evidence of his talents there), but I must say that this and Pilot the Yggsdrasil vie for position as my favorites of his work. You've done a splendid job with this piece, Mr. Hudson...if you can keep up this level of quality (and I'm sure you can), than you'll continue to leave us amazed. Thank you for your spectacular music.


When I first heard this song, I didn't think it could be done by someone as young as this guy. It sounded something closer to a John Williams/ James Horner piece, which brought shivers down my spine at just how awesome it is. The way the vocals in the piece are presented are surprisingly real sounding- it almost made me think that this guy got a group of people to sing while he recorded them. And the seamless transitions from DMC to MGS2 are flawless- it sounded like one beautiful song, ripped and put on this site from a musical soundtrack.

I've yet to find anyone even half as good as this guy. And that, people, is saying something.

  • 4 weeks later...

This man has done it again. He took a good song and made it great. To listen to this is to listen to a work of art it almost wants to make me cry but then I say to my self that it is just a song. To anyone who reads this post plz look 4 this man he knows what he is doing!,


This one almost makes me cry its so damn good. plz i beg u people take good long listen to this song it like totaly rocks. this man never dishes out a bad remix so if U see his name on the song listen to it it i garuntee it will bw at least a good one. Keep up the good work. 8O

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Call me a sucker for this type of music.... but it is so incredible that I don't have words to describe it.

It's my favorite song. And I mean out of any song I've heard yet. it will be played for years to come.

I've Dl'd the original also and i don't really see where people get off saying it's like the original when this is so much better and different.

Great job. There's a reason why I have more songs of yours then anybody else's here Jarad.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is truely the best (nevermind remix) song I have ever heard.

I can say that without studdering. This song really moved me it had all my emotions in a stir. Really great work. :D

1. Few artists can make such a long song and have it sound great all the way through.

2. The mix of Devil may cry theme, and MTG song was a brilliant idea

3. Song is flawless in everyway, I cant seem to find one thing executed incorrectly.

4. This song is just... wow, anyone that hates this song or dislikes it in one way or another should be shot on sight and hated.

Thanks for making such a moving and powerful song ^_^

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Wow. This remix is amazing. This was the first version I heard, and I've been in love since I first heard it. Not only is this my favorite ocremix, but I would consider it my favorite song of all time. There are moments when I just turn up the subwoofer and speakers and just blast this song really loud, and it sounds really great.

Every time it plays, I can never stop myself from listening, and I don't think I've ever stopped it before it ended. One of my favorite parts about this remix is how well done those drums are, and how they come in at just the perfect time.

This remix is epic. If you don't like it, I don't like you.


I have been going back and giving credit to my favorite mixes lately, to make up what should have been done long ago.

This mix is amazing. raw power and emotion with perfect effects and sounds.

The brass reminds me of 'Americas Armys', and the piano at 2:10 is so uplifting and breath taking. Good job on a 10/10 remix.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

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