orkybash Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 ActRaiser 'Thy Followers' Wonderful! Though I've never played ActRaiser, this sits really well with me. I might go so far as to say this is one of the best orchestrations on the site. I can tell Russell really knows what he's doing here. I could go on and on about how it strikes me as being a serious piece of "classical" music rather than someone deciding to remix using orchestral instruments. Anyway, I would highly recommend this. Edit - almost forgot: yes, I dd hear the clipping at the end. I heard some earlier on as well, but I'm too lazy to go back and find it. Quote
Joe Redifer Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 I heard the clipping very clearly at the end, didn't hear too much if any earlier. This remix is well done. Everyone has forgotten how versatile Yuzo used to be back in the 16-bit days. I am used to listening to ActRaiser Symphonic Suite arranged by Yuzo himself using a real orchestra, so this can sound a bit thin to me and it takes some unexpected turns, but it is by no means bad! Recommended! Quote
AlwaysAlone Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Well, I don't know anything at all about remixing itself, but I know what I like, and I like what I hear. I've always liked orchestral peices, and this is a very nice sounding mix. The only reason it's not at the top of my list, is because my list is quite...extensive. But I still quite like it. Quote
Russell Cox Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Thanks for the comments ladies and gents! Yes, there unfortunately is some static in the end due to a very bad flute sample. Thankfully, I've managed to get that fixed but it was too late to go back and record everything. Don't worry -- it's been fixed for future songs. ~Russ Quote
LoudMog Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Excellently done, this arrangement takes the original, and builds on it in terms of mood, style, and overall greatness. I really think this mix is excellently done, it sounds so.. official.. so professional, so good. Give it a listen, if you're a fan of arrangements or not. Quote
Ryan8bit Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Nice job, Russell. Definitely one of the better orchestral arrangements. Sounds like an actual movie or cartoon or game. I really just like the feeling given off by this song. Most orchestral pieces seem very assembled, but this one actually gives off good emotional vibe. Quote
DarkCecil13 Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Sounds quite a bit like the Actraiser Symphonic Suite. Good stuff, definitely. Quote
Fieari Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Oh... my... goodness... I can't pass up reviewing this song. It's just so awsome it's awsome! It's awsome it's awsome it's awsome! But can I just say it's awsome and leave it at that? NO! This is more awsome than can withstand just saying awsome and doing something else! I have to go through this mix section by section and declare each part the awe inspiring work of art that it is! Yay!! We begin with an awsome high-pitched string pull, and then some horns filling in color. And then an awsome flute track comes in... And then WOW!!! The horns find the actual melody for a few measures! It's grand, it's dramatic... I feel like I'm sitting at the Myerhoff Symphony Orchestra listening to some really cool music... and then there's a dramatic pause, and and and IT'S AWSOME! After the pause, a nice string section comes in with a bit of classical filler... leading back into another part of the melody! And a bassoon or other low wind instrument takes up a bassline that is actually the mellody for this part, but he doesn't just leave this instrument to solo... no, no indeed. He throws all kinds of sparkly strings on top of it! Yay! And then the clarinets pick up! And after they go through their bit, horns and strings go together to give you an EPIC GRAND AWSOME bit again, followed by the HORNS giving you the filler! And then there's some lower horns.... and then a double-bass or chello to give a dark brooding section that I don't remember from the game but certainly fits into this awsome peice! And then there are some angelic harp strums... oooh.... and clarinets to play over them, with flutes added in as well... very haunting, very mysterious, very heavenly! And bells... oh my... so wonderful... And then the strings pick up again to fill in the wall of sound for a lovely calm ending to an amazing awsome peice! I congratulate you! I love it! I love it! I love it!!! This review has been brought to you by the letters: A, E, M, O, S, and W. Quote
risingson77 Posted September 9, 2002 Posted September 9, 2002 Nice arrangement. Just curious, what synth did you use? It's remarkably real sounding. Quote
Russell Cox Posted September 9, 2002 Posted September 9, 2002 Gigaastudio with some of my libraries (Come ON SAM Horns! -- Hurry UP!) as well as some hand chosen soundfonts. Quote
Deryck Khusial Posted May 10, 2003 Posted May 10, 2003 great mix. to be honest, i only listen up till 2:07; the second half bores me. but what’s there more than makes up for that. i like the Renaissance feel of it and this definitely uses of one of Russell’s more catchier leads (1:00). the way he expands on it totally makes this mix anyway, i’ve been sounding too negative. Russell’s released music elsewhere (http://squareamp.com/remixes.php) and i gotta say, they’re a lot more accessible than his OCRs. i Highly recommend Chrono Cross - Faraway Dreams, and following that Final Fantasy - The Elven Prince Awakens, Chrono Trigger - Promise of Friends, Final Fantasy VIII - Arriving . . ., and Chrono Trigger - The Sealed Door (Arranged) Quote
risingson77 Posted May 10, 2003 Posted May 10, 2003 Chrono Trigger - The Sealed Door (Arranged) Especially McVaffe's remix. \m/ Quote
The Berserk Fury Posted July 10, 2003 Posted July 10, 2003 Chrono Trigger - The Sealed Door (Arranged) Especially McVaffe's remix. \m/ WOW This is something that you would find on a orchrested actraier soundtrack. Quote
gideon1776 Posted October 23, 2003 Posted October 23, 2003 This is an awesome rendition of the original. You truly know what you're doing. Anyway about the clip at the end. I found that if you use the wav hammer on soundforge you can omit the clipping and none of the rest of the sound is disturbed. Outside of that it was very good indeed. Quote
Durinthal Posted December 15, 2003 Posted December 15, 2003 A classical windfall here for those that like orchestral music, with some minor clipping problems preventing it from rising to perfection. Nothing really unexpected here, just a great-sounding symphony: brass are particularly strong, and there's even a fairly prevalent harp in the second half. Quote
Lunevalkyrave Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 Now this is different....and by different I mean special, and by special I mean...special. Naw, anyways Im impressed to say the least, when I heard this I thought it was going to be one of those typical songs that I download, you know the mediocre ones. But I was slaped in the face with a classical tune that swept me of the floor, then started to use me as a mop for the floor, and before you know it I was enveloped in a town where everyone was happy, and this song was playing....or at least I think thats what happened. Anyways I give my first Kudos Bar to Russell Cox today!!!! Quote
Tex Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Wow, pretty cool stuff! As djpretzel said, trombones and trumpets of great quality. This song is really sweet and beautiful. The flute in the end is a bit awful. But I enjoy this ReMix at all. Lovely. Quote
watkinzez Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 This is what you'd call the traditional way to arrange the original source tune, that is, compared to Lord PROTEKTOR. I personally preferred the first half of the mix, being more melodic, or at least a little more up beat (the words 'up beat' in an orchestral song review, go me). The song overall just works well. One of my favourites from Mr Cox. EDIT- Dammit, I just listened again and I had never noticed the flaw at the ending. It's cool when you don't notice flaws, because you can enjoy the work in question better. Oh well, still a decent piece. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted May 1, 2007 Posted May 1, 2007 Excellent orchestral piece. Well worth the download. Quote
uthlu Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 A very nice orchestral piece! You get a feeling of grandeur from the first half, and the second half is very light and quite, almost like it's waiting for something, or perhaps like something waking up. I quite like it. Quote
Palpable Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 Yeah, very nice piece. I get Birth of the People stuck in my head from time to time but it never occurred to me to check out remixes of it. This definitely does it justice, with some small but nifty alterations to the classic source. Good articulations, and the Northwall theme is handled pretty well too. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 A step up from a straight medley, but still has some flair to it; unfortunately, while this is a really nice mix, it sounds too similar to the symphonic suite official arrangement, and my mental comparisons to an actual orchestra, even to really good and well used samples are unfair. Check it out for sure though. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 This one brings back fond memories... I love the progression, and the transition between the differents parts of the song. The swells are quite good, and even though it doesn't sound as good as the symphonic suite (we're talking Yuzo Koshiro & Kaoru Wada, have mercy!), this is a wonderful hommage to the original. Quote
madmallard Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Too bad we haven't heard from Cox in so long, but the winds tell me he's popped back up recently? Pity I'm no pianist... I really like his influences. "Lilt" is the adjective that comes to mind when listening to his pieces. This is a great synthetic symphonic mix. I like 'supa clean' mixes like this that really go after the original work in a faithful way. The flute sample did get a little baked right at the end like some folks have already said, but considering this submission is nearing 9 years old at this point, and its the only negative thing I can come up with, I say download this. And those comparing it to Symphonic Sweet, which is live rendition CD coming up on 20 years old...I don't think a comparison to it is necessary to enjoy this by itself. ..but what do I know. Quote
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