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Possible spoilers

So has anyone used the master ball? I have caught the 3 psychic legendaries and the steel/psychic one and didn't use it. Am I missing something?

Not really spoilers...but, I didn't use mine on any of them. I eventually did, but it's because I traveled to an annoying part to catch a rather annoying Pokemon and ran out of Ultra and Dusk balls.


Poor me. I don't multi-task my games so first I must finish Paper Mario. Then I must have my computer repaired so I can get my wi-fi running. I fear I'll be way behind the poke-curve by the time I finally get online. :(

Poor me. I don't multi-task my games so first I must finish Paper Mario. Then I must have my computer repaired so I can get my wi-fi running. I fear I'll be way behind the poke-curve by the time I finally get online. :(

Look at it this way, the more information people post, the more you'll be ready for the game when you do play online with others :)!!


I go away for a few days, and this thread explodes with posts. I knew there were fans here, but wow.

Any way, I can't get online here, nor at home, so I'll have to go get a new wireless router or something. Once I do, though, I can start giving away all the starters. I have about a dozen of each starter on my GBA cart. And I mean, each one. From the RBY ones to the RSE ones. And I have both genders, so I can whip them up on the spot once they get transferred over. Oh, and those half dozen Mews from the special event last year. I think some people would like those, right?

As for the guy asking about using the Exp. Share on his team and it affecting EVs... no. Exp Share only splits experience points. Otherwise it would be called "Exp. And EV Share". If it was changed this generation, no one has mentioned it yet.

Once everyone starts to hit level 100, I'd like to start hosting an OCR tournament or something. Just so we can bash the shit out of each other and get proper bragging rights and all that.


damn it I'd love to be able to have some of those earlier starters in the future... as of now I don't havea wireless connection and need to find that thing that I can connect via usb to my pc.

Won't be for a good while for me though... :(



See what you like of the following:

Trillian : All in one instant message/chat client..what I use on windows

Gaim : Another multiplatform client. This one is open-source

mIRC : Perhaps the most popular IRC client. It's a pure IRC program with a lot of advanced features but has a nag screen if you don't pay for it.

Chatzilla : a firefox IRC addon. I haven't checked this one out yet.

And building upon what Bahamut said: I can indeed generate infinite pokemon from anything that's traded to me. Let me know if you want something, but I've only done this with Piplup so far. Also bear in mind that I have to HAVE it to give you one!


I broke down and bought the USB adapter for WiFi, so now, I'm live on Pokemon Diamond.

If you want to play, hit me up on IRC, and it's on. My friend code is in my signature.

I go away for a few days, and this thread explodes with posts. I knew there were fans here, but wow.

Any way, I can't get online here, nor at home, so I'll have to go get a new wireless router or something. Once I do, though, I can start giving away all the starters. I have about a dozen of each starter on my GBA cart. And I mean, each one. From the RBY ones to the RSE ones. And I have both genders, so I can whip them up on the spot once they get transferred over. Oh, and those half dozen Mews from the special event last year. I think some people would like those, right?

As for the guy asking about using the Exp. Share on his team and it affecting EVs... no. Exp Share only splits experience points. Otherwise it would be called "Exp. And EV Share". If it was changed this generation, no one has mentioned it yet.

Once everyone starts to hit level 100, I'd like to start hosting an OCR tournament or something. Just so we can bash the shit out of each other and get proper bragging rights and all that.

ya, except in the CLANOCR THREAD D:

sheesh post there for this stuff people


Just curious...but I'm in need of the link for the Clan OCR thread. I'm probably just blind, it's probably right in front of me, but I'm n00b enough to ask for the thread link please.

K thx.

The trading on GTS is retarded. Everyone wants lvl 100 Pokemon for their lvl 5 Bidoof.
A lot of the people are obsessed with the myth that Japanese want Pokemon with English names. Which is true in many cases, but the Japanese aren't that interested in stuff with an english name.

If you look around, you can find some really sweet deals though.


Yeah, I put one of those stinky Bidoofs on the GTS last night, and in the morning I had received the Mr. Mime I had requested. I wasn't really expecting one, but it was nice anyway.

I am still not far at all though, I have been battling with my magikarp for a long time, finally got it to a Gyrados, just at the 2nd gym. I just beat that gym now.


For GTS, don't search, offer.

If your trade is reasonable, and you're offering an exclusive, you BET someone will bite

I traded a Stunky for a Shieldon. Within a couple hours


Any Diamond players want to trade for a Pearl exclusive? I have the ghost type Pokemon Misdreavus at level 19. I was going to level it up TO THE MAX but I've decided not to for now since I'm working on some other dudes.


I've also got another Pearl exclusive up for grabs, a level 20 Sheildon.


I'm not really picky about what I want, just something decent I could level up that is around level 20 or so. Bonus points for cuteness!

Also, I can't seem to find this GTS forum. Anyone have a link?

I like visual IRC.

yeah that's what i use even though nowadays im just lazy use trillian


gts is in the game

in jubilife town

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