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One probable reason why many of us, including myself, remembers Onix's name as "Onyx" instead may have to do with with old shows when it first came out. We've bound to have at least seen one episode involving said subject.

I have a habit of using the close caption, usually for the lulz and some times due to the shitty speakers from the old tv back then. I would still recall the caption spelling it as "Onyx" instead of "Onix". I believe now though it has changed but back then, fun engrish.

Also still working on a great ghost team along with a so-called "Special Forces" team :)!!

Well, I tried for some time last night, and not even a sighting of a Growlithe. I don't have to get the National Dex first, do I?

And next, anyone want to trade?

I have aquired a Water Stone and a Moon Stone from digging underground. I'm willing to trade them for a good pokemon, like Eevee, Charmander, or a Vulpix.

I also have three fossils, one of which turned into a Sheildon. If they all do the same, I'll trade the extras. Make me an offer!

Yeah, you do have to get the National Dex first. And I'm not 100% certain of this, but I believe you also have to have the National Dex to trade for non-Sinnoh Pokemon like the three you just mentioned.

It's not that difficult, though - you just have to have seen, not captured, the 150 Pokemon to get it from the Professor. You'll be able to do that by battling the trainers since they have most of them, and Dialga\Palkia's entry can be gotten from an old woman in Celestic Town.


I can trade a riolu if that helps you..got a lot of them sitting around. I need a donation of a mild poffin though.

Edit: I'm in need of a bunch of mild poffins, so if anyone wants to donate them, please do! I can breed a bunch of pokemon if that helps give incentive for anyone (doesn't matter if it's male or female)

Yea, I finally found some info on this and figured it out myself as well. That...sucks.

Well, I guess I'll just have to get myself through the game faster so I can get all the pokemon I really want.

I retract my previous statement. Apparently you can trade for non-Sinnoh Pokemon if you know the Friend Code of the person you're trading with. :)


I would trade the eevee I have, but I *think* it has the exact nature my brother wants.

I put a pokemon in the GTS for Arcanine so that'll for for you (just need to breed it for growlithe)

Edit: I got the arcanine here. So, what'll happen is that you can get a free level 60 mild poffin if you go inside the hearthome city contest place and talk to the first person there sometime - I'll trade a female growlithe sometime if you feed a pokemon of mine that particular poffin (doesn't have to be immediately). Deal?


Yes, you do! If anything, traded Pokemon have a HUGE exp boost. It almost makes me feel like I wasting my time leveling up the pokemon I caught myself. Plus the GTS system works really well. If you put up a reasonable offer you will get your Pokemon quickly, even if it seems like you're getting a MUCH better deal. Plus underground and other online aspects are really cool.

I'm going to buy a wifi stick for my compy today, so I'll hopefully be online within 3 to 10 weeks.

Speaking of Wifi usb sticks, would it be better over just getting the "official" NDS wifi usb adapter..? Would any wifi stick work with the DS?

My network is all wired and besides for the ds, I have no real need for wifi; nor wish to deal with having to put security upon security just so no one bums a ride on my internet connection D:<

You only need one or the other. I'd go for the router.

Speaking of routers, I have a question which I posted here and I'm hoping someone might be able to help me (or, if haven't had any trouble with your router and it works well with Nintendo Wifi maybe you could post which you have in there). If anyone could help me diagnose the cause of the problem I'm having/has any tips on setting up the router/knows of any good routers to use I'd really appreciate it!


I went through the trouble of catching Mesprit (!!), Uxie, Azelf, and Cresselia (!!).

For a game with 4 psychic legendaries, one would hope at least one of them would be worth using.

If Uxie or Cresselia had Azelf's moves, you could argue that it would be quite effective (Big damage would make up for the low attack stat), but alas, I can't see anyone but Azelf being terribly useful, and Azelf doesn't have enough defense to last long enough for its moves to really be as destructive as they promise.

As a side note. Uxie's yawn is still annoying. But still not enough to warrant using it imo.

On a totally unrelated note, Lucario kicks an incredible amount of ass if raised properly. Concentrate on speed and special attack stats, Throw in 2 or 3 TM moves (Psychic! Earthquake! Dark Pulse! Flash Cannon!) and you can not only cover your weaknesses, but come up with total surprises to your foe - A FIGHTING pokemon with a PSYCHIC move!

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