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My friend and I will need a place to stay. We will mainly live in his car for two weeks...So we will most likely need a shower or two aswell. It would greatly be appreciated. I also have a request if we are going to play video games, that smash brothers melee or halo be present. I'll do my best to represent the west coast!

also, If anyone is down for a poker game, I'm not complaining;).

Any Wii-having volunteers?

I will bring my Wii stuff as well; games, 3 remotes, 2 nunchucks and a classic controller

And who needs to stay somewhere overnight?
The only way I (and my guest) could stay really late is if we could somehow spend the night in Philly since I have a 2hr+ drive back home.

Oh wow, another Philly meetup? Hopefully I can make this one unlike missing last year's. I recently broke it off with my girlfriend who goes to Drexel, but I know the area well enough to meet up with you guys from the start. I prolly won't be able to stay late due to parents liking a tight leash, but it should be fun. Also, I read a few of the earlier pages and Jill works at Bubble House? I've been a there a couple times and it's pretty awesome.


Jill & I can't accomodate more than one person overnight... we live in a studio apartment with one room and really have no extra pillows, futons, sheets (etc). It's barely big enough for two people, much less four.

Anyone else here in the area willing to put up some OCR peeps?



A meetup! In my town? Dude!

But it's on the week-end... I almost always work week-ends. I don't know, but I'm definately interested in coming. I live just off-campus from Temple and I work in the city, so I may show up for an couple hours (I either start or end at 3 on week-ends), and I may be able to offer up a room for maybe two people? I have plenty of room, but limited blankets/beds (but plenty of floor...).

Put me in for a maybe. Also, I suggest we grab gelatos for dessert at a store on ( I think) 13 and Samson street (between walnut and chesnut). It's just down the street from The convention center. Heck maybe you guys can visit me at subway (food) on wlanut street (11 & 12).

Enough rambling. I'm not even sure I can make it. However, even if I don't go, I may still be able to offer a roof for a night (at least until 8:30 AM). So feel free to contact me with any details at 215-630-1988. Jordan Goldberg.

Which side is the clothespin thingy? North, south, east, west?

Edit: Also:

a) I have a Wii-mote and nunchuck (or two?), and a classic controller if I'm there for the gaming.

B) I wish my girlfriend would pick up the phone so I could tell her about this. She'll start to get involved on the forums here soon, but not just yet. btw, I know she has work essentially all day for this. She can't come.

c) IMPORTANT: If anyone intends on taking me up on the offer for a bed, let me know asap. My phone receives texts, if that helps. This is so I may start planning the details... and cleaning up certain messes. Just let me know.


Hey guys we really need a realistic count of how many people will be there for the BBQ (dinner). Once we figure that out we'll probably ask for everyone to chip in a little bit for the meat/buns/rolls, since it will likely cost at least $50 to get everything.


Yeah zircon me and a friend will most likely attend. Since we plan on staying the night that is with Jordan hopefully. I sold my body to a medical testing facility so i made a small fortune for the trip. well...enough momo, so i can help out on costs.


My plan has changed alittle bit. We may not leave florida until friday evening, which would halt us from making iit to an early type of meet up. We would still like to come to the bbq if thats ok, and of course we still might need a place to stay, hopefully still Jordans. If this is ok with you guys(zircon, Jordan)is it possible to message me your adresses? You never know if we will make it on time though, our plans aren't made of metamorphic stone. thanks.


OK, just some stuff to clarify, and a few things we need to figure out still...

* Sequence of events. We need to hash out the specific plan (and alternatives, if it's raining) - but the general idea is this:

1. Meet up @ clothespin (noon) - center city. Wait for potential stragglers.

2. Head over to the convention center area, meet up with Darkesword/Atma, grab some lunch, get day passes/tokens as necessary (for public transport). We'll probably be here until 2-3.

3. South Street?

4. Arrive at the apartment (via subway) by 5 or so. BBQ prep + dinner.

5. General hanging out, video games.

6. Bubble House for more dessert & beverages - this is where Jill works.

So.. we're NOT going to be going to the apartment first, because it's actually over 20 blocks away from the meetup point. This means that if you're bringing anything, you should travel light.

* Video games. Multiple people have suggested bringing some systems/games, but remember, there's no dropoff point for them. Also since the apartment is small, we'll still have a big group when we arrive there for dinner, and we'll be outside at the grills anyway, so there won't really be a chance to make use of them at that point. Only after dinner.

* Parking/transportation. There is only street parking near me (non-metered) but I can't guarantee you'll be able to find anything. There are two garages relatively close, but I don't know exactly when they close, or their rates (they're not terribly expensive though). Center city garages are expensive, so the other options are probably best if you're driving. Regional rail, Amtrak, NJ Transit, SEPTA, and Greyhound/Chinatown bus will all take you into easily accessed areas.

If you are coming in and need directions on how to get to the meetup spot post NOW... I'll help you out.

* Overnight guests. The only person staying with me and Jill is Wes (Bahamut) - we REALLY REALLY REALLY do not have space for anyone else. If you absolutely need a place to stay overnight then you should start asking other people in the thread. It's not that we don't want to put up other people... we simply can't. The entire apartment consists of a combined living/sleeping space and a little kitchen, that's it.

* Dinner Money. Jill and I just got back from the grocery store where we bought a ton of food + drinks. Everyone coming for the BBQ will be expected to chip in; the final amount per person will depend on exactly how many people we have at that point, but it will be between $5-10. Cash only! So be sure to bring small bills. ;)

* Make note of my cell... 215-531-0798. Call if you're having problems, need last-minute directions, etc.


Getting to my apartment is not terribly difficult (and you can always call even if you got stuck). The entrance is on 3600 Powelton Avenue; there is a subway stop on 34th & Market, which is about 4 blocks away (go west two blocks to 36th, north until you get to the entrance 2-3 blocks).

However, unless you're going to be REALLY late, if you arrive at 1-3pm or so we'll probably still be around the center city area.


No worries, I get paid friday. :D

I may decide to come down early just so I can guarantee a parking space close by. I'd rather hoof it to City Hall than park near it. And besides, if we need some emergency provisions, I can always run to a store if my car's within walking distance.

Anyways, anything you might need, feel free to ask me, I'll do my best.


Alright, I'm definately coming, and my girlfriend (yeah, another person) is probable. I hope that doesn't cause problems... Anyway, I won't be done work until 4 o'clock, so mind if I give you (Zircon) a call for exact location when I'm done?

Money: Check.

Housing (and room for two additional guests [girlfriend not staying the night]): Check.

Transportation: Check

If I'm forgetting anything or causing problems, feel free to call/text my cell (a previous post).

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