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Doom II 'Gothic Sandy'

So much quality tonight! Pretzel, you're gonna have to post some real stinkers to make up for this. :D j/k, of course. Anyway, Mazedude is quickly elevating himself to one of my favorite mixers. Not much to say about this one, other than it's doom, it's techno, it's Mazedude, and it's perfectly executed, and if you can't find a reason to download it in that list then there's no helping you.


Chalk another one up for Mazedude. This remix rocks. It's perfectly executed, and a blast to listen to. That vocal sample was great, really took me off guard. Download this now.


Wow. Very good. Starts off with a sort of FM synthy thing going on, and builds up to that gasp, then breaks out into a great groovable wonderfulness. I was bobbing my head to the beat, thoroughly enjoying it. I think the vocals off to the right channel were a good touch, adding to the atmoshperical gothicness.

Overall, a good ReMix.

(Hey, look, my first post here. :P About time, I say...)


I've waited so long for a good remix of this song! And then BAM! this is it! Great quality, great voice synth, great beat, great SONG!! Highly recommened!!! Woo!


Okay, to be honest, I'm still downloading this as I write, and so far I'm only done loading one minute of it, but this remix is amazing on so many levels. It's truly become my favorite Doom remix, not only because it was my favorite Doom song in the first place, but because of the amazing vocal samples on this baby, the great industrial/dance beat, and the *GASP* effect at 31 seconds. Loved that. All in all, IF YOU DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS, YOU ARE EFFECTIVELY INSANE, BECAUSE THIS ROCKS. ^^''''''''''''''

Oh yeah... Mazedude, I'd kiss you, but you know. =P


oh, baby! listening to this, i can picture legions of the undead rising from their graves and dismembering small children.

mazedude managed to completely evoke the gothic eeriness that should have accompanied the original doom 2 game.



Awsome mix...worth d/ling..

yes the intake breath in the beginging is definatly an ear catcher..

bass line would be nice.. but why? when the noraml song brings back so much memories of the dos games... i cant stop listening to this song.. and the mono distortion in the beginging sorta makes you feal faded out from the song back to sitting in front of the screen blowing away imps.. so good..

ohh what i would give for a rocket launcher and doubble barrel shotgun ... and iddqd....

BAHHH must play this game now...


Mazedude has always been an a top contributor to this site, and I love pretty much all of his remixes, but I've got to say that this one feels a bit lacking to me. There's some variation, but I guess I expected to sound different than it did. Anyway, it's still a quality remix and definetely worth your time...


there are alot of great things to say, frist there are alot of original sounds from the game in this song This makes the song a reminder of the original game and me my self I like this kind of remixes also its good to listen to it when you are angry it gives power. :twisted:



Hurrah! My first sample of Mazedude was his River City Ransom remix, and that made him my second favorite remixer. And now he comes out with this masterpiece. 'grats to Mazedude for being a man of musical talent.


I think the E1M1 remix is a little bit better than this. Of course, it sounds great but something I don't like it. I don't know what it is^^;; Maybe the sound which plays permanent... What I find good are the background. That sound cool!

7/10 (1=worst; 10=best)


I was listening to this Doom II remix, and it sounded so familiar. And a few weeks before this song was posted on OCR, I had started playing Doom II again, just for the fun of it. And then I heard this song, and I played through the game until today, when I go to the level that had this song in it...Oh, if only Doom II let you put your own songs in it...And the beginning of this song sounded like it was almost MIDI-like, but not quite, as the quality was more FM-like....But also not quite that either...And the gasp is so cool, it's like an update to some of the sounds in the Doom series. I love the whole song, and makes me want to go play more Doom II, and find my copy of Doom...And go looking out in the world, for some of the retail Doom updates before Doom III comes to the Xbox next year.

mainva | aptigo | JTD out

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

been wondering whether you'd ever come across a tune from the dude that could be considered straightforward catchy? well look no further. the forceful, driving beat in this is too good for words. the more "serious sequel" mix, Bloody Bath, is equally good

  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Another masterpiece by Mazedude!

In my opinion, this has got to be one of the creepiest songs in the game to begin with, and Mazedude has gone and made it even more so.

The *gasp* sounds add a lot to the creepy, gothic, otherwordly feel of the piece.

For some reason, this piece has always ( the original and Mazedude's ReMix ) seemed very, how do I say this, ... epic. It has a very large, open quality about it that dwarfs you as you listen to it.

  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This is just one of those ReMixes that I absolutely must listen to over and over...

The SFX at 31", as djpretzel says, is a nice change from the classic choices for such things...

I like how the Mix switches from the original tune at that point to a more "heavy-metal" style at that point, as well.

Near the end, at 3'05, the guitar-riff sound marks a change from the ReMix material back to Original-type stuff, with the underlying bass from the Mix accompanying it as it fades from hearing.

All in all, excellent ReMix, as other people have said, mazedude should make a few more from this game.

  • 1 month later...

nice intro, i was waiting for the main instrument to come in, then there was that sexy transition with the scream. Another excellent remix mazedude!

So many great effects and sounds! then it goes back to oldskool near the end, sweet! i love the hardcore-ness if thats a word

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