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7th Guest 'Fat Dance'

Well, can I even begin to say anything bad about this track, what with it being the original composer's own remix? Hell no! And would I want to? See previous answer. Very well produced, very professional sounding (I should hope!), and all around very, very cool. I enjoyed it even though I'm not familiar at all with the 7th Guest soundtrack. So overall, I would highly recommend this.

BTW, when I get to be a major figure in the videogame industry </wishful thinking>, rest assured I'll be doing the same thing! :D


Wow, with all that buildup from djp, I was almost expecting more. I've never played 7th Guest, but I downloaded it just from the review. Not exactly my type of music, but still 10x better then I could've done with that genre. I guess the beginning with the bass kinda threw me off... it just sounded kinda empty or midi-ish. But the rest is really interesting, albeit a tad repetitive.


I wasn't impressed by the music, but I do think it is awesome that the composer submitted this. If you like 7th Guest then I think you'll like this mix, but I have never been a fan of the more "subdued" nature of the computer game music of yore. Even though I have never heard of "Fat Man" I still think it is awesome that he deems OCR worthy of his tunage.


It definetely has an early 90's PC game feel to it (which makes sense), and I think it's pretty cool.

Now if only we could get other greats to do mixes here like Eric Brosius (Of Looking Glass/Irrational Studios fame) and whoever did the music to Unreal 1.


I think this piece has some nice qualities (namely the ambience), but I found it a little difficult to listen to. I was most thrown by the empty (although, that was probably intentional) feel of the piece as well as the repetitive nature. I would have liked to hear something more to break it up a little more, at least in sections.


Not very hot.

I don't like The FatMan's originals, nor do I like this remix. Where's the variety?

Sorry, but this is more of a novelty. Some of us take this very seriously, and this doesn't hold a candle to what some of us are doing here.

However, no one (except virt) comes close to holding a candle to what The FatMan has done and is doing for game music.

God Speed, Mr. Sanger. You're an inspiration.

Get ready to hand over the reigns...


Hey its a good step for the site to attract the attention of Composers.

I'm glad DJP wrote what he did.


I don't know how the actual remix got a 'highly reccomended' mark

This sounds like some of the stuff i fiddle around with on Fruity loops.

Really this mix needs.... some work. Sounds like first stage "Wolfchild" (SNES) music. with a few cool background effects.



Thanks for your kind words, Y'all!

I agree, the tune is not carefully composed nor arranged, and your giving me slack because of "who I am" is very graceful. I apologize for posting a non-serious effort, and I hope this was not taken as an insult, and especially that it would not lower the quality of what is posted here.

The tune was created on a private whim. I had never done any repetitive beat music, and was secretly enjoying it...so I made this for myself. Usually I cram music full of ideas, but a Swiss reporter had told me, "Maybe you giff too many ideass. Maybe ze people need a chance to cherish ze music."

Per "Handing over the riens..." You sure you wanna ride this pony?

Again, thanks!



I apologize for posting a non-serious effort, and I hope this was not taken as an insult, and especially that it would not lower the quality of what is posted here.

I wouldn't worry about it. There are some, especially one in particular, who seem to get jealous.

And while there may be some songs of better quality, there are definitely some of less quality as well. Maybe you could try again with a more serious effort if this one wasn't as much so?


Sounds like Mr. Sanger wasn't too bothered by my remarks.

As I mentioned/implied, I respect him very, very much.

It's a tough market, and he's done so many things that I need not get into to make game music much more of a respected art.

He admits the remix isn't so hot. No one's at a loss. He still makes more money than you and has more of a name than you do [note: this is not aimed at anyone, but all of us].

It's the same crap with me right now. The constant "you suck!" and the sucking up.

I hate to see how that's going to be in 10 years...

Thanks again, Mr. Sanger. I look forward to meeting you in the future.


I seem to be in the minority here but I liked the theme a good deal.. The minute I heard it my imagination was warped into some dark corridor in a First Person style view point..

On its own I'll admit that I felt the mix needed a little bit more to get extended play in my Walkman/Discman

But in a game this mix would be JUST RIGHT..


You hit the nail on the head there H.Pocket. I remember playing the 7th Guest (or...more accurately...my constant attempts to NOT fling the stupid computer out the window in frustration of that ONE <read: all of them> impossible puzzle!), The 7th Guest was a game where you were a person trapped in an old mansion belonging to an old, and probably demented, toymaker. You went through the game solving difficult, though if evil (anyone remember that creepy picture on top of the stairs that appeared to have someone trying to desperately push their way out of the other side? *shudder*) puzzles and eventually solving the master puzzle and winning the game.

This music is PERFECT for that game, which makes sense since that's where this music came from in the first place... :P

Now the 11th hour... that entire GAME was just plain evil!...evil I tell ya!...I had to excorsize my computer after installing that game!...Evil!!!


I doubt this is gonna make me any friends, but I wasn't very enthralled by this remix. The following is just my opinion...

I know this is his first Dance/Electronica mix, but it never really seemed to go anywhere. In all honesty, it sounded like a three-plus minute opening. Drums fade in at :13, cymbals creep in at :31, a new synth sound comes in at 1:03, and that's basically where it stays for the remainder of the song. It's almost like it's in a perpetual state of being ready to lead you into the main crux of the song... but it just stays where it is. The only thing to break the song up from 1:03 on, is the howl-like synth from 2:16 - 2:31. Otherwise, it stays put.

I do think this piece has some interesting qualities. Heavy reverb, minimalist note structure, howl-like sound-- all could be used to create an eerie atmosphere... just not in this Dance/Electronica mix. The instruments used did mix well with each other, and they sounded fine. The song was just very uneventful to me.

In the end, this combination of Dance/Electronica instrumentation and ambience-like structure just didn't seem to add up to a good song. I saw this song's genre combination a little like a love ballad done in Death Metal-- interesting idea, but the end result doesn't mesh well... at least in this instance. As I said before... good ideas are in here. But, I feel those ideas have been marred by the genre they've been placed in. I'd like to hear this kind of ambience and sound effects combination as an orchestral piece. I think the evil/ominous feeling would be SO much stronger.

But, as Dennis Miller said... that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.


Agreed. The song does not go anywhere.

You know, I already _did_ the orchestral one...I should send that to Overclocked so he can post it and y'all can get a reference point. I've learned lately that it _really_ matters if you played the game and/or love the music when you hear a remix. Thanks for the education!!

You probably know that the 7th Guest game was the first General MIDI game ever, but I also talked them into letting me use this new "CD-ROM" medium to record "real" instruments.

Beware the word "real" when it's in quotes!

Anyway, I got some violin and bass and voices, some guitar, etc, and combined them with the (then unheard-of) sounds of the Sound Canvas. The violin is my next-door neighbor, the voices are Team Fat, but I think it's pretty good.

Again, thanks to the OC community for the support, the education, and the kind words.




Maybe he means the violinist was just a lousy musician... :lol:

I'll have to remember that if I hire a musician, "I would have preferred *real* instruments, but I guess you'll have to do." ^_^;;

Oh, but about the song. I was one of those people that listened to the 7th Guest CD in my stereo quite often - I was a huge fan of the music. The violin intro in particular was just great. (BTW, 7th Guest was the first PC game I bought, and it took me a year before I could play it - it took me forever to figure out how to configure a soundcard in DOS. Virgin's support staff was a joke, and of course I didn't have the internet then for help...but anyway)

That being said, this was a rather enjoyable mix. It doesn't demand awe-inspired attention...but still, it's very well done. It's a nice trancey sort of club mix that one can just sort of drone out to.

So yeah...I liked it. :)

I'll have to remember that if I hire a musician, "I would have preferred *real* instruments, but I guess you'll have to do." ^_^;;

LOL... Yes that or something similar like- "I would have really preferred "real" instruments, but I was short on cash so I had to settle on borrowing you from your Junior High School band class."


Not the greatest arrangement - I much prefer your original rock arrangement you did with Team Fat <grin>. I've been an admittedly big fan of Mr. Sanger's work, since the redbook CD of The 7th Guest was what got me interested in video game music (well, that and the Dracula soundtracks). I have 7/11 and surf.com, and bought Flabby Road right when it came out. I didn't like surf.com too much when I first heard it, but now I've really grown fond of it - I've just gained a fondness for surf music in general because of the album.

Anyway, not a bad arrangement, but I hope to hear more from The Fat Man in the future! (If you want to check, I was one of "participants" in his CGDC '98 booth that showcased various artists)

  • 2 weeks later...

wooo! my first post. my lurking days are over.

i have to say, when i first listened to this remix it was kinda lousy i thought. I was thinking, all of that buildup... and nothing.

i tried it out again..... and i like it actually. very hollow, much how it should be. the feeling that your not going anywhere.... almost in circles, with the underlying theme trying to peek out.

definitely not the best of remixes i've heard here. Could use work...

and you definitely have to know where the music came from i think to appreciate it. great game.


  • 4 months later...

How can a Remix made by the original composer go wrong? I just listened to this remix for the first time and it is one the most original take on authentic game music I've heard in a while. the bass line is a unique slap/electronic style. The main synths are appropriate to the context, but seem to linger a little. I like the drums but they don't vary enough. over all a fasinating peice of music given it's history.


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