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  • 1 month later...

It's complete and utter crap. Y? U KNOW! U CAN HEAR IT! BASS! U can't submit a professional remix with something off key, and u can't say he meant 2 do it, because it sounds likes shit. People don't mean to make things that sound like shit.

Every1 who said it was good is a friend of the guy, or is tone deaf. I assure you, that's a fact.

And for every1 who liked the rest of the piece, It's pretty much just the original mix. Barely a diff. Only change was THAT SHITTY PAINFUL-TO-HEAR BASS!

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Someone is taking Credit for your work.............here is the link...........it is from newgrounds.com.................

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=768323⊂=13658 it is called- Zelda Gerudo Oc. remix ............unless you are that DJ_BlammerC .......then just ignore this message.........I just knew it sounded familiar......so there you go. He/She is claiming it is their work and not yours.

  • 5 months later...
It's complete and utter crap. Y? U KNOW! U CAN HEAR IT! BASS! U can't submit a professional remix with something off key, and u can't say he meant 2 do it, because it sounds likes shit. People don't mean to make things that sound like shit.

Every1 who said it was good is a friend of the guy, or is tone deaf. I assure you, that's a fact.

And for every1 who liked the rest of the piece, It's pretty much just the original mix. Barely a diff. Only change was THAT SHITTY PAINFUL-TO-HEAR BASS!

Neoslice - You know, you're quite the hypocrit. You say people don't mean to make things that sound like "shit". Well, if people don't mean to make things sound like shit then why would people make things to look like shit?

That's the case with your post/review. I find it rather amusing in the least, if not a bit annoying as well. You did nothing but badmouth the song, however, you couldn't even spell things correctly nor spell them out. I find that rather pitiful. It's sad that the culture is falling prey to such things as 'leet' speak and 'net-lingo'.

Just because you do not agree with the harmonization of the music does not mean it's shit, nor does it mean the people who like it are tone deaf. I take offense to that, as I play the violin and do a great deal of singing. I am NOT tone deaf, actually, I'm quite the opposite. I have a very GOOD ear for music and intonation. You are the one who is tone deaf, as you cannot appreciate nor comprehend different variations on the harmonizations.

Also, if you are going to flame someone, at least do it in proper english.


Now that that's off my chest, I would have to say that I enjoyed this remix quite a bit. Yes, the bass is a bit massive and would be better if it was turned down a notch or two, however, one can fix that with his/her own stereo.

The music was beautifully orchestrated and stuck to the original score very closely. I've heard other remixes that claimed to be a certain song but sounded nothing like the original.

Seeing that Gerudo Valley was my favorite piece of music in OOT, I am definitely more critical on the remixes of it. This one did not let me down in the least bit.

Keep up the good work! -- also ignore the flamers who cannot type in proper sentences as well as proper grammar. If they do not have enough brain to be able to make coherent thoughts, they don't have enough of one to tell what is good music and what is bad music. 8)


Wow, It's been on almost every playlist i've ever made and i still haven't reviewed it?

Well, the bass I must say I like *prepares himself for flamers* and the guitar piece as well. -Slightly- repetitive for me, but that may be because i've been listening to it for over a year now. Which that in itself is great praise, because I start to get bored with most songs after about 3 months, and this one was my first, and still is, my favorite remix.

Did I mention that the part with the Ocarina sounds really, really good? I've played the ocarina (An Ocarina of Time replica ;) and it sounds just like it.) Good job, Mr. Peeples.

  • 4 weeks later...

It's a close tie between this and Gerudo Interlude, but I gotta say, this one takes it IMO. Slowing down the beat of all-powerful Gerudo Theme really brought a new feel to it, and simply put, everything sounds great! 10 outta 10, keep the great remixes comin' Peeples!

  • 5 weeks later...

I know it's been a while since this song has been released, but unfortunately, listening to this remix late at night in all it's glory has spurred me to register and make my first comment (and further procrastinate on the work I'm trying to finish up).

I have to say, this remix takes one of the catchiest tunes in the game and turns it into a legitimately good piece of music. The guitar is well done, and while it's not the most realistic of the sounds I've heard, the quality is definitely up there, and the texture it provides is exactly what this song needs. The flute is rustic and takes the melody well, and the percussion is superb -- it really helps make this piece as good as it is.

What's unfortunate is that the bass line really doesn't form the proper progression. Maybe it's intentional, and to some extent, I can see how that fits the track. Still, being somewhat musically inclined, it bothered me enough to make me write this review and take note of it. I love strong bass lines not for their own sake, but because they complement a piece well -- and while this remix exemplifies that extremely well in this case, the pitch is still bothersome.

I don't know if it's appropriate to make such a request, but is it possible for Scott to release a "friendly bass" version to silence the complaints? If it's not, I still appreciate this song very much, and will still listen to it quite a bit -- it's just that good, great for these chill moments in the middle of the night.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can't figure out why you made the bassline out of key and I don't really want to. I have a really good sound system but I can't listen to this song on it. Simply because the subwoofers keep pouring out the wrong notes. It's terrible, don't put the bassline out of the key of the song. It's a bad idea. I couldn't even finish the song because of it.

  • 1 month later...

Despite what everyone says about the bassline being wrong, I think it works with at least some of the notes, and the rest of the time its dissonate, so be it, great work Peeples 10 outta 10

  • 2 weeks later...

That's it; I'm solving the mystery of the Bad Bass once and for all (exclamation points signify "bad" notes):

:!: The first note the bass plays is an F#. The chord is F# minor. Therefore, the bass is playing the root. However, it's ridiculously sharp. The sample is out of tune on this note, and this is what creates the dissonance.

The second note is a D. The chord is D major. Therefore, the bass is playing the root (again). The note is in tune this time, and it sounds fine, as it should.

:!: The third note is a C. The chord is E major. Therefore, the bass is playing the 6th scale degree. This is an extremely unusual chord tone for bass instruments. It's possibly intentional, but it's definitely a source of the "dissonance" that everyone is hearing.

The fourth note is also a C. The chord is C major. Therefore, the bass is playing the root. It sounds fine.

So, to recap: The culprits are 1. an extremely out of tune first note, and 2. a questionable choice on the third note.

That is all.


  • 1 month later...

i love this tune! it kicks the biggest BEEP out of most the other songs (i dun even know if that makes sense). but, people do have a bit of a point to the base. couldve just been a mistake. probably fogot to tune it before recording. but this is still one of the best songs ever made. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

The Gerudo song from OoT has been my favorite Zelda song for a while, and this mix definitely does it justice in my ears. It gives me that same feeling that the original did, images and urges of thievery (that didn't sound good ~ nevermind I said that). It does sound much like the original, but that's the beauty of it. It's also great fighting music, like some great ninja or shinobi battle or something. Great job Mr. Peeples. 10/10

Also, being the music enthusiast that I am, as I listen to a song, I don't focus on one thing within the song, I listen to everything.... the bass is fine, though I've not heard it with a subwoofer or anything like that, I can tell that that would be everyone's problem. Amplifying the bass doesn't help every song, though it does help most.

  • 4 months later...

i like this song a lot. i think that the string chords in the background really enhance the overall sound. The bass sounds great when it enters, but when the guitar chords and strumming enter after it, the notes sound really atonal. This was one of the first remixes i listened to when i joined, and i dont really know why, but those bass notes bother me a lot. Once they are out of the picture for a while (0:48) I really take an intense liking to the mix. It's very clean and pronounced.

  • 3 months later...

This song sounds like a song that would come from the country Greece. lol. I love all Gerudo Valley Remixes, but by far, I like this one the best. I love the guitar in this Remix and percussion also. Must downlaod.


I really like this song. I was listening to it well before i became a member. I was really excited when i heard it because it brought back so many great memories of the game. Also this remix is my favorite mix of the gerudo valley theme that i have yet to find on the internet. Great job!

  • 1 year later...

The beat that's dropped on top of the traditional Gerudo theme is nice and sweet, even if the melody gets rather repetitive. You haven't really done anything original with this piece, Mr. Peeples—no creative license, not beyond instrument choice, anyhow—and the synth that used later on for the melody is a bit low-quality. Not bad, but just not great, either.

My rating: 3/5

  • 6 months later...

whoever thinks that bassline is off is retarded.

end of discussion, the bassline makes this mix magic.

like how the fuck is a peice of music that comes from gerudo valley supposed to play by the rules of western music?

makes some fucking sense for once your lives. >_>

  • 4 months later...

fyi for those of you who have no clue what's being said about the off-key situation, the first note of the repeating bassline is about a half step higher than it should be, resulting in the melodic and harmonic guitar to sound off pitch and very painful to the trained ear... .

i've been a musician for damn near 10 years and i cant listen to this piece in a sane manner due to that...

if you dont have a real ear for music you may not pick up on it, it's very slight... but it stands out to me. t

his is a great piece, very nicely produced with a great feel. i like the guitar riff and the way the bass pulses makes for a really cool undertone.

i just wanna tune the bass a halfstep lower so it matches the overlaying guitar. because it IS offkey. end of story.

please fix that tiny thing peeples. it'd make the piece bareable for me. because i really wanna add this to my collection. i just... i just cant... lol

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