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yeah that's what i use even though nowadays im just lazy use trillian


gts is in the game

in jubilife town


I'll try later today.

Also, thanks for the tip. I think I just got in Jubilife town? Is that the one with the third gym?


i havent played since red/blue/yellow but i bought fire red and leaf green.

would this be a good one to get back into the series with?

The penguin starter is a bonus cause they're my favorite animal haha

in other words is it worth the money?

i havent played since red/blue/yellow but i bought fire red and leaf green.

would this be a good one to get back into the series with?

The penguin starter is a bonus cause they're my favorite animal haha

in other words is it worth the money?

This is probably the best iteration of Pokemon series.

I'll try later today.

Also, thanks for the tip. I think I just got in Jubilife town? Is that the one with the third gym?

jubilife is right in the beginning, the town where you first get the poketech

and yes

by far

best pokeymans ever

and wow


I now have all the starters because of it

jubilife is right in the beginning, the town where you first get the poketech

and yes

by far

best pokeymans ever

and wow


I now have all the starters because of it

whats GTS?


So I'm glad I found out by accident that the sphere's grow when you bury them together. Size 97 seemed pretty unattainable before that.




aka best pokeyman addition ever


I've got my friendcode in my sig, but right now I probably don't have anything worth trading.

Anyone want to tell me what I can do with a fossil I dug up?

Take it to the dude in Oreburg city (the mining town, I think), and he'll give you a Pokemon in exchange for the fossil.

Take it to the dude in Oreburg city (the mining town, I think), and he'll give you a Pokemon in exchange for the fossil.

That's what I figured, but I just wanted to confirm before I trekked back there. I got a Sheildon.

Ok, new question. There's rumors that you can catch Growlithes on Rt 201 and 202 if you have FireRed in the GBA slot. (Not just Growlithe, here's a bunch of pokemon per 3rd gen game. I just want Growlithe) Can anyone confirm this as true? I've seen no definable truth to it yet.

Ok, new question. There's rumors that you can catch Growlithes on Rt 201 and 202 if you have FireRed in the GBA slot. (Not just Growlithe, here's a bunch of pokemon per 3rd gen game. I just want Growlithe) Can anyone confirm this as true? I've seen no definable truth to it yet.

It's true.


Well, I tried for some time last night, and not even a sighting of a Growlithe. I don't have to get the National Dex first, do I?

And next, anyone want to trade?

I have aquired a Water Stone and a Moon Stone from digging underground. I'm willing to trade them for a good pokemon, like Eevee, Charmander, or a Vulpix.

I also have three fossils, one of which turned into a Sheildon. If they all do the same, I'll trade the extras. Make me an offer!


Bought it yesterday. Now, beat the 1st gym and on the road to the second one. Most of my pokemon are at least level 10. Did the spelling of Onix's name change? I could have sworn it was Onyx in Red. Anyway, good old Onix/Onyx... I'm thinking I should evolve my Magikarp too, but from my experience that was a lot of work the first time I did it. Anyway, my starter is Piplup and by the way, Bidoof sucks. I leveled him to like 11 and he finally got 'defense curl.' If I could, I'd just dump useful HMs on him and use him as a utility pokemon. I have Geodude though, so I'm sure I can just keep Bidoof in storage. (Bidoofus, amirite, guys?)

I tried doing something to get all the starters in the game by having my friend play his version and trading with him. Starly/Bidoof for Chimchar/Turtwig. It does not work. Even if you have the 1st gym badge, your non-original starters will not obey you past level 10. Just telling you if you wanted to know.

I don't have anything anyone really wants, I also doubt I'll be trading via wi-fi any time soon. I need to set up my router here and make sure it's compatible.

Bought it yesterday. Now, beat the 1st gym and on the road to the second one. Most of my pokemon are at least level 10. Did the spelling of Onix's name change? I could have sworn it was Onyx in Red. Anyway, good old Onix/Onyx... I'm thinking I should evolve my Magikarp too, but from my experience that was a lot of work the first time I did it. Anyway, my starter is Piplup and by the way, Bidoof sucks. I leveled him to like 11 and he finally got 'defense curl.' If I could, I'd just dump useful HMs on him and use him as a utility pokemon. I have Geodude though, so I'm sure I can just keep Bidoof in storage. (Bidoofus, amirite, guys?)

I tried doing something to get all the starters in the game by having my friend play his version and trading with him. Starly/Bidoof for Chimchar/Turtwig. It does not work. Even if you have the 1st gym badge, your non-original starters will not obey you past level 10. Just telling you if you wanted to know.

I don't have anything anyone really wants, I also doubt I'll be trading via wi-fi any time soon. I need to set up my router here and make sure it's compatible.

it's always done that with the starters

traded guys only obey up to the level your badge allows


Sounds like there's a pretty wide variety of progress so far. I've got about 27 hours logged on my Diamond version so far, give or take, and I just got Dialga. I'm really rushing through the game, so even though I have 7 gym badges, I'm at the point where even wild Pokémon are higher level than 70% of my team. That's okay, though. I can always grind later, against the Elite 4 or something.

Downside is, I don't have a lot in my Pokédex so trading on GTS is not as helpful as I'd like. I don't have any good fire or fighting types in my team. In fact, the only fire-type Pokémon I've caught at all is Ponyta. I chose Piplup as my starter.

I actually haven't done any trading yet, and my LeafGreen is not at college with me, so I can't really finish my team yet.

Also: Katsugi, yeah, I too felt like "Onix" was definitely "Onyx" before. And yeah, "Bidoofus" is pretty accurate. Worthless Pokémon so far as I've seen!

God I want an Eevee, though. I forget how you evolve it into Espeon. I might just go for Jolteon or Flareon, though.

The game itself is so friggin' huge, though. I'm overwhelmed by the range of choices in Pokémon and moves.

Also, I'm trying to collect all 100 TMs without using any.

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