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Shields are related to art style. Bulky tanks with treads, or sleek tanks that hover? It's all just style. It is a different look.

The zealots aren't too bad.


So I was excited to actually see this game in action from Blizzard's new videos for this game on their main site, but alas the Blizzard Downloader fails miserably.

So I was excited to actually see this game in action from Blizzard's new videos for this game on their main site, but alas the Blizzard Downloader fails miserably.

Gametrailers.com has the HD video of it. My eyes were popping out at its quality.

I'm starting to think the doubters are either crazy or just jealous of the insane popularity of the series now.

Gametrailers.com has the HD video of it. My eyes were popping out at its quality.

I'm starting to think the doubters are either crazy or just jealous of the insane popularity of the series now.

Or, they just didn't like the story and setting of the first game, the way it played, or what have you, and don't see a reason to jump at the second one. Some folks just genuinely dislike it. Hell, if there are people who don't like Castlevania games, there are certainly people who don't like StarCraft :lol:

I know if I get it, I'll be waiting for the price to drop. I'm somewhat interested at the moment (too little info to make any judgments), but I'm not $60 interested.


I'm kinda sad dragoons are gone :( oh well, they just become immortals, but the laser doesn't look as cool as the ball...

Also, I can't wait to see what hydralisks look like. Those guys are my favorite units. I think the zerglings look different because they just evolved, the zergs are all about evolution. I just hope they are still freaking fast.


If the gameplay video is any indication, Zerglings are friggin' insane. They swarm like never before, and since there's no unit selection limit, I would imagine they're much easier to control. Go watch the video. It's very choice, and I highly recommend picking one up if you have the means.


The Nydus worm thing was freaking crazy. I just want to see some hydralisks... come on Blizzard, update your Zerg and Terran section for SC2 please.


The guy who narrated the gameplay video needs to expand his vocabulary. If I hear "serious threat," "additional firepower" or "perfect counter" one more time, I'm... well, I'll just be slightly more miffed at him.

Or, they just didn't like the story and setting of the first game, the way it played, or what have you, and don't see a reason to jump at the second one. Some folks just genuinely dislike it. Hell, if there are people who don't like Castlevania games, there are certainly people who don't like StarCraft :lol:

I know if I get it, I'll be waiting for the price to drop. I'm somewhat interested at the moment (too little info to make any judgments), but I'm not $60 interested.

I'm cool with people who are not into the genre and such, but in so many forum discussions about the game, it generally degenerates into "every other RTS game is better than Starcraft" or "It's a Korean thing" or "The game was never good to begin with". Like potshots that you don't hear for games. Hell, some people don't like stuff like Zelda too. "Zelda games sucked since day one". I mean, it's just ridiculous.


Screenshots were kinda lame, but the trailers were pretty cool. And I lol'd when the Collossus avoid Suicide-Zegling rape by just walking up the cliff.

One thing I'm really worried about right now is that they'll make the music some cheasy cliche' epic orchestral crap, and not good old fashioned...Space Hillbilly music...like the original had. Well, at least for the Terrans.

Also, StarCraft *IS* a Warhammer 40,000 ripoff, but the fact that the Terrans are all hicks makes it less blatant enough so that it doesn't matter. Plus, the Protoss and Zerg are way cooler than that of the highly homosexual Eldar or bizarre Tyranids.

The guy who narrated the gameplay video needs to expand his vocabulary. If I hear "serious threat," "additional firepower" or "perfect counter" one more time, I'm... well, I'll just be slightly more miffed at him.

Yeah there's nothing worse than corny and/or trite phrases like "The forces of Darkness" or "serious threat" *shiver*, we've all heard 'em too many times. But that's what you get when you're dealing with fantasy/science fiction, I suppose. Expanding vocabulary ftw...

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