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I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm wondering why Konami even bothered to redub the entire voice script in the first place. The original version sounded fine, in some places even better than the redub.

Why was Greg Eagles (aka George Byrd) not the voice actor of Grey Fox in Twin Snakes? He reprised his role as the DARPA chief, so why not Grey Fox? He sounds alot better than rob paulsen.

Exactly my complaint.


Three years later, I'm wondering why The Twin Snakes was even made at all.

I'll admit, I was pretty excited when it came out... but after a lot of sober second thought, the game just seems completely unnecessary.

It doesn't end up improving upon anything from the original. If anything it bastardizes it. The level designs were clearly not meant to utilize the MGS2 engine and attempts to accommodate this are shoddy at best. Why they removed the ethnic accents from the voice actors is beyond me. And the new cutscenes, while interesting to watch, do not fit into the larger Metal Gear context. The Matrix-esque stunts are too over-the-top in a game that is, in many ways, already over-the-top.

I won't say that it's a bad game. But I would say that if you really want the best quality Metal Gear Solid experience, head for your PSone. In that respect, The Twin Snakes is a failure.

Three years later, I'm wondering why The Twin Snakes was even made at all.

I'll admit, I was pretty excited when it came out... but after a lot of sober second thought, the game just seems completely unnecessary.

It doesn't end up improving upon anything from the original. If anything it bastardizes it. The level designs were clearly not meant to utilize the MGS2 engine and attempts to accommodate this are shoddy at best. Why they removed the ethnic accents from the voice actors is beyond me. And the new cutscenes, while interesting to watch, do not fit into the larger Metal Gear context. The Matrix-esque stunts are too over-the-top in a game that is, in many ways, already over-the-top.

I won't say that it's a bad game. But I would say that if you really want the best quality Metal Gear Solid experience, head for your PSone. In that respect, The Twin Snakes is a failure.

Mei Ling originally had a Chinese accent, but it conflicted with the fact that her character was supposed to be raised in America. With that in mind, getting rid of her accent made sense. The other characters, well... Anyway, some of the dialogue was pretty forced in TTS. Several cutscenes were over the top, yeah.


I'm gonna have to agree with Razumen and watkinzez here, I didn't play any Solid games until Twin Snakes, and when I went back to compare it to its PSOne predecessor, the remake seemed like the much tighter experience.

Sure the jumpkicking, rocket surfing cutscenes are a bit over the top, but they're fun and firmly establish Snake as an uberbadass. Plus TTS felt like it had much better controls, and first person aiming is a complete necessity IMO, as I recall that wasn't in the original MGS

I'm gonna have to agree with Razumen and watkinzez here, I didn't play any Solid games until Twin Snakes, and when I went back to compare it to its PSOne predecessor, the remake seemed like the much tighter experience.

Sure the jumpkicking, rocket surfing cutscenes are a bit over the top, but they're fun and firmly establish Snake as an uberbadass. Plus TTS felt like it had much better controls, and first person aiming is a complete necessity IMO, as I recall that wasn't in the original MGS

Ditto to all of this. I really need to get around to playing the other games.


I dunno. I kinda feel that adding all the MGS2 features pretty much broke the game. I mean, the the fight with Ocelot is so easy with the first person controls that I beat him in less than a minute.


I just recently played through MGS on playstation1, and then I was like, meh, I missed the bandwagon I should go buy Twin Snakes and see what the differences are. So like a week ago I finished Twin Snakes and honestly, it's cool to have MGS2 moves, but the voice acting wasn't nearly as good, and the scenes in the original just seem to be a little more dramatic. Especially the more dramatic scenes (such as the one after the last battle with Sniper Wolf) were infinitely better on the PS1.

I thought Otacon's voice acting was stale in comparison to the original, same with Naomi. Liquid seemed more... metrosexual than ever, and Grey Fox just wasn't as cool. Additionally, Vulcan Raven, a character I somewhat sympathized with in the original was turned into a typical bad guy type. I thought Raven was special because in the original he seemed like a noble guy just doing a job. In TwinSnakes they turned him more evil, at least that was the feeling I got. I felt as if that character change really detractracted from much of that small characters charm. Cutscenes were too over the top, I mean come on, Snake does a backflip and with the tip of his toe taps a missile away from him... nothing like that has really happened in any of the other games. The cutscene director went a little overboard... there were just too many somersaults in my opinion. The story honsetly seemed really watered down and not nearly as epic as it was on the PS1.

Oh, and the alteration of the music must be mentioned. ^_~ I dig some moody electronica every once in a while, but the music in MGS1 on PS1 was infinitely more memorable.

The game is worth it to see all the differences (And to see some really cool moments [like Psycho mantis and the part when Grey fox wails on the soldiers before meeting Otacon]) AND I really dug how they tied the game more into MGS2 and the rest of the series. Additionally it was nice to get more backstory explanations here and there (and to actually see Decoy Octopus!) but honestly, I prefer the original in terms of relative quality and dramatic experience. You can tell that Konami (and Hideo Kojima) had a minimal influence on TS's production.

I dunno. I kinda feel that adding all the MGS2 features pretty much broke the game. I mean, the the fight with Ocelot is so easy with the first person controls that I beat him in less than a minute.

The boss fights were never hard to begin with. All you have to do is chase Ocelot around the room shooting him, he'll never get a shot off. This is all without first person. MGS, in general, was never hard to begin with. First person mode hardly "breaks" the game.

As for the voice acting, both the original MGS and TTS have many sketchy places in the voicing. Many people are just nostalgia whores and will shun anything that's changed from the original. Both games have some very forced dialogue at points. I felt that the original did better in some of the more dramatic scenes; but I hated most of the accents, as they sounded fake and forced to me.

What does suck about TTS is some music is missing; the best tracks are missing. These tracks made some of the scenes in the original feel a lot more dramatic. The lack of presence of these tracks is simply unforgivable.


I haven't played the original on the PS1, and The Twin Snakes introduced me to the Solid series. Though i cannot compare the original and the remake, i can only say that nothing about the remake BOTHERD me.

Like already stated, it's not a bad game, but it was 1: a remake, 2: a remake of an almost legendary game. So naturally it was gonna be a let down, one way or the other.

And about the cutscenes, i didn't mind at all. Grey Fox kicking the shit out of Metal Gear? Yeah, they were over the top, but if you want realism, and less badass-ness, play Splinter Cell.


Well, pretty much the only reason I could come up with for the change in voice actor for Grey Fox was that they wanted the two characters to sound different. Which is too bad really, considering he sounded better in the original, I find.

Now, the only thing that peeved me off about TTS was the soundtrack. I didn't like it compared to the original version. The over the top cutscenes were cheesy at times, but some of them were quite entertaining, like the scene with Grey Fox slicing the soldiers up for example.

Additionally, Vulcan Raven, a character I somewhat sympathized with in the original was turned into a typical bad guy type. I thought Raven was special because in the original he seemed like a noble guy just doing a job. In TwinSnakes they turned him more evil, at least that was the feeling I got. I felt as if that character change really detractracted from much of that small characters charm.

I didn't feel they made him more of a bad guy than the original, Vulcan explains himself a bit more in the TS, but i still get the feeling that vulcan did what he did to test Himself and Snake.

You can tell that Konami (and Hideo Kojima) had a minimal influence on TS's production.
Eh? Kojima handed the role of directing all the cut scenes to his friend Ryuhei Kitamura (Kojima has since made a small appearance in one of Kitamura's movies). So one can only assume the new cut scenes are to Kojima's liking. Personally, I think the missile jump in Twin Snakes is easily matched by EVA's motorcycle stunts in Snake Eater.
And the new cutscenes, while interesting to watch, do not fit into the larger Metal Gear context. The Matrix-esque stunts are too over-the-top in a game that is, in many ways, already over-the-top.

You gotta admit, though... sometimes in MGS you wonder why Snake is considered a "Super soldier". Especially when his opponents are bumbling troops who can hardly follow footsteps. The ninja fight scene (if you excuse the sound effects) was quite nice, and given the superhuman feats you see Ocelot pull off in MGS2, showing that Snake can hold up is, in my opinion, quite reasonable.

  • 2 weeks later...

To address the original question the thread poses - maybe because they didn't want two characters played by the same person? I don't remember the VA in MGS1 very well, but it's very possible someone thought that they sounded too similar. Just my $0.02.

As to TTS vs. original, I like Twin Snakes better. Going back to PS1 graphics degrades the experience IMO (as much as we'd like to believe graphics don't make the game). Plus the cutscenes, even if they are arguably over-the-top (and for the series, they really aren't - MGS3 has just as many 'whoacrazy' moments), really add a lot to the game. Plus, the new and improved Sniper Wolf death scene was pretty cool.

As for the music, yeah. Some of it was a downgrade. But the cutscene on the first elevator up to the helipad (where Snake loses the diving gear) had some bitchin' tunes. Not that it makes up for the (more numerous) nixed tunes.


I remember looking up the game on IMDB for VA's and ending up having the same question. I guess we'll never know.

On TS - I like the original and the remake in different ways, so I don't really feel the need to pick one over the other.

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