Ginnsu Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 Silent Hill 2 'There Was a Hole Here' This one leaves my remix rating meter (the one inside my head) in complete shambles. On one hand we have the absolutely incredible piano playing, and on the other we have these drums and possibly even the strings which are far too quiet. I must say though, the drums do fit nicely, I just wish they were a tad louder. Not much louder mind you, just enough so I can actually hear them without straining. Beyond that, it is quite good. Great job Wingless, but I must say that it could have been excellent if only those drums had more presence or been completely absent (as to not distract and detract from the rest of the mix.) Quote
Quinn X5 Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 My only complaint is that the mix was just a little too long. To me, any remix that goes beyond three and a half or four minutes is too long..... Otherwise a solid, talented effort. Quote
m68030 Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 Beautiful. I love it. This has been one of my favorite themes from the game for some time now and Wingless has done it justice in a way I previously thought only Hazama could do. Very nice. Quote
The wingless Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 Hmmm... I haven't listened to this one in awhile -- been busy with some more up-tempo projects. But as I recall, the drums were simply there for energy and the strings, for atmosphere. I think at the time, my reasoning was if any one of those supplements got too intense, it would take focus away from the piano, which is the focus of the piece (for reasons for path quality, source material, my aptitude for the piano, etc). So, why the arguably too-soft drums and strings? It'd be distracting. . . . That's my excuse anyways. I remember being in love with the mix right before submitting it. Now, I honestly can't say I enjoy it that much. Feh. I treat my songs like ho's, and as a great man once said, "bitch, we don't love dem hoes". I think it was Hobbes. --j.a. a.k.a. Da Wangless Quote
Meiguoren Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 My only complaint is that the mix was just a little too long. To me, any remix that goes beyond three and a half or four minutes is too long..... How can a mix be too long? Most often my main complaint is that they are too short. If a remixer can hit a tune just right, he could go on forever if he wanted to. Most of the best stuff on here is far too short. I understand that the remixers don't want things to get repetitive, but four minutes seems to be the perfect length for the best stuff. And with this remix, four minutes is almost enough time. Just one man's opinion, however. Wingless, nice work. Quote
Legion303 Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 This remix is incredible. I think the understated drums heighten the sense of despair in this song. I would have liked more melody as in the original when the cello comes in with the main theme...this wouldn't necessarily have to be done with the cello in the remix, but the piano could have covered it. Other than that, great mix. It's on constant replay. -steve Quote
Heero123 Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 I can never truly thank...that guy...who introduced me to "True" and now someone does a remix of it Sweet. Quote
Eccles Posted July 18, 2002 Posted July 18, 2002 This is one of the best silent hill remixes I have ever heard. I especially like the way that the tune is as far from the original as possible without ruining it (doing it in trance or something inapropriate like that) and you can still tell what it is. The extended piano riff. This is the only (minor) problem I have with this track. I cant help but think how this would have sounded if the piano riff was more of 'tocata and fugue in D minor' which is what it was in the original 'true' and whether the 'tocata and fugue in d minor' would have made this track better. Nevertheless, the extended riff is just excellent. Well done sir. Quote
Lord_Nehula Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 I've noticed that the only time that a remix is too long is when its bad. Either that, or when the remix is good for about 2 minutes, but then the person decides to extend. Anyway, I'm not saying you did that, because I haven't even heard the song yet, its DLing right now. I'm sure it'll be good... Maybe I'll actually write a review for it when it finishes (damn 56K). Quote
TheWired Posted August 7, 2002 Posted August 7, 2002 Silent hill was that type of game that told you that you were goign to be scared, wich made it very very disturbing. The music would always keep you on to it. Listening to this song, i can tell you that i wish i werent playing Silent hill while listening to this, or i would shut off the game before i whent even more paranoid that i am now. The piano in this song is more-than-amazingly played, and i am in awe to listen to this song, because every time, it strikes me that someone actually played this. Since i allready saluted with my hat, i,ll salute you with my .. er..pants Quote
AlwaysAlone Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Truly great mix. True is one of my favorite SH2 songs, and this was done superbly. One thing that threw me off is that I kept expecting the main part of the song to kick in at :26, :37, or :50. That didn't take away from the song at all, it just kept me on my toes. ^^ Quote
risingson77 Posted September 4, 2002 Posted September 4, 2002 This ReMix has some interesting variations an a theme, but too often it's just that and not more. It just cribs a little too heavily from the original for my liking. It does also repeat itself for a little too long. On the upside, the production is excellent. Still very similar to the original, but just a little more of everything. Slightly softer and slower, it seems less tense - this is the theme as James looks back from a few years in the future; not the original where the pain was right there. The drums seem perfectly in place to me. I agree with Wingless that had they been any further forward it would have detracted from what he was trying to accomplish. Quote
AnotherOneBitesTheDust Posted October 31, 2002 Posted October 31, 2002 The variation of the piano sounds so much cooler to me now that I compare pieces. I like the extension by itself when used in this mix, but I think the strings in the original compliment the original piano to make it sound better. But if I whistle just the piano, I like it better when this version's is whistled. As for the rest, just nice to listen to. No ear grating, don't remember any wrong notes (haven't listened to this recently actually), and might encourage you to get the game! Or listen to it's other music, and the wingless's other music. Because you must! Quote
fadeaway Posted July 28, 2003 Posted July 28, 2003 Although I have never played Silent Hill 2, I have listened to the soundtrack many, many times, and am a big fan of the original version of this song. I was excited when I first downloaded this. Probably my favorite overall remixer on the site doing one of my favorite pieces from a game with great music? It's a can't miss situation. As always, The Wingless didn't disappoint. I'm not sure whether I like it better than the original version, but it's still an excellent remix. Nice and relaxing. Second class recommendation. Quote
premiumg Posted August 19, 2003 Posted August 19, 2003 i really like this remix too. What is the original called tho? I would like to hear what that sounds like. Quote
m68030 Posted August 19, 2003 Posted August 19, 2003 This is a remix of the track "True" from the SH2 OST, track 24. This remix is not too terribly unlike the original. Wingless adds some piano embelishment and strings that were not in the original. The soft choral sounds also are not found in the original. I *heart* the SH2 ost. Quote
Homunculus Posted October 5, 2004 Posted October 5, 2004 I liked this one a lot. The piano "soloing" and the overall atmosphere was very beautiful. I'd give the song 8 points out of 10. If the instruments sounded a bit more real, this would deserve 9 points. The strings, especially, sounded too "MIDI" for me. A little reverb wouldn't hurt. Nevertheless, GREAT JOB. Quote
ILLiterate Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 Silent Hill music is awesome and this is a pretty good remix. Its just sad that the strings, drums & choir volumes are to low, mabye just do a quick remaster on that and update? Eather way its a good listen Quote
DrOpDeAdFrEdCuTiE Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 I absolutly love this song. It's so pretty and I love the pacing. How in some parts it sounds almost sad and others it sounds happy and hopeful. I was also going to comment on another one of your songs which I have heard before but can not find on here. It's called "In the Dollhouse". It's such a beautiful remix of "Not Tomorrow" from Silent Hill 1. Do you have it posted anywhere. It is really difficult to find. Quote
Monobrow Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 I can't sleep...and here I am in the review forums for some reason. So anyway, this is the remix I've been listening to tonight. I really love the True theme, along with just about every other song from the Silent Hill series...but this is by far my favorite. That being said, this mix really does capture the soul from the events transpiring when that song was playing in the video game. I know this mix is a bit old now, and some things that were alright when it first came out come off a little more dated and cheesy (the choir just a bit, and the really simple drums)...But a lot can be said about keeping everything really simple in terms of focusing on what's the most important, which in this case, is the piano..(and even though the sample seems really bare bones, it still comes off as rather realistic) The way the other instruments accompany it is just right as well...And I love the key changes, and the silent pauses between new phrases in the song. But my favorite part of this song is most definately the very ending from 4:00 on...and especially the notes at 4:15, 4:25, and 4:33 (and here I wish this chord progression could have been drawn out just a little more somehow...but ah well) Anyway, maybe now I can rest. heheh Quote
tabular Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 To be honest, I haven't heard the original version of this song, and right now, I don't really mind. This piece is beautifully done (although I do admit I love pure instrumental sounds a lot more than what a reasonable amount would be) and it does remind me of the Silent Hill series in general, a sort of strange, empty feeling, but this one seems a lot more prettier, a bit less scary. Not like that's a bad thing, but I suppose the chords aren't really so scary, somehow. I like this piece, it's nice to work to, it's not too interruptive to trains of thought, as other music can be. Quote
Audity Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 The piano arrangement is really lovely. But I can't get over all the accompanying parts, wishing there were less of them or that they were better sounding. Plus I wish the piano sounded better. Obviously that would sound better live, and I've already experienced a touch of that what with the Youtube video(s) out that play this ReMix on the piano! IMO, this is only the start of what could be a masterpiece. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 Some nice details keep this from being too empty, like the choir pitchbend and the cell counter melody, as well as the several keychanges. It's interesting how just the modulation changes the mood in not-so subtle ways, but the fact that it is almost all about the piano keep the intimate mood. What this sounds like is an excellent soundtrack to a very serious conversation. As the conversation progresses, there is tension, but moments of respite as well. Very subtle work, but it is both grandiose and immediate. I initially thought this one was a little bland, but looking closer, there's a lot more to it. Give this one a few listens. Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Takes my breath away when l listen to this. You never seem to disappoint:razz: Good work. Quote
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