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different skill levels is not really a problem unless there's one person that's just ridiculously better than everyone else. So far i can only really count one person that's expressed any interest though.

Figured i'd post here instead of making a new thread about it. Would anyone at all be interested in a sc2 tournament? if we got 6-8 people it could be pretty enjoyable.

I'd be down for that. Just as soon as I get my internet connection installed.... I hate those first few weeks of moving into a new apartment. Can't even post on this thread without using a computer other than my own.


I'm in, but to be in, I need to play from somewhere with... real... internet... otherwise I'll lag to hell and back.

PS. I feel that Terran have the feel of the SC1 Zerg. Seriously, Banshees are the new Guardians.

I miss guardians.


I'd play in a tournament.

To cater better to lower-skill-level players, I think double elimination would be nice (or, just anything but single elimination). It might be cool to pair up the starting matches by league too (bronze vs bronze, gold vs gold, etc), so that everyone gets at least 1 similarly-skilled opponent.

I miss guardians.

I dunno, broodlords are pretty awesome, if both players can actually survive long enough for you to get them.... but yeah, Guardians were great.


After a small bit of an interest check in the main sc2 thread, i decided to start a seperate thread to plan a small tournament.


6 to 8 people, probably. I'm open to suggestions on these or other rules, but i was currently thinking best of three, loser picks map, and each player gets to veto one map from the pool. I'd have to actually look up all the map names again, but it's likely that any 2 or 4 player map aside from the novice ones would be in the pool.

I think we can all work out among ourselves when the best time to play matches would be. Ideally, you'd play all three at once (if necessary). If it ends up that your first game is an hour long or something, i'm sure nobody would care if you postponed until the next day.

save your replays in some standard format where it's clear who is playing who, and what game # it is, like Scrobble_vs_someguy_game1, so everyone can watch the matches afterward if they want.

please please please don't rage and be a bad sport. friendly trash talk is one thing, but keep it within reason.

with that out of the way, please post here if you have interest, and give me these pieces of information.

1. battle.net character name and character code (found by hovering over your avatar picture in the top corner) or email if you don't care about people adding your email.

2. current 1v1 placement rank. I'd like to not have super pro gosu diamond players against a guy whose first sc2 match was the day after release. but that shouldn't stop either of those people from signing up!

3. some way for people to contact you off the forums. AIM/msn/yahoo etc.

any suggestions, comments, etc, let me know! gl, hf!


without notification of any kind of updates in the social group its kind of difficult to use that to organize tournaments and the main thread would get too confusing with posts

i know that the social group update is "coming" but the point is that it isnt here yet


I'd be interested in an OCR tournament, but I won't be able to play most of you due to the ridiculous region locking. I doubt there are enough OCR StarCrafters in Europe to hold a separate tournament.

I finished the campaign on Normal. I've been playing a few quick 1v1 matches online and I'm actually doing better than I'd expected. Ended up in Silver. 2v2 (or more) matches with friends are still a lot more fun though.


I'd like to try out the tournament. I have no IDEA the skill level of people here, but it will be fun regardless.


Platinum Division:37th Rank

Messenger info on profile

Edit: Do message me on here if I'm unresponsive on this thread. I might have a little memory lapse.

without notification of any kind of updates in the social group its kind of difficult to use that to organize tournaments and the main thread would get too confusing with posts

i know that the social group update is "coming" but the point is that it isnt here yet

Yeah, the social group is pretty annoying to use right now. Clicking the thread-substitute-thing always brings you to page 1, there's no Quote button, and it's not on a page that any of us frequently look at. Plus everyone pretty much ignores the few posts that are there (probably due to some of the above reasons)

Will the upcoming update:

- be done before tournament is over?

- make the social group just as usable as the rest of the forums?

If the answer's "yes" to both of those, then maybe the social group thing isn't so bad :P

In the meantime, I'll repost what I said in the social group because nobody responded to it:

Until somebody can confirm that adding a friend via email address does NOT automatically make one a RealID friend, I'd really prefer if people posted their handle too (and don't forget the 3-digit number!) Actually I could probably check the BNet forums for that information... but surely someone here's added someone else via email address and can answer the question, right? =D

In any case, here's my stuff for the tournament:

1. NicePants, 979 (US server)

2. Platinum, 4th-ish. I have a badge thing with "240" beside my name, but I have no idea what it means. I have 523 points in the ladder right now, but I don't know if that number's relevant outside my division...?

3. Contact me on BNet ;) (Also PMs go to my email which I check every day)

Ugh, not having a first post that we can check for tournament info is gonna suck ><



I've been playing this game a lot lately.

Not sure if I'm good enough for a tournament yet, but I suppose I could try. I've mainly just been playing single player lately. Going after all of those achievements! Some of those hard mode achievements are, well... tough. Haha.

2. Platinum, 4th-ish. I have a badge thing with "240" beside my name, but I have no idea what it means. I have 523 points in the ladder right now, but I don't know if that number's relevant outside my division...?

The number next to the badge thing is your achievement count. Each achievement you get is worth something like 10, 15, or 20 points each.

The ladder points you have is, theoretically a rating of your skill that can be used for comparison across your whole league from what I understand.

In the meantime, I'll repost what I said in the social group because nobody responded to it:

Until somebody can confirm that adding a friend via email address does NOT automatically make one a RealID friend, I'd really prefer if people posted their handle too (and don't forget the 3-digit number!) Actually I could probably check the BNet forums for that information... but surely someone here's added someone else via email address and can answer the question, right? =D

Judging from the Real ID FAQ when you add somebody by email it does make you Real ID friends. It says that "Both players must first mutually agree to become Real ID friends" but I'm guessing that is just agreeable by word of mouth or such. When you add friends by the Facebook method, I bet it uses your email as well because Facebook uses your email to log in. All the friends I added through the Facebook way became Real ID friends.

The number next to the badge thing is your achievement count. Each achievement you get is worth something like 10, 15, or 20 points each.

The ladder points you have is, theoretically a rating of your skill that can be used for comparison across your whole league from what I understand.

Judging from the Real ID FAQ when you add somebody by email it does make you Real ID friends.

Thanks and thanks!

Anyone know of a good site to host replays? I played the most ridiculous match yesterday, and I think it has enough lulz that it's worth posting here.

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